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  1. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    I did run a test using an airstone in my 100L aquarium. Let it run for a few hours, and my last measurement was around 7.6mg/l Dissolved Oxygen. They certainly do work!
  2. Mattant1984

    Real Flow of Filter / Recommendations for a Replacement Filter?

    Hands down the best filters I've ever used are the Oase Biomasters, I had 2 running my 700 litre tank and they are great
  3. J

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    I think you hit the nail on the head with this. Absolutely i don’t want to get bogged down with the science behind it all, and trying to create problems for myself. I just got a little panicked when i started reading about aqua soil and hard water! I’m going to put that behind me now, and...
  4. C

    Nutrient Dosing Calculator

    At https://yellowimages.com/mockups/beanie-mockup you can purchase 3D beanie mockups at a great price. These mockups offer a wide range of options, allowing you to create presentations that accurately reflect the essence of your design. With a high level of detail and realism, these mockups will...
  5. FrozenShivers

    Real Flow of Filter / Recommendations for a Replacement Filter?

    Even if we say there there is a 50% loss, that would still be 925l/h which is well over the rough guideline of x10 turnover in a tank with CO2 injection. Assuming you're running CO2 injection, I would just be aiming for a filter with around 600-800lph. Any reason why you went with so much...
  6. FrozenShivers

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Obtaining a water report will let you know more about what you're working with, obviously if you have a test kit you can test your water to get a rough idea of some of your parameters. Some people use tap water, some people use RO water, some people use rain water, there's lots of different ways...
  7. G H Nelson

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Hi @Jimmyc use the below tutorial. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/using-stem-plants-as-a-filtering-aid-at-start-up.62966/
  8. J

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Thanks. I won’t be that person 😁, but i do tend to jump in the deep end, before learning to swim! Which tends to put me out of my comfort zone at times. I guess my next step would be to obtain a water report, and try to make sense of it all. Ultimately, my aim is to grow plants to put it simply...
  9. N

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    I stopped drop checks a while ago. Get cup of water from aquarium, wait 24 hours, -1 pH point from that. Drop checker will show you that it is yellow, but I dont notice any bad behaviour from fish. I even tried -1.2 points on my nano garden where dropchecke goes almost colorless :D, all shrimps...
  10. N

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    Regarding this topic. I have a lot of surface movement in my aquarium (6500l/h), but recently I added two big air stones in my sump and they turn on 1 hour before lights go off (CO2 was off by that time) and it runs during the night till 9 AM. I think I can see more positive effect on fish they...
  11. Brad123

    Sun light

    have turn the lights back down to70% the algae has increased and things were growing well at 60%.
  12. FrozenShivers


    Welcome! Cory's are some of my favourite fish, I currently have some bronze Cory's and another variant I have forgotten the name of.
  13. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    So, the exact (first pass, non-stringent) process is summarised below. The DO probe was re-calibrated before every test using the same method. With a slight adjustment to surface agitation via the lily pipe, you can see a healthier start to the day regarding DO - a 26% increase. Sun 08:30 -...
  14. mattyc

    Real Flow of Filter / Recommendations for a Replacement Filter?

    The spec of the filter says 1850L/h but I expect that at least when it was new I was getting about 60% of that so 1100 L/h but I think I am getting about half that at 500, the flow is significantly lower than it has been.
  15. castle

    Getting colloidal clay out of the water column

    I noticed that clay does separate from water over time - if not agitated it creates one of those higher and lower density liquid viewy things - I think you just need to do a lot of water changes. Run a secondary filter stuffed with high density filter pads. Should clear up. Just re-read you...
  16. FrozenShivers

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    You are very welcome :) Don't worry, it's the sort of hobby where you will always have more things you can learn - whether you've been doing it 2 months or 20 years. I don't tire of people like you, I only personally tire of the people who put lots of live fish in a tank and then start asking...
  17. J

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Thanks, i appreciate the fact you have taken your time and given some reassurance. I’m located in Herne Bay, Kent, which i know we have hard water? The thing is, I’m not the brightest spark out there 😁, so it’ll take me some time to even make sense of it all. Currently my planted tank is looking...
  18. J

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Thanks for your reassurance, and please excuse my ignorance.i know for you more experienced people, it must be tiring for people the likes of me that go head first into something without properly understanding the process, then coming onto places like this and asking the most basic of questions.
  19. J

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Thanks. I’m sorry for not really putting my point across properly here, I was in kind of a rush yesterday 😅. From how i interpreted it was, that using aqua soil was a no no when it comes to hard tap water? and that to get the best out of it would be to use RO instead. Something to do with...
  20. FrozenShivers

    Real Flow of Filter / Recommendations for a Replacement Filter?

