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Thread starter
9 Jun 2024
London uk
Hi, guys when I’m doing water change on my tanks I use 100L water butt. Two of my tanks are 270L and one is 60L, for 60L one I use bucket 20L all tanks get water change once a week. One is dutch style planted tank 270l with co2 dosing TS, one is like nature style 270L no co2 sometimes I dose this one too, 60l is very low light with moss, some plants shrimp and guppies. I use half tap water half RO in water butt, same in bucket. I change more the 100L in large tanks once I put water from water butt in tank I add more RO maybe all together around 120-130L.
So my question is how much Epsom salt should I add in water butt and bucket when changing water? If you need any more information please just ask.
Thank you very much for any assistance.
So my question is how much Epsom salt should I add in water butt and bucket when changing water? If you need any more information please just ask.
Thank you very much for any assistance.
For a 20L water change add 1g of Epsom salt.
For a 120L water change add 6g of epsom salt.

The above additions will increase the incoming water Magnesium levels to 4.9 ppm + whatever is in your tap water.
Hi all,
that mean that I should be adding 6g and 1g as suggested by @John q
That looks <"about right">, but you can actually <"check for yourself"> using the Rotala Butterfly nutrient calculator <"Nutrient Dosing Calculator">. I'd probably aim for 5 mg / L (ppm) Mg.

If we went with @John q quantities, you can just do some mental arithmetic, it is all just powers of 10.

I'd go you've added 0.5g to 10 litres, 10 litres is 10,000g, and you have ~ 10% Mg in MgSO4.7H2O so you've added 50 mg Mg to 10,000,000 (10 x 10^6) mg water, Take a "0" of either side and you have 5 mg Mg in 1,000,000 mg water or 5 mg / l and 5 ppm

cheers Darrel
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