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  1. A

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Also an example of why we usually don't allow such threads, when people suggest shooting peaceful protestors! Let's get back to CO2.
  2. Y

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    I tried to get in touch with Alan but I couldn't get in the group unfortunately, I don't know why but the admins haven't approved my request yet. But I have come across a local business that makes custom regulators. I'll attach few pics of the stuff he makes, I haven't got in touch with him yet...
  3. Hanuman

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    As much as I understand the principle of transparency in book keeping, it is rather interesting that at no point in time prior Tim steping down, not a single member seem to have ever bothered about this or requested to see any accounts 🧐. I mean, people donate for the sole purpose of having this...
  4. Maf 2500

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    Yes, Harvest is great and I like it too. Same (but a bit less) for Harvest Moon. But they are by no means his best work. I am working on the principle that you can appreciate all styles of music, not just Country Rock. Recommended albums from the 1970's in chronological order: After the...
  5. MichaelJ

    Growing Devils Ivy as a nitrate remover

    Yep, terrestrial plants pulls it out of thin air so to speak during photosynthesis. Of course, our aquatic plants have to beg, borrow and steal (unless we allow them to "cheat" by infusing CO2 :) ), but mostly pulls it out of the water which will always contain some CO2, but also rely on other...
  6. L

    Growing Devils Ivy as a nitrate remover

    Wow - out-of-the-air carbon? (or out of a bottle, of course)
  7. G H Nelson

    Hello from Northampton

    Welcome aboard the UKaps train! 👍😊
  8. MichaelJ

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    ME TOO ! (purposely and ominously relevant...) Cheers, Michael

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    I have Harvest,sorry Neil great album if commercial,on CD and Harvest Moon, but will check out more of his 70s catalogue less known
  10. MichaelJ

    Growing Devils Ivy as a nitrate remover

    Yes, it really is incredible. About half of the dry mass of plants is carbon most of the rest is water. All the stuff except for Nitrogen we normally worry about Ca, Mg, Fe, K, P amounts to very little. Great tank btw. :) Cheers, Michael
  11. Maf 2500

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    :) OK, not the only, but still the first! (Maybe). I have seen Badly Drawn Boy at Glastonbury but don't remember this song. And Neil still beats the other one by a year... Moving on to a different album, the full band Crazy Horse version of 'Ride My Llama', recorded around 1975 during the Zuma...
  12. oreo57

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    No experience. I build my own 2 stage regs from ebay parts. Actually from the pricing I've seen it seems low "if" high quality. That said I instinctively trust Italy over China. Well they also could be built in China.. Did do some Goggle translate of some of the German ratings. Seems normal...
  13. The grumpy one


  14. The grumpy one

    Hello from Northampton

  15. MichaelJ

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Keep posting! I find myself getting more and more uncompromising (radicalized, if you will) in my thinking on the climate issue... Depressingly, I live sort of in the midst of climate deniers (people that rely on the land, but still believe the earth is flat or the sun revolves around the...
  16. seedoubleyou

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Not if i the thread starter request it. Which at this point, seems fair enough. I just don’t want conversation to fizzle out and in turn the objective of this thread to be lost.

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    But the public are calling out the oil companys in many ways,but the JSO brigade barmy episodes just isolate and discredit themselves from any credibility. Think about Doctors and Nurses cannot get to work because of their moronic disruptions one example
  18. Andy Pierce

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Clause 35: not allowed to short on the beer! There is to be one measure of wine throughout our kingdom, and one measure of ale, and one measure of corn, namely the quarter of London, and one breadth of dyed, russet and haberget cloths, that is, two ells within the borders; and let weights be...
  19. MichaelJ

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    Love this song! I once had the fortune to meet and hear Neil at the remote San Gregorio General Store - it was an unofficial appearance - he owns (or used to own) a ranch just up the road ... it was magical! Cheers, Michael
  20. J

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    Lol there's a couple that spring to mind.
  21. Y

