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How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater


13 Mar 2021
I have around 100+ nurii rosen of different colour morphs in tap water (gh 6 kh 3 ph ~7.1); and i've been trying to get some of them to grow in my various blackwater aquariums (this doesn't mean the water is black it just means the ph is around 5 and ec is around 22 - that is tds 11); the plants melt fairly quickly - after a week or so but it never seems to regrow. While some of the tanks are shaded the last one i tried is well lit. This is one of the plants (not moved) - i believe it is maiden or something like that - i have some called pink line and some called green something or other but i think they are all the same basic species:

There are blackwater crypts but they’re not readily available in the UK. I see you’re in the USA so you may have more chance of sourcing them.
There are blackwater crypts but they’re not readily available in the UK. I see you’re in the USA so you may have more chance of sourcing them.
Any specific species ? I'm finding my wenditti grow quite aggressively in blackwater. Is cordata a blackwater species ? I actually thought nurri was a blackwater species but i guess i was mistaken. The problem is the book i ahve talks more about acidic aspect of the water and not the actual mineral content - btw i do provide many of the plants i put in blackwater root tabs for minerals. What about crypt petchii ?

This is my discus tank with ec 28 (wild caught discus) all the plants in it are established (there were a few species that died but the ones left all have shown decent growth though a few have indicate mineral deficient leaves but not to the point of hindering growth this is esp visible on the vals to the right where the leaves are fairly pale).

The tank is well lit just very very soft acidic water (there is a fast growing wenditti on the right side unfortunately it is brown variance which i dislike; the anubias behind it have both shown very fast growth with new leaves)dd8.jpg

(it appears that apongeton cripus is a 'big' grower in these conditions)

Here’s a list of species, it’s not so black and white as many species have variants that grow in both blackwater and more mineral rich areas. Nurii is one of those species, I was under the same impression as you that it was a blackwater species but the varieties in the hobby seem to prefer some mineral content in their water.

I’m surprised Wendtii does well for you as this is a Sri Lankan crypt. All Sri Lankan crypts are supposed to prefer harder water. I have never had any wendtii varieties do well in soft water they all remain stunted.


Here’s a list of species, it’s not so black and white as many species have variants that grow in both blackwater and more mineral rich areas. Nurii is one of those species, I was under the same impression as you that it was a blackwater species but the varieties in the hobby seem to prefer some mineral content in their water.

I’m surprised Wendtii does well for you as this is a Sri Lankan crypt. All Sri Lankan crypts are supposed to prefer harder water. I have never had any wendtii varieties do well in soft water they all remain stunted.

Thanks. I have a lot of crypt jacobsenii pink (at least that is what i think it is); so i will try that. I do have a crypt cordata var something (the one with white lines); but in 2 years it hasn't spread so i'm reluctant to move it. Kind of hard to replace. I didn't recognize any of the others being readily available. Well there is Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae but i think mine melted; maybe not gotta run downstairs 😉
(sometime later)
Yea - it did melt but it is actually regrowing and the new leaves are quite healthy with very good structure. I'll try some of the Jacobsenii; it is actually a rather nice plant - i always confuse it with wenditti - i mean it has nicer colour but the leaves are very similar so i thought they were related.

This is the picture of the wendtii - looking back on purchases i think it was planted 2/22/24 so 7 months - but not 100% sure i have a couple of tropica and browns in different orders. Still it looks like it has decent growth though you can tell from the leaves it is struggling a tiny bit. While this aquarium ec is around 28; i do add non-nitrate fertilizer obviously not enough to change the ec much. I'm not sure if this is a brown or tropica:wc.jpg

Btw my softest aquarium is ec 22; this is not relevant to the original question but again i'm showing 2 pictures one at setup and one 9ish months later to show how the plants grow. This plant gets no fertilizer other than an occasional root tab; the last two pictures show the occupants; mostly in case there is curiosity about plants in blackwater.
The bruce on the right didn't grow much - one of them is a helena (the cheap kind); the wenditti on the left is a new plant and i believe it is melting but not sure. There is a small little bear to the left of the bruce and it is not growing as well as the big bears in the back (though in all honesty it gets partially covered by leaves).
The two parents - despite the name of the files they are a. sp Blutkehl - bit colourless but otherwise a really nice fish - with decent behavioral pattern - the winkelfleck might be prettier but they lack the personality 😉

Theres plenty of Blackwater Cryptocoryne but they tend to be the more difficult species to get hold of and grow long term, these 2 pages should help but it really depends on what is available in the Usa.

Unfortunately i'm a bit of a dummy and only know english; are all the species listed on the right blackwater or does each one have their own growing conditions ? Acutally it looks like you translated this to german; but i can't figure out the original url
Unfortunately i'm a bit of a dummy and only know english; are all the species listed on the right blackwater or does each one have their own growing conditions ? Acutally it looks like you translated this to german; but i can't figure out the original url

No you will have to check each species yourself if it fits the criteria, the second link i posted should come up as a English translation, it does for me, theres more relevent information on that site.
No you will have to check each species yourself if it fits the criteria, the second link i posted should come up as a English translation, it does for me, theres more relevent information on that site.
For me the 2nd link is showing as german and each species i click on left also shows a page in german.
It takes a minute or 2 for the language to change and translate, working perfectly fine for me when i click the link...are you trying on your phone and not a laptop ?
It takes a minute or 2 for the language to change and translate, working perfectly fine for me when i click the link...are you trying on your phone and not a laptop ?
desktop using chrome.
Yep - it works on firefox. I guess google products have a problem with google browser 😉
So I located the following blackwater plants and will try them in my next 29 (which is being setup for true a. lineta):
c. willisii
c. undulatus (red)
c. ferruginea sekaduensis (not sure i will like this one)
c. yujii
Unfortunately this going to cause a naming problem since my Blutkehl pictures are label lineta in all my files so i'll have to figure that one out; it is just that lineta is so much easier to type than Blutehl 😉