    As Bradders has said, there are many variables and most manufacturers list canister flow rates without any restrictions (tubing/head height/filter media etc). There are ways to maximise flow if your filter is slightly underpowered, by fine tuning the placement in relation to your scape, using a...
  21. FrozenShivers

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Plenty of people with harder water use aqua soil, if it does hinder the CEC of the soil, it wouldn't mean you're going to have a disaster with your new setup, just that it may not be able to buffer excess nutrients as well, there are of course ways to lower PH if you feel the need to go that route.
  22. J

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Sorry I didn’t quite get my point out there. So I was doing a general google search and aqua soil and tap water, it came up with discussion on here about hard water blocking the exchange capacity. There’s me thinking straight away, I’ve made a huge mistake etc. really i should have took a bit...
  23. Bradders

    Stringy algae

    Could you send us a picture of the tank and algae please @Riley ?
  24. Bradders

    Real Flow of Filter / Recommendations for a Replacement Filter?

    The general rule is that the filters don't output the top rate published - and between 50-66% of the advertised rate is the rule. This is not simply because of 'manufacturer tricks' but because every environment is different - longer hose runs, installation head height, etc. Only Fluval seems...
  25. H

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Degassing needs some time, I usually had to aerate the water for 30-60 minutes to get close to equilibrium. Also, the equilibrium is a moving target, there is no constant CO2 level indoors. The outdoor CO2 is more stable but the equilibrium with that CO2 is around 0.6 ppm in water. A drop of 1...
  26. mattyc

    Real Flow of Filter / Recommendations for a Replacement Filter?

    I would consider the same brand but probably a newer model. Just not sure the advertised flow rates are what I will get. I was looking at the Pro 4+ but it would need to output 64% of advertised. Does this seem realistic?
  27. FrozenShivers

    Oase Biomaster Pro 2 - Comming Soon

    Leaking ia no good but not sure how anyone can find cleaning a Biomaster hard? Were you doing something incorrect perhaps? Fluval 07’s are great, not doing the same job since one of the main appeals of the Biomaster is the integrated heating, thus adding complication.
  28. megwattscreative

    Stringy algae

    People recommend cleaning algae with a toothbrush (see these tips) but I agree with hypnogogia :)
  29. S

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Hi James. Welcome to the forum. Could you link us to the articles you’ve read that have lead you to think you’ve made a mistake? How hard is your water? You can get a water report from your local utility. If you’re not sure who that is, let us know where in the country you are and we can...
  30. Zeus.

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Shaking the sample is the method @X3NiTH used, and if good enough for 'The Half Blood Prince ' its a valid method for me. The shaking just speeds up the equilibrium with the atmosphere, just need to take sure the air gets refreshed if using test tube.
  31. J


    Thanks Murray, they're brilliant little fish and are great fun to watch. I never thought I'd be mesmerised by small catfish sifting through sand but it's happened! I'd like a bigger tank eventually with a few types of Cory in as they're definitely a firm favourite for me. Thanks Luke
  32. Bradders

    Real Flow of Filter / Recommendations for a Replacement Filter?

    15 years is going to be hard to beat! Eheim Pro 3 are still out there, would you consider rolling the dice on the same brand/model?
  33. Bradders

    Red spot disease in Corydoras?