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    thanks. I'll look into this one. Haven't seen this model from oxyturbo for sale in stores around here though. By the way, do you have any experience using Oxyturbo regulators? if so, then can you tell me more about it?
  22. Maf 2500

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    I wish I knew 'Like a Hurricane' when I went to my earliest house parties! Didn't discover Neil Young until the early 1990's when I was in my early 20's. More from the 'On the Beach' album, don't listen if melancholy is not what you need right now. The first, and possibly only, song I know that...
  23. MichaelJ

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    ...or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land." - Wow, these guys really had their sh*t together back in the day... Cheers, Michael
  24. J

    Starting a Betta tank

    We have loads of threads discussing substrate, this one is worth a read if you want to dig deeper. https://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/maqs-substrate-experiment.73119/ If you don't then the synopsis from me is this. Aquasoils have there pros and cons. Plants can grow perfectly fine in Sand...
  25. MichaelJ

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Yes John, it will allow active members to vent on the topic which I think is more helpful than a vacuum of speculation in PM's etc,. What we need to do though, is to push back on nonsense and conjecture. Well, apparently on the face of it, that appears to be the issue (no deceit, merely...
  26. D

    Starting a Betta tank

    I've recently purchased a 56l tank with the plan of housing a betta. I would also like to plant it up. At the moment, all I have is the tank with it's basic lighting. I would like to upgrade the lighting a little. I was thinking of buying the 45cm version of these lights...
  27. Zeus.

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Dam Crawford and George Farmer are the founding members of UKAPS and for whom we have to thank for starting UKAPS. Both have taken a back seat for some time. Sounds like the accounts may not off been in order to me and Dan wasn't at the time prepared to share them, cant blame him in some ways if...
  28. J

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Personally I'd shoot them. But... you can't deny there actions grab the headlines, which ultimately is the point.
  29. dw1305

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Hi all, Yes, but I'm not going to mention it. Cheers Darrel
  30. Walt1908

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Who the f*ck is Dan.
  31. J

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    I agree with you mate, and many of the other comments in these posts. But are the comments in these threads going to help? Do we need to explain basic accounting to the founders, God help us if we do. Is slandering members of the forum, without evidence going to help, I think not. My fear...
  32. MichaelJ

    Hello Iam Newly joined member

    Welcome to UKAPS :) Cheers, Michael
  33. sparkyweasel

    Hello Iam Newly joined member

    Welcome! :)
  34. MichaelJ

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Absolutely! What I have learned from being on and contributing (hopefully) to this great forum outweighs my concern for my monetary contributions by orders of magnitude for sure. Whichever way this situation unfolds I will definitely be staying here. After all, the value of the forum comes...
  35. Maf 2500

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    I have an "old" Biomaster 600 in storage. I checked the pump cover against the Olibetta picture posted above, and the design looks the same. The only difference I could notice was that the plastic looks a slightly different colour. (But that could just be an artifact of the lighting in the picture).
  36. MichaelJ

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    I tend to disagree, but I am also super torn on this John... This situation was exposed to the public and never should have been - all this should have been sorted out cordially among the team - quite frankly, I think it's unprofessional that it had to come to this. Closing down the threads...
  37. S

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Certainly. We can make this happen at the weekend. I shall send you a PM later this evening.
  38. S

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    The only problem with closing these threads is it could look a bit like censorship.
  39. MichaelJ

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    @Andy Pierce , That record will hopefully not be broken by this discussion :) This: "The UK Aquatic Plant Society is run entirely by volunteers who give their time freely. However we would like to raise funds to pay for hosting costs and new forum addons/features." People, including myself...
  40. J

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Personally I'd close both these threads and await the response of the founders, at this point the response should be discussed. Imo, this idle gossip is doing more harm than good to the forum, and to be honest it's the forum as a whole that I care about.
  41. castle

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    I do think we should be taking a step back here; we’re putting people’s real names on blast without a shred of evidence other than an unwillingness to share financial accounts immediately. I have trust this is being sorted behind the scenes, so let’s all chill folks, finances and changes are...
  42. S

