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  1. dIggO

    What am I missing?

    TDS is 245
  2. Cornelius

    What am I missing?

    Do you check the quality of the water using a TDS meter? I suspect that it is way too high.
  3. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    Update so far on the readings. (17:00 was late, sorry). 08:30 - 4.80 mg/l 14:00 - 5.34 mg/l [Lights on] 18:00 - 6.25 mg/l 20:00 - TBC
  4. dw1305

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi all, Yes. Is it a deep tank in relation to its length and breadth? Cheers Darrel
  5. Luciën

    What am I missing?

    Your dosing looks more then sufficient, maybe a flow/CO2 related issue is all I can think about.
  6. Y

    Another No Co2, No Ferts. But also No filter, No water Change

    I'm curious, does anyone have longer experience with this type of aquarium? can you have such an aquarium for more than 2-3 years?
  7. K

    My first adventure into aquascaping - Aquael 125L Walstad

    After a busy summer I think my journal is due an update! As you can see from the photo, the tank is currently very overgrown and the vallisneria is taking over somewhat, so I'm overdue some tank maintenance. (Though I'm sure the fish love it!). I think I've now lost my remaining cherry shrimp...
  8. K

    Cladophora algae struggles

    Great to see the forum back up! 🎉 I am here again seeking advice for my low tech tank (full details here - My first adventure into aquascaping - Aquael 125L Walstad). About 6 months ago I added a marimo moss ball I was given by someone online which unfortunately I now believe introduced...
  9. J

    So…. Have I made the biggest newbie mistake yet?

    Hi all. So I’ve stumbled across a couple of threads on here whilst having a general read about substrates. I have two tanks currently running, one of which I’m doing a dark start with and isn’t quite ready yet, and both tanks I’m using ADA Amazonia V2, with powersand advanced under this, as...
  10. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Yes, but that was at 08:30 in the morning, 5.5 hours before the photo period! In summary, it was olive green over night and was that way at 08:30. Not sure if that is saying the new tank is having a gass exchange issue......
  11. Gill

    Any Isopod keepers here?

    Yeah the selection he brought to the show was really good.
  12. O


    Thanks, I’ll look into that, really appreciate all of your help. My tanks are fairly new so want to make sure I’m getting things right.
  13. dw1305


    Hi all, That looks <"about right">, but you can actually <"check for yourself"> using the Rotala Butterfly nutrient calculator <"Nutrient Dosing Calculator">. I'd probably aim for 5 mg / L (ppm) Mg. If we went with @John q quantities, you can just do some mental arithmetic, it is all just...
  14. tam

    Any Isopod keepers here?

    I keep meaning to pop in there. Rumour has it they've a good selection of wood/plants to pick from?
  15. O


  16. dw1305

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi all, That is what I meant. I think that is the real issue, I really want to know what the tank water pH is, but I'm very wary of the values given by <"any single pH meter">. A drop checker, or a conductivity meter, doesn't give you fine scale resolution, but it does give you a value that...
  17. Andy Pierce

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Totally agree this. For the chemistry piece, this goes the other way... large differences in acid/base water chemistry make small differences in pH. This is true at all pH values (there's nothing special about pH 7). You don't have to worry about running out of alkalinity with CO2 injection...
  18. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    It did concern me somewhat, too. I was expecting 5mg/l plus - so to get under that value WITH lots of plants AND CO2 injection AND no stocking was very odd. This is a new tank with new filters and fresh water. I need to look at this more closely. My photo period is currently set from 14:00 to...
  19. Tyko_N

    Full Tank Re-scape

    Yes, but they can be a bit finicky at first, so give it a warm, bright and humid location until it starts putting out new leaves. I would also use sand rather than soil; it doesn't want a lot of nutrients until the roots have recovered, and big plants risk falling over in a too light substrate...
  20. Andy Pierce

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    I would just declare victory right here.
  21. dIggO

    What am I missing?

    After running good for a few months, my tank has started showing issues for the past few weeks. See my H. Siamensis and L. SuperRed. Two weeks ago, I drastically thinned and trimmed the tank, but it now seems like the resilience is gone. Weekly, I dose the following according to EI: NO3 20 ppm...
  22. dw1305

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    Hi all, That would concern me a bit especially combined with your CO2 drop checker <"not fully degassing overnight">. They do, but they are <"massively net oxygen producers">, so without the oxygen from photosynthesis things are actually likely to have been worse. It depends a little bit on...
  23. dw1305


    Hi all, "Epsom Salts" are only 10% magnesium (Mg), because of the "<"water of crystallization"> the "7H2O" in MgSO4.7H2O. Cheers Darrel
  24. Ernesto

    Full Tank Re-scape

    my guess if it gets some light theres no need for an airstone since the roots still create O2. Took mine out 6 weeks ago, still growing.
  25. Zeus.

