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Importing Aquatic Plants

A friend of mine sorted all the importation etc out thankfully as I couldn't get my head around it at all lol.
They were packed pretty much the same way but took a lot longer to arrive mostly due to customs hold ups and arrived a delightful mushy mesh.
If it's 5 days then hopefully they should be ok but my concern would be the warm weather at the moment as fleshier leaved species such as aura seem to suffer more than others.
A friend of mine sorted all the importation etc out thankfully as I couldn't get my head around it at all lol.
They were packed pretty much the same way but took a lot longer to arrive mostly due to customs hold ups and arrived a delightful mushy mesh.
If it's 5 days then hopefully they should be ok but my concern would be the warm weather at the moment as fleshier leaved species such as aura seem to suffer more than others.

Thanks for the heads up Miranda.
Think we need to put this on hold until the cooler weather arrives? Especially as lots will need to be forwarded meaning another day or so.
Still would like to do it but not until we are a little more confident, there's a lot of costs to be added for such a low survival rate.
Add me to any list of participants should you go ahead.
Will do, it will be heading into winter hopefully when we do this as this will hopefully be less stressfull for the plants travelling and give us more time to get our heads round the customs paperwork.
Thanks I used to export plants to over thirty different countries. I found it important to get them there when there would be good growth rather than going into a dormant period. I suspect even aquatic plants have such a time ,probably related to a dry season. Just another thing to worry about!
For thoose who live in the Usa or EU countries, no paperwork or international shipment costs, just the local carrier to pay for as there using a transhipper, theres a a new company that as started up, a off shoot of Borneo Aquatics (same owner ) but different marketing team.

So if any one in Eire fancy's placing a large order then popping across to the north and the post office (Joke )

They even have Barclaya Motleyi for sale
So I'm intrested to know did you guys end up getting these crypts in the end ? I too have been looking at maybe getting some buce I've always been after some skeleton king for my tank and maybe some other rare types but nowhere has it in the UK
How ever there is loads from other place like Bourne aquatics etc
But as you said all the red tape has me confused and wouldn't want to be getting into trouble for shipping a few plants for my aquarium