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    You mean this company? Farage has quite the history on companies house what with being the director of companies winding up with large unpaid tax obligations and being investigated by the liquidators for unlawful dividends.
  43. seedoubleyou

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    I think it’s completely fair for anyone to just want to know where that money actually goes and how it has actually been used. Admittedly, before this came about I didn’t really give it a second thought. However there’s no smoke without fire, so now I’m curious.
  44. L

    Growing Devils Ivy as a nitrate remover

    I grow devil's ivy and a couple of other things out of the top of my tank. The tank is in a zero ambient light location and it all seems to be thriving despite no additional light coming over the top. Maybe my light is higher over the tank than yours will be, so there is that variable... The...
  45. dw1305

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Hi all, Is that in the the plot of one of Ben Elton's books <"‘The Earth was dying. Killed by the pursuit of money’ — rereading Ben Elton’s Stark as prophecy"> .......... cheers Darrel
  46. dw1305

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Hi all, Oh s*d, I was just going to mention that "Reform" is a private company, not a political party, and that one Nigel Farage is the majority shareholder, but now I can't ................. cheers Darrel
  47. A

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    I think they've seen inaction by our generations for decades and, having failed them, we've really no right to be surprised when they insist on getting our attention, with cornstarch, in any way they know the media will listen to. We all know we're far into a disaster unlike any the world has...
  48. bazz

    Feeding Repashy

    Excellent tip, will try this in the next day or two.
  49. oreo57

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    You would need the Minormix2 from Oxyturbo. It does 2 stage the hard way though.. Using 2 single stage regulators in series..PERFECTLY valid way to do it btw. One example.. https://www.aquasabi.com/Oxyturbo-Double-Stage-Pressure-Regulator...
  50. A

    Feeding Repashy

    Tip for those of you considering using repashy gel foods for your Otos and shrimp Trying pushing the gel through a fine garlic press. It means the gel drops through the water column and moves like worms. It encourages the other fish in the tank to take it too. Smaller pieces mean that...
  51. Myrkk

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Thanks everyone, lots to think of. I will implement some of the measures above and see what happens. Will let you know. Fingers crossed!
  52. S

    DIY LED Full Spectrum Design

    I would love to contact you also bro . Kindly help with it . As A lighting guru provide me with knowledge sushanthkiranbhatn@gmail.com this my mail ID
  53. S

    DIY LED Full Spectrum Design

    sushanthkiranbhatn@gmail.com this my mail ID .
  54. Danlacey1988

    Importing Aquatic Plants

    So I'm intrested to know did you guys end up getting these crypts in the end ? I too have been looking at maybe getting some buce I've always been after some skeleton king for my tank and maybe some other rare types but nowhere has it in the UK How ever there is loads from other place like...
  55. S

    DIY LED Full Spectrum Design

    I would love to be member of group you have mentioned. I don't know how to pm in this site . 8138886900 is my phone number.Any one who love help in this project can connect me.Pleased to help in making diy grow lights.
  56. bazz

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    'Like a Hurricane' takes me back to the earliest house parties I attended.
  57. S

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    you wont be saying that when you have to wear a bloody mask every time you go out to admire your pond! i'll be long gone by then anyway...... <<< this is the problem right?
  58. L

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Waterfall outflows can be deceiving and a poor way to keep water oxygenated. It is a common issue with HOB filters, if the water level of the tank drops because of evaporation, the outflow turns into a waterfall and the oxygenation and water circulation become compromised. A good outflow, in...
  59. bazz

    Hello Iam Newly joined member

    Welcome! :wave: Look forward to seeing your 'work' later.
  60. O

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    I am agreed here. While not offended by the Stonehenge stunt, and can understand what they were aiming for, I think they could definitely more directly attack the businesses they oppose.
  61. Maf 2500

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    Yes, from the early/mid 70's period when Neil followed up the success of Harvest by releasing deliberately non-commercial albums. From the same record: Walk on. (I love everything Neil Young recorded in the 1970's but agree his later material is a bit hit and miss)
  62. Wookii

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    I suspect very few of us disagree with their aims - but that isn't the point of discussion here though, it is their choice of methods which seem so counterproductive. If you want the public at large to support your cause, then your protests surely need to garner public support not the complete...
  63. dw1305

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Hi all, Same for me. I've posted it a lot, but if you look at Hawkin's Stripes - <"Climate stripes - University of Reading">. and <"Global CO2 levels"> they make pretty shocking viewing. People are concerned by illegal migration etc., and I understand that, but a lot of those scared and...
  64. Zeus.