    Hi @Julii - if could be septicemia, which is caused by bacteria. As a result, it's hard to treat, which may be why MA gave you the worst-case scenario. I don't personally know of any effective medicines that treat this faster than the bacteria can kill. Perhaps others can chime in with there...
  34. S

    Full Tank Re-scape

    The wood is all staying, as are most of the plants and the filter so really I shouldn’t lose much bacteria replacing the sand. However, I agree with you. Probably won’t hurt to leave a bag of old sand in with the new stuff until it’s ready to go in.
  35. S

    Full Tank Re-scape

    Thanks mate. I think the substrate in my tank is probably mostly expired by now so the nutrients will be coming from the soluble ferts I add. I can plant it in some of the left over substrate from the tank to prevent shock. I may be able to keep it near the tank for a little while too as it...
  36. mattyc

    Real Flow of Filter / Recommendations for a Replacement Filter?

    Hi all. Does anyone have any information of the real life flow of filters. I have been running an Eheim Pro 3e for nearly 15 years and it seems to be giving up, the lights are just scrolling and its running at best 50% of its normal output. I am therefore in the market for a replacement...
  37. S

    Full Tank Re-scape

    That’s looking great - I’ll try what you’ve done. I’m getting side plate sized leaves every week on mine. It’s flowering for the third time and I get about 6 plantlets on each one. I want to keep it going as it’s a very happy plant but it can’t stay in the tank much longer, it’s huge. 😄
  38. Bradders

    Red spot disease in Corydoras?

    O, sorry, I thought there was one when people were requesting help for fish issues. My apologies. I must be going mad!
  39. hypnogogia

    Red spot disease in Corydoras?

    If you mean the one about tank information, that’s really only for algae help and plant health help, which it’s why it’s a sticky in the algae forum.
  40. Spartacus


    Hello Julii and welcome to UKAPS 😊 Hope you enjoy you’re stay and thank you for sharing the photos! I love the Corydora photo! I need to get some of them they look cute. Best Wishes, Murray
  41. Bradders

    Red spot disease in Corydoras?

    Does anyone know where the link is to share Julli with the information needed for the post? I looked for the sticky and cannot find it anywhere!
  42. Riley

    Full Tank Re-scape

    Good luck
  43. hypnogogia

    Stringy algae

    You’d be better off treating the cause of the algae. Treating with algexit is only a short term solution as your algae will invariably return until you treat the cause.
  44. Riley

    Stringy algae

    I have small amount of stringy algae in my tank, I have used my tank tweezers to twist it around and remove it, should I use a treatment , I have used easy life algexit previously. Any other thoughts would help Thanks
  45. hypnogogia


    Hello 👋, welcome to UKAPS.
  46. M

    The 120 Peninsula

    A quick Sunday update: The substrate system is done. For this I’m using the Dennerle substrate system (Scapers soil and Deponit mix). I’ve also added some ADA Bacter100 and Tourmaline because why not. And now we wait for the dark start to do its thing. [emoji1365]
  47. J


    The tank is due a clean tomorrow BTW so excuse the dirty glass etc, the snails aren't as thorough at cleaning as I'd hoped 😂
  48. Rich Jackson

    Red Sea reefer 170 Freshwater scape.

    New scape incoming …
  49. J

    Red spot disease in Corydoras?

    I forgot to say I'm new to fish keeping and the tank has been going for nearly three months without issues until now.
  50. J

    Red spot disease in Corydoras?

    Hi all I had 6 Julii Corydoras until four days ago, I found one dead with what appeared to be a big red wound on the side, I didn't take a photo but it looked just like this Panda Cory https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/4274-panda-cory-dead-red-blotch-or-injury-on-its-side/ So I went to...
  51. J


    Hi all I'm new here, I found this forum a few days ago when looking at red spot disease online and it looked like a decent forum so I thought I'd join. I've got a 56L tank with the following fish 4x Zebra Nerite Snails 5x red cherry shrimp 7x Cardinal Tetra (I asked for 6 and paid for 6 but...
  52. MrClockOff

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Oops wasn't aware of this method. Apologies for misleading info.
  53. megwattscreative

    Getting colloidal clay out of the water column

    Hi Elle, I had a similar cloudy water issue starting with Argos play sand and corbo catfish wood. Tannins and particulates galore! In the end, I had to take all the substrate out and rewash it until the water ran clear using both a bucket and a bowl in my bath 🙃. I didn't clean it initially as I...
  54. P

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    I agree. I am not an expert but I don't see what the big mistake is. I don't think you have done anything wrong. There will be some plants that wont do so well in harder water but in general you should be fine in my opinion.
  55. Cornelius

    What am I missing?

