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Just Stop Oil Protesters

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13 Nov 2013
So these idiots decided to throw paint all over Stonehenge, not a good way to get people on your side! How they get there gas guzzling cars no doubt
Agreed, it's crazy - I've never known of an activist group go so far out of their way to generate public distain for their actions. It's appears completely counterintuitive to the support they are surely attempting to obtain for their cause.

There is a theory that they are actually ran by large oil companies to turn the general public against those who want to improve the planet. I normally don't really care for conspiracy theories but this one is so mad that it actually may be true. It's clear that their methods are the issue and not so much the message, as if someone desecrating Stone Henge or ruining the snooker will suddenly make them want to adopt the same views as them.
There is a theory that they are actually ran by large oil companies to turn the general public against those who want to improve the planet. I normally don't really care for conspiracy theories but this one is so mad that it actually may be true.
The Petro Chemical industry is worth Trillions of Dollars, they aren’t going to give up without a fight no matter how damaging to the planet their products are. We will need to continue extracting oil for many years to come but I just wish we could stop burning so much of it.
So these idiots decided to throw paint all over Stonehenge, not a good way to get people on your side! How they get there gas guzzling cars no doubt
To play Devil's advocate , it was completely harmless cornstarch and water. And if the public react in THIS way, calling it shameful, disgraceful, why aren't they reacting this way to environmental damage by Oil companies which ISN'T harmless?
I was told it is dyed cornflour, of so it will come off with some rain.

To be honest, I know they miss the mark sometimes but I support their mission; people just can’t comprehend the changes global warming are going to bring. It really is going to be chaos. We really should be more proactive to meeting climate goals.
Hi all,
To be honest, I know they miss the mark sometimes but I support their mission; people just can’t comprehend the changes global warming are going to bring. It really is going to be chaos. We really should be more proactive to meeting climate goals.
Same for me. I've posted it a lot, but if you look at Hawkin's Stripes - <"Climate stripes - University of Reading">.

and <"Global CO2 levels"> they make pretty shocking viewing. co2_data_mlo.png

People are concerned by illegal migration etc., and I understand that, but a lot of those scared and desperate people are fleeing climate change and it is only going to get worse if we carry on with "business as normal", and those graphs show me that some governments are good with words, but not with actions, and it really is "business as normal".

cheers Darrel
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And if the public react in THIS way, calling it shameful, disgraceful, why aren't they reacting this way to environmental damage by Oil companies which ISN'T harmless?
but I support their mission; people just can’t comprehend the changes global warming are going to bring. It really is going to be chaos. We really should be more proactive to meeting climate goals.

I suspect very few of us disagree with their aims - but that isn't the point of discussion here though, it is their choice of methods which seem so counterproductive.

If you want the public at large to support your cause, then your protests surely need to garner public support not the complete opposite. Few folks had bad words to say against Greenpeace blockading whaling ships, protesting against the fur trade at fashion events, or scaling power station chimneys to reduce coal burning. So why aren't JSO picking their targets more sensibly - daub BP/Shell head offices with paint, not Stone Henge, glue yourself to the Downing Street gates or the driveway to an oil refinery or fuel distribution centre, not the middle of a motorway.
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I suspect very few of us disagree with their aims - but that isn't the point of discussion here though, it is their choice of methods which seem so counterproductive.

If you want the public at large to support your cause, then your protests surely need to garner public support not the complete opposite. Few folks had bad words to say against Greenpeace blockading whaling ships, protesting against the fur trade at fashion events, or scaling power station chimneys to reduce coal burning. So why aren't JSO picking their targets more sensibly - daub BP/Shell head offices with paint, not Stone Henge, glue yourself to the Downing Street gates or the driveway to an oil refinery or fuel distribution centre, not the middle of a motorway.

I am agreed here. While not offended by the Stonehenge stunt, and can understand what they were aiming for, I think they could definitely more directly attack the businesses they oppose.
you wont be saying that when you have to wear a bloody mask every time you go out to admire your pond!

i'll be long gone by then anyway...... <<< this is the problem right?
I think they've seen inaction by our generations for decades and, having failed them, we've really no right to be surprised when they insist on getting our attention, with cornstarch, in any way they know the media will listen to. We all know we're far into a disaster unlike any the world has seen, and that no political party likely to win an election in the UK has adequate policies. The real violence is big oil, mass consumption, a supine media, and the cowardice of leaders at every level. They see that and react accordingly, in peaceful ways. It annoys some, but I'm not sure we really have the right to criticise when our legacy is such failure – yes, we're not responsible as individuals, but just look at Darrel's graph and what happened while we were voting. We really didn't leave them any choice. And this is why we don't have threads on political subjects.
Hi all,
no political party likely to win an election in the UK has adequate policies. The real violence is big oil, mass consumption, a supine media, and the cowardice of leaders at every level.
And this is why we don't have threads on political subjects.
Oh s*d, I was just going to mention that "Reform" is a private company, not a political party, and that one Nigel Farage is the majority shareholder, but now I can't .................

cheers Darrel
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I was just going to mention that "Reform" is a private company, not a political party, and that one Nigel Farage is the majority shareholder, but now I can't
You mean this company?

Farage has quite the history on companies house what with being the director of companies winding up with large unpaid tax obligations and being investigated by the liquidators for unlawful dividends.
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So these idiots decided to throw paint all over Stonehenge, not a good way to get people on your side! How they get there gas guzzling cars no doubt
Personally I'd shoot them. But... you can't deny there actions grab the headlines, which ultimately is the point.
To play Devil's advocate , it was completely harmless cornstarch and water. And if the public react in THIS way, calling it shameful, disgraceful, why aren't they reacting this way to environmental damage by Oil companies which ISN'T harmless?
But the public are calling out the oil companys in many ways,but the JSO brigade barmy episodes just isolate and discredit themselves from any credibility. Think about Doctors and Nurses cannot get to work because of their moronic disruptions one example
Same for me. I've posted it a lot, but if you look at Hawkin's Stripes - <"Climate stripes - University of Reading">.
Keep posting!

I find myself getting more and more uncompromising (radicalized, if you will) in my thinking on the climate issue... Depressingly, I live sort of in the midst of climate deniers (people that rely on the land, but still believe the earth is flat or the sun revolves around the earth), but I do see a shift... people are coming around... The devastating heat in the midwest, the unusual warm winters, wild fires and other climate related disruptions that they experience personally... When crops and other agriculture related activities begins to fail at scale in a couple of years, as the weather pattern continues out here in Americas breadbasket, we will see a sea change (pun intended) of perspective at a magnitude no one, including politicians, currently anticipate - and the nonsense will evaporate faster than a prairie fire with a tailwind.

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Also an example of why we usually don't allow such threads, when people suggest shooting peaceful protestors! Let's get back to CO2.
Just let it go @AlecF .... I am pretty sure our friend John just choose those words out of outrage and to make a point. Vandalizing a cherished World Heritage Site such as the Stonehenge is totally uncalled for and pure idiocy and I fail to see how that can support the cause of bringing back health to our planet.

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