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Which is normal for must tanks which are injected with CO2 for the time of day. Takes longer than you think for tank to fully degas. So the tank may have 10 -15ppm CO2 when you start the CO2 injection. So trying to get a 1.0pH drop from CO2 on till lights on will lead to too much CO2 in tank -...
  26. S

    Full Tank Re-scape

    My tank is coming up to its birthday in November and I have some annual leave to take. I’ve decided it’s time to do a full re-scape on the tank. I have an Amazon sword plant which is far too big for the tank now. I plan to remove it and replant some of the babies it’s given me this year. I am...
  27. O


    Thanks, I was adding just a pinch.
  28. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Yep - it works on firefox. I guess google products have a problem with google browser ;)
  29. tigertim

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Using firefox here, thats maybe the issue ?
  30. J


    For a 20L water change add 1g of Epsom salt. For a 120L water change add 6g of epsom salt. The above additions will increase the incoming water Magnesium levels to 4.9 ppm + whatever is in your tap water.
  31. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    desktop using chrome.
  32. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Can you post the url you used; also the oriignal link is being run through a translator but i can't find the original url.
  33. tigertim

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    It takes a minute or 2 for the language to change and translate, working perfectly fine for me when i click the link...are you trying on your phone and not a laptop ?
  34. hypnogogia

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Works for me…
  35. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Translate Can't translate this page Back to previous page --- https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&hl=en&u=https://heimbiotop-de.translate.goog/cryptocoryne.html?_x_tr_sl%3Dde%26_x_tr_tl%3Den%26_x_tr_hl%3Den%26_x_tr_pto%3Dsc&client=webapp
  36. hypnogogia

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    You can pop the URL into google translate and it will translate the page for you.
  37. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    For me the 2nd link is showing as german and each species i click on left also shows a page in german.
  38. tigertim

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    No you will have to check each species yourself if it fits the criteria, the second link i posted should come up as a English translation, it does for me, theres more relevent information on that site.
  39. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Unfortunately i'm a bit of a dummy and only know english; are all the species listed on the right blackwater or does each one have their own growing conditions ? Acutally it looks like you translated this to german; but i can't figure out the original url
  40. O


    Hi, guys when I’m doing water change on my tanks I use 100L water butt. Two of my tanks are 270L and one is 60L, for 60L one I use bucket 20L all tanks get water change once a week. One is dutch style planted tank 270l with co2 dosing TS, one is like nature style 270L no co2 sometimes I dose...
  41. tigertim

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Theres plenty of Blackwater Cryptocoryne but they tend to be the more difficult species to get hold of and grow long term, these 2 pages should help but it really depends on what is available in the Usa. https://www.cryptocoryneworld.org/alphabet.php...
  42. Bradders

    Basic Understanding of Dissolved Oxygen in Freshwater

    I have my new aquarium and am just getting it right at the moment. I had a few issues with floating wood, so the many plants there are just waiting for me to fix the aesthetics after they got uprooted! Replanted and reattached in a mess for now. VERY rudimentary testing at this point. I am...
  43. hypnogogia

    have anyone shopped at this shop

    Depending on what you’re looking for, there are several good online retailers. Pier Aquatics, TropCo, for example.
  44. dw1305

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi all, The "problem" is really the pH meter, you just don't know if any of those readings are correct or incorrect. Because of the log10 nature of the pH scale when you are around pH7 small differences in water chemistry make large differences in pH <"CO2 tuning - need help">. You need @Andy...
  45. dw1305

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi all, Yes it is, the better meters have this <"two point calibration">. cheers Darrel
  46. L

    What is the safest way to move Buce to new tank

    Thanks everyone. I’m in no rush so can afford to spend / waste time letting the new tank settle in first. I’m more tortoise than hare. I have also decided to not use aqua soil in the new tank being its epiphyte only and I use an auto doser fertiliser system anyway. I plan to do a journal...
  47. bazz

    Tropica soil raising my KH

    If Aquasoil can reduce the dKH of hard water to zero for approximately 6 months would it not be feasible to estimate a similar length of time to reverse the process, I'm just talking ballpark figures here and not scientific calculations?
  48. G H Nelson

    Satisfying and Effective - share some random tips

  49. Gill

    Satisfying and Effective - share some random tips

    Get yourself one of the cocktail trolleys from BnM, its a game changer. Load all the shelves with the bits and pieces you use most often for scaping and feeding maintenance etc. I keep foods on the 1st Shelf, maintenance bits in 2nd etc etc. I can wheel it about the kitchen as needed and makes...
  50. Cornelius

    Alkalinity and KH measurement

    I sometimes read that the standard KH testst in our tanks can't really be reliable. That would be because our the standard test kits don't measure the KH but only alikinetics It seems that the presence of other substances in our water can influence the KH. Such as phosphate, nitrate, silicate...