    Those are good values. Then we can rule out too much pollution when solving the plants problem For me personally the limit is around 200. At higher values there are too many organic and inorganic substances in the water, which can cause problems.
  56. P

    Hi from Galicia, northwest Spain

    Welcome! Looking forward to seeing some of your photos.
  57. P

    Oase Biomaster Pro 2 - Comming Soon

    I had two 850 thermals. Apart from the benefit of having the heater in the filter, I didn't really get on with them. I found them overly complicated, and a lot of work to clean out. They both started leaking in the same way from the prefilter when they weren't that old. I sold them and now have...
  58. megwattscreative

    Full Tank Re-scape

    @Ernesto that's so cool! I'd love to give it a go :) Your tank looks gorgeous Simon. I'm certainly less experienced than you, but it can't hurt to add some of the old substrate - I imagine the seasoned filter media etc will do the heavy lifting though.
  59. hypnogogia

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Sorry, I’m not clear as to what your big mistake is.
  60. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    Due to dinner constraints, I had to finish early, but you can see the increase throughout the photoperiod. (Worth noting - if relevant - I am currently only running lights for 6 hours and 25%). The lights turn off at 20:00, so I guess the question now is what will the DO level be at 08:00...
  61. A

    Plant wall

    Hi, any tip for plant pot wall for bucephalandras? I have spare 40x40x40mm aquarium and I would like to add there walls with pots to grow bucephalandras. Something like UNS foresta holding plant system. Thank you for tips.
  62. dIggO

    What am I missing?

    TDS is 245
  63. Cornelius

    What am I missing?

    Do you check the quality of the water using a TDS meter? I suspect that it is way too high.
  64. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    Update so far on the readings. (17:00 was late, sorry). 08:30 - 4.80 mg/l 14:00 - 5.34 mg/l [Lights on] 18:00 - 6.25 mg/l 20:00 - TBC
  65. dw1305

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi all, Yes. Is it a deep tank in relation to its length and breadth? Cheers Darrel
  66. Luciën

    What am I missing?

    Your dosing looks more then sufficient, maybe a flow/CO2 related issue is all I can think about.
  67. Y

    Another No Co2, No Ferts. But also No filter, No water Change

    I'm curious, does anyone have longer experience with this type of aquarium? can you have such an aquarium for more than 2-3 years?
  68. K

    My first adventure into aquascaping - Aquael 125L Walstad

    After a busy summer I think my journal is due an update! As you can see from the photo, the tank is currently very overgrown and the vallisneria is taking over somewhat, so I'm overdue some tank maintenance. (Though I'm sure the fish love it!). I think I've now lost my remaining cherry shrimp...
  69. K

    Cladophora algae struggles

    Great to see the forum back up! 🎉 I am here again seeking advice for my low tech tank (full details here - My first adventure into aquascaping - Aquael 125L Walstad). About 6 months ago I added a marimo moss ball I was given by someone online which unfortunately I now believe introduced...
  70. J

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Hi all. So I’ve stumbled across a couple of threads on here whilst having a general read about substrates. I have two tanks currently running, one of which I’m doing a dark start with and isn’t quite ready yet, and both tanks I’m using ADA Amazonia V2, with powersand advanced under this, as...
  71. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Yes, but that was at 08:30 in the morning, 5.5 hours before the photo period! In summary, it was olive green over night and was that way at 08:30. Not sure if that is saying the new tank is having a gass exchange issue......
  72. Gill

    Any Isopod keepers here?

    Yeah the selection he brought to the show was really good.
  73. O


    Thanks, I’ll look into that, really appreciate all of your help. My tanks are fairly new so want to make sure I’m getting things right.
  74. dw1305


    Hi all, That looks <"about right">, but you can actually <"check for yourself"> using the Rotala Butterfly nutrient calculator <"Nutrient Dosing Calculator">. I'd probably aim for 5 mg / L (ppm) Mg. If we went with @John q quantities, you can just do some mental arithmetic, it is all just...
  75. tam

    Any Isopod keepers here?

