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New Member
22 Sep 2024
Hi all

I'm new here, I found this forum a few days ago when looking at red spot disease online and it looked like a decent forum so I thought I'd join.

I've got a 56L tank with the following fish

4x Zebra Nerite Snails
5x red cherry shrimp
7x Cardinal Tetra (I asked for 6 and paid for 6 but there was a bonus fish in the bag)
4x Julii Corydoras (there were 6 until a few days ago)

I thought I'd join and ask for some advice which I'll do so in another thread.


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The tank is due a clean tomorrow BTW so excuse the dirty glass etc, the snails aren't as thorough at cleaning as I'd hoped 😂
Thanks Murray, they're brilliant little fish and are great fun to watch. I never thought I'd be mesmerised by small catfish sifting through sand but it's happened! I'd like a bigger tank eventually with a few types of Cory in as they're definitely a firm favourite for me.

Welcome! Cory's are some of my favourite fish, I currently have some bronze Cory's and another variant I have forgotten the name of.
Hi all,
Welcome to UKAPS, I'm sorry to hear of your troubles.

As the other have said bacterial issues are difficult to treat and often a sign of some underlying problem, all you can really do is try and keep levels of ammonia etc as low as possible and dissolved oxygen levels high.

I add <"Alder "cones"> to the tanks, <"they are meant"> to have some anti-microbial properties - <"Medicinal trees: The Common Alder - Aqualog.de>, but that may just be <"Chicken soup"> as a cure.
The tank is due a clean tomorrow BTW so excuse the dirty glass etc
What do you do when you clean the tank? Particularly in terms of the filter etc.
I forgot to say I'm new to fish keeping and the tank has been going for nearly three months without issues until now.
It is still quite a new tank set-up, with quite a lot of livestock, I understand that this is where we are, but have a look at the "seasoned tank time" video in <"Dark start vs old filter media?">.

cheers Darrel
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Thanks Darrel

For cleaning I use a gravel vac and clean up any poop etc off the substrate, I change 18 litres of water to make the tap safe equation nice and simple (1ml to 9 litres) which is a 32% change.

I haven't done anything with the filters until the last change where I removed one of the filter medias and cleaned it out in old tank water and I have just done the other one today. I leave algae growth alone as food for the shrimp and snails, whenever I measure ammonia, Nitrite and nitrate the first two are always on zero and nitrate very slightly shows up in the test tube as a very faint pink hue, the plants have all at least doubled in size so they're doing well.

I've watched that video from Cory a few times before already when I was setting up the tank to get my head around it all.