    Satisfying and Effective - share some random tips

    Lots of claims about no water changes but IME 30 to 50% water changes at start of any type low energy high energy benefits the aquarium then regular weekly/ fortnightly if you can,, add fast growing stems at set up
  52. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    And just for full transparency, here is the DC checker this morning. You can see that it remains an olive green, with a current pH of 6.31

    No idea what to do - poor plant health and algae

    Take a look at threads Off Topic, Might find something to comment on or start a discussion yourself "Save the Planet Recipes" might interest you
  54. Andy Pierce

    Rotala Macrandra and wallichi in hardwater

    Lots of details on the method here: Real aquarium liquid carbon - Fireplace aquarium Is the pH stable? Um... no, you're adding HCl and deliberately destabilising the pH. 😜
  55. Andy Pierce

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    "Degassing the water" actually means "equilibrate the sample with atmosphere". Your best way to reach this equilibrium quickly is to insert a small air bubbler into your sample water and push air through it. You can alternatively let the sample sit for 24 hours but then you're hoping passive...
  56. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Recalibrated again this morning with 0.10 drift. But calibrated back to 7 with the solution. These are the results. pH7 solution - 7.0 pH reading. [As expected] 24-hour degassed water by standing - 7.45 pH reading. [The broadly aligns with water out of my tap] Aquarium Water - 6.27 pH reading...
  57. Hanuman

    What is the safest way to move Buce to new tank

    Cycling a tank does not equate it being mature and stable. If you want the least amount of melt/loss in your Bucep, I strongly suggest you make sure your new tank is mature with absolutly no ammonia readings, or better yet use a susbtrate with little organics to prevent ammonia release even...
  58. N

    What is the safest way to move Buce to new tank

    In my expirence, this plant hates ammonia, any ammonia interaction and it melts
  59. N

    Satisfying and Effective - share some random tips

    Use turkey buster for cleaning your moss. It is much easier to catch fish during the night
  60. S

    have anyone shopped at this shop

    Are you local? Their address is Kilmarnock (south of Glasgow). Their address is just a flat though so no physical shop as far as I can see.
  61. A

    have anyone shopped at this shop

    hi everyone i was looking online for some of some fish's i want to get . i found a shop online called Reidz Aquatics and Home Aquariums can't seem to find any reviews
  62. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    There is a 7 and 4 solution for calibration. Is it important to do both?
  63. Riley

    Hi from Galicia, northwest Spain

  64. sparkyweasel

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Is it calibrated at just one point, ie pH7? Not with two different solutions?
  65. FrozenShivers

    Oase Biomaster Pro 2 - Comming Soon

    Oase have replied to me regarding if I could upgrade my existing Biomaster 850 impeller to the new variant, they have said that you can. Might try it once the part is available, if in line with current pricing then it should cost under £30.
  66. NathanB

    Any Isopod keepers here?

    I use soil and leaf mulch from my local woodland that I freeze beforehand to sterilise it, works great for millipedes too!
  67. Zeus.

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    I trust the DC myself, esp if using a CO2 reactor, as no CO2 bubbles in tank. I actually stop calibrating my pH probe and just used them to check if the pH was stable from lights on till CO2 off. as any I see it as the actual pH is irrelevant- as if the DC turns the same light green every day...
  68. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    Thanks. I have a lot of crypt jacobsenii pink (at least that is what i think it is); so i will try that. I do have a crypt cordata var something (the one with white lines); but in 2 years it hasn't spread so i'm reluctant to move it. Kind of hard to replace. I didn't recognize any of the others...
  69. G

    No idea what to do - poor plant health and algae

    Hi everyone I am getting back into fishkeeping after a long time and wonder if theres threads where we talk about climate change, agriculutre, the food supply and so on? I think my fish tanks were failing because I was tired all the time and had no energy to take care of them and the culprit...
  70. dw1305

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi all, You need to <"recalibrate the pH meter every time you use it">. They are quite complicated bits of kit. Have a look at <"C02 injection with already low ph"> and subsequent posts. I'm not a CO2 user for a <"number of reasons">, but if I was I would use a drop checker <"and aim for ~15...
  71. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Thanks you @MrClockOff and @dw1305 - always really appreicate your guidence. After the re-caibration (I need to keep an eye on that PH probe) i am seeing some sucess. The CO2 got to my target level, but slowly busted it so need to adjust. I was say its lime green, but a tad to yellow. So...
  72. dw1305