    I keep meaning to pop in there. Rumour has it they've a good selection of wood/plants to pick from?
  76. O


  77. dw1305

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi all, That is what I meant. I think that is the real issue, I really want to know what the tank water pH is, but I'm very wary of the values given by <"any single pH meter">. A drop checker, or a conductivity meter, doesn't give you fine scale resolution, but it does give you a value that...
  78. Andy Pierce

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Totally agree this. For the chemistry piece, this goes the other way... large differences in acid/base water chemistry make small differences in pH. This is true at all pH values (there's nothing special about pH 7). You don't have to worry about running out of alkalinity with CO2 injection...
  79. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    It did concern me somewhat, too. I was expecting 5mg/l plus - so to get under that value WITH lots of plants AND CO2 injection AND no stocking was very odd. This is a new tank with new filters and fresh water. I need to look at this more closely. My photo period is currently set from 14:00 to...
  80. Tyko_N

    Full Tank Re-scape

    Yes, but they can be a bit finicky at first, so give it a warm, bright and humid location until it starts putting out new leaves. I would also use sand rather than soil; it doesn't want a lot of nutrients until the roots have recovered, and big plants risk falling over in a too light substrate...
  81. Andy Pierce

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    I would just declare victory right here.
  82. dIggO

    What am I missing?

    After running good for a few months, my tank has started showing issues for the past few weeks. See my H. Siamensis and L. SuperRed. Two weeks ago, I drastically thinned and trimmed the tank, but it now seems like the resilience is gone. Weekly, I dose the following according to EI: NO3 20 ppm...
  83. dw1305

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    Hi all, That would concern me a bit especially combined with your CO2 drop checker <"not fully degassing overnight">. They do, but they are <"massively net oxygen producers">, so without the oxygen from photosynthesis things are actually likely to have been worse. It depends a little bit on...
  84. dw1305


    Hi all, "Epsom Salts" are only 10% magnesium (Mg), because of the "<"water of crystallization"> the "7H2O" in MgSO4.7H2O. Cheers Darrel
  85. Ernesto

    Full Tank Re-scape

    my guess if it gets some light theres no need for an airstone since the roots still create O2. Took mine out 6 weeks ago, still growing.
  86. Zeus.

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Which is normal for must tanks which are injected with CO2 for the time of day. Takes longer than you think for tank to fully degas. So the tank may have 10 -15ppm CO2 when you start the CO2 injection. So trying to get a 1.0pH drop from CO2 on till lights on will lead to too much CO2 in tank -...
  87. S

    Full Tank Re-scape

    My tank is coming up to its birthday in November and I have some annual leave to take. I’ve decided it’s time to do a full re-scape on the tank. I have an Amazon sword plant which is far too big for the tank now. I plan to remove it and replant some of the babies it’s given me this year. I am...
  88. O


    Thanks, I was adding just a pinch.
  89. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Yep - it works on firefox. I guess google products have a problem with google browser ;)
  90. tigertim

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Using firefox here, thats maybe the issue ?
  91. J


    For a 20L water change add 1g of Epsom salt. For a 120L water change add 6g of epsom salt. The above additions will increase the incoming water Magnesium levels to 4.9 ppm + whatever is in your tap water.
  92. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    desktop using chrome.
  93. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Can you post the url you used; also the oriignal link is being run through a translator but i can't find the original url.
  94. tigertim

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    It takes a minute or 2 for the language to change and translate, working perfectly fine for me when i click the link...are you trying on your phone and not a laptop ?
  95. hypnogogia

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Works for me…
  96. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Translate Can't translate this page Back to previous page --- https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&hl=en&u=https://heimbiotop-de.translate.goog/cryptocoryne.html?_x_tr_sl%3Dde%26_x_tr_tl%3Den%26_x_tr_hl%3Den%26_x_tr_pto%3Dsc&client=webapp
  97. hypnogogia

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    You can pop the URL into google translate and it will translate the page for you.
  98. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    For me the 2nd link is showing as german and each species i click on left also shows a page in german.