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    +1 My lacrimal ducts got slightly over loaded then :rolleyes:
  65. dw1305

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Hi all, That is where I'm at. UKAPS has been (and hopefully will continue to be) more than just value for money. I don't donate a huge amount of money to the forum, and I've got that amount back a <"hundred times"> in knowledge <"and camaraderie">. I've met very few of our members in the...
  66. Wookii

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    The text on the Home Page above the Donate button is quite clear: So for me this means ongoing support and maintenance of the forum and its interests as a largely charitable endeavour. I assume 'donations' have been made by most people in support of this community so it continues to exist and...
  67. G H Nelson

    Hello Iam Newly joined member

    Welcome to the UKaps! 😊
  68. dw1305

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Hi all, I think that is a good idea. If you want to add some dGH and dKH? I see <"Oyster Shell Chick Grit"> as the way forward, it is cheap and forms a self-regulatory <"negative feedback loop">. I've always been a <"rainwater user"> and, where it is a viable option, I wouldn't use anything...
  69. Andy Pierce

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    sigh I wasn't going to chime in, but in an effort to beat the thread length record held by twinstar... For people who donated, what did you think your donations were going to be used for? You give cash to some random guy on the internet - ok fine, that's your choice. Presumably you were...
  70. castle

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    I was told it is dyed cornflour, of so it will come off with some rain. To be honest, I know they miss the mark sometimes but I support their mission; people just can’t comprehend the changes global warming are going to bring. It really is going to be chaos. We really should be more proactive...
  71. dw1305

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Hi all, That just shows that <"you have lots of nutrients">. In a floating plant growth (and <"leaf colour">) are usually closely correlated to the nutrient supply. We may have a thread for you <"Removing Duckweed (Lemna minuta) - any natural solutions?">. cheers Darrel
  72. O

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    To play Devil's advocate , it was completely harmless cornstarch and water. And if the public react in THIS way, calling it shameful, disgraceful, why aren't they reacting this way to environmental damage by Oil companies which ISN'T harmless?
  73. Aqua sobriquet

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    The Petro Chemical industry is worth Trillions of Dollars, they aren’t going to give up without a fight no matter how damaging to the planet their products are. We will need to continue extracting oil for many years to come but I just wish we could stop burning so much of it.
  74. Oldguy

    Growing Devils Ivy as a nitrate remover

    If you have a planted tank why remove nitrate. I add it to my tank.
  75. Hanuman

    Growing Devils Ivy as a nitrate remover

    Pothos can grow in shade and bright conditions. This said, what about simply adding floaters instead? Floaters will have access to the light over the tank and grow faster thus absorbing more nitrates.
  76. S

    Hello Iam Newly joined member

    Hi My name is Sasiprasad. I am currently based in the United Arab Emirates. I am an aquascaper and run a pet shop in the United Arab Emirates. I will post my work later in the day. if any criticism and suggestions is always welcome. Thanks UKAPS
  77. Aqua sobriquet

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    I sometimes look at components like impeller covers to see if the design allows the best possible flow rate. On at least one filter I remember carefully removing some “flash” to hopefully improve things.
  78. FrozenShivers

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    There is a theory that they are actually ran by large oil companies to turn the general public against those who want to improve the planet. I normally don't really care for conspiracy theories but this one is so mad that it actually may be true. It's clear that their methods are the issue and...
  79. D

    Growing Devils Ivy as a nitrate remover

    I'm interested in growing Devils Ivy through the top of my 450 litre aquarium to assist with Nitrate removal. The aquarium is in shade. If the plant will struggle in shade are there any inexpensive and cool aquarium lamps I could use over the top.
  80. Zeus.

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Cant see why that's an issue. After all it will be a row in incomes/donations a row of outgoings server costs etc, any profits will be taxed at 20%. Compared to what you do with ferts calculations its a walk in the park - just need to sort out the right path to take. 'If' we get to the stage...
  81. Wookii

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    Basic 'accounts' would be very simple - largely an income and expenditure statement on a cash accounting basis, derived solely from the bank account transactions - assuming everything is operated with a single account. I can imagine it would take about an hour or two at most to produce for a...
  82. Wookii

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    Agreed, it's crazy - I've never known of an activist group go so far out of their way to generate public distain for their actions. It's appears completely counterintuitive to the support they are surely attempting to obtain for their cause.

    Just Stop Oil Protesters

    So these idiots decided to throw paint all over Stonehenge, not a good way to get people on your side! How they get there gas guzzling cars no doubt

    Songs from the Man Cave!

    Never heard this before ,suppose this goes back to a time Neil Young had something to say

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Because most of us agree this is a water quality issue, I would contact the water company supplier to rule any incidents in the area to rule that out . Esp..with the odd taste from the tap?Perhaps add new stems fast growing oxygenating plants from the sponsers ,change the prime to more easy to...
  86. FrozenShivers

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    Interesting, do you know if the new pump cover has a new part number? Do you know what the update changes to improve?
  87. J

    Oase Biomaster Users: Has anyone tried Concave upgrades?

    I've had a Oase Biomaster 600 on my heavily-planted Aquael 240 since early November. Like many others here, I've had issues with it purging air. It's done so much more than any Eheim, Tetratec or Fluval canister filter that I've had. About a month ago, this purging stopped. It co-incided with...
  88. MichaelJ

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    I would volunteer, but my savage origin and lack of knowledge of UK laws would probably disqualify me. I am pretty good at reasoning and dealing with numbers though :) Cheers, Michael
  89. Y

    Need help choosing CO2 regulator

    I sent a request to join the group, my request is still pending though. Might take long, but I think this will be the best option.
  90. oreo57

    Chihiros WRGB II Pro LED

  91. RickyV

    Chihiros WRGB II Pro LED

    It's 100% manual.
  92. oreo57

    Chihiros WRGB II Pro LED

    Ahhh thanks. Well while im asking questions is the fan temp controlled as well or just 100% manual?
  93. RickyV

    Chihiros WRGB II Pro LED

    That is fan speed.
  94. oreo57

    Chihiros WRGB II Pro LED

    Whats the "F" channel?
  95. RickyV

    Chihiros WRGB II Pro LED

    Yeah they weren't terrible, though I imagine I could increase the contrast on these new ones by lowering the power. The fluvals at 100% power were 354 watts vs the new ones at 800 watts at 100% power. Currently running them 80% power, may even need to lower it. But I do have the lights hung 60...
  96. oreo57

    Chihiros WRGB II Pro LED

    Are these with both lights at 100% all channels?
  97. bazz

    Hello from Northampton

    Welcome! :wave:
  98. Hanuman

    Fish dying when do a water change

    Earlier you said you replanted last August, so how is your tank old? What do you mean by replanting? The more I read the less I think this is an old tank syndrom issue to be honest. If you can, do a hardness test of your tank water, in parallel do a hardness test of the tap water. Compare. They...
  99. Onoma1

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    This is a legal, ethical and financial minefield. The impact on people closely associated with the UKAPs could be profound. The legal issues are significant and the reputational damage could be very significant. This is particularly important for those who earn their income through social media...
  100. Zeus.

    Dan Crawford should provide transparency with forum donations.

    The accounts for UKAPS will be very easy to compile, as every donation is digital and so is every payment. Don't see the need for an accountant, plus we may have an accountant as a member already. All the info for sorting it out is on the net.