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi all, You can basically ignore <"all the pH readings for the tap, tank water etc">. The drop checker has 4 dKH fluid and a narrow range pH indicator, bromothymol blue. Only gases can diffuse across the air gap and when the fluid in drop checker is yellow? You have at least 30 ppm CO2...
  73. Spartacus

    Tranquility - My low tech 186L journey

    Hi Folks, Was able to get some lovely condition Amazon Frogbit from Pets & Home and one Anubias Nana for £15 which is pretty good. I may get another 2 tubs of frogbit if they have any tomorrow - Hard to get decent plants (I don’t like the Maidenhead Aquatics round here and my local fish shops...
  74. Gill

    Any Isopod keepers here?

    I got some today from AquaH from Buzzard Reptiles as they were a very reasonable price. Got some Mini Speckled ones. Only 3 adults and lots of babies in the pot of Soil.
  75. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    Yes it can only get better from here, as it was positively received and everyone was having fun. The biggest queue was for the TMC spin the wheel lucky dip. They had ran out of goodies by 11:15 so had to go grab more. I don't think any of the retailers expected that many people to be...
  76. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    Been there the goodie bags I got, and the best one was from Horizon, had a little bottle of Moss glue which I have used for the plants for the mantids tank. Oh and for kids there is a stand giving our lots of plush hats and masks colouring books etc.
  77. Courtneybst

    AQUAH 2024

    Good that it was busy though! Shows there's actually demand for these kind of events.
  78. funkymonk1984

    Aquascape Feedback/Advice

    The tank will be co2 injected. Going for the Eheim 350t pro 4+ filter. Have the dual regulator and co2 bottle but missing a part and inline diffuser. Twister 600s v3 light
  79. M

    My thoughts so far

    Merhaba, Yosun üreticimi yapıyorum. Mikro için manganez edta, çinko edta, bakır sülfat, borik asit, sodyum mobilden edta, %13 demir potasyum sülfat, asborik asit, beyaz sirke, potasyum sorbat var ama ppm'ye göre nasıl hesaplayacağımı bilmiyorum. Gram cinsinden bir tarif vermeniz mümkün mü? CO2...
  80. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    There was only one person selling Custom Aquaria tanks, but those who know who that is. Know how good his tanks are. I took the opportunity to upgrade the mantids tank, so I'll do a journal for that soon.
  81. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    I am already back home. Alot of people and very busy. Lots of retailers there. Biggest was TMC stand. George was there aswell and said hello. My old Area Manager was there from MA Bolton. Awkward but was OK. A few scapers are there with Horizon Aquatics which was lovely. Horizons stand...
  82. G

    Aquascape Feedback/Advice

    Should look great. I'm sure that Dave at Aquarium Gardens told me that Christmas Moss really needs CO2.
  83. Iain Sutherland

    AQUAH 2024

    Any feedback or photos from the event Gill, would be great to hear how it went. 👍
  84. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Right, OK, will collect some water and leave that on the side for 24 hours and test again. Thank you.
  85. MrClockOff

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Yeah, all sounds correct except shaking bottle for degassing the water? We tend to leave it alone for 24h to degass as shaking water would mean you mixing it with air and air contains atmospheric CO2.
  86. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    I think you may be right about the pH probe. I had to recalibrate it YET AGAIN using a pH7 solution. I need to keep my eye on that. However, a comparison now with the API test kit indicates that the aquarium water pH is ~6.5 on both the probe and API tests. Rechecking my current aquarium...
  87. FrozenShivers

    AQUAH 2024

    Wanted to go but dates don’t work for me to travel. Hope you have a great time fit those that can make it!
  88. Gill

    AQUAH 2024

    Queues are stupid, still haven't opened the doors to the event. They are running late.
  89. funkymonk1984

    Aquascape Feedback/Advice

    Not 100% set yet. It’s 60cm x50cmx35 so wanted to go with smaller leaves species. Not masses amount of soil to plant in given the sand path and foreground. I’ll go for some hair grass in small clumps around rocks with more carlo on and behind rocks at sides/Matilda in and amongst also/ Anubis...
  90. M

    Rotala Macrandra and wallichi in hardwater

    What was the ph? And was is stable?
  91. MrClockOff

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hey @Bradders Forget about tap water. We have to measure pH drop relative to aquarium water. If your drop checker is yellow when pH drop is 0.7 that could mean drop checker is above CO2 defuser and CO2 mist is getting into drop checker aquarium water got accidentally into drop checker uneven...
  92. Bradders

    CO2 measurement - when all things are taken into account

    Hi All, I have been learning and experimenting more with soil. As a result, I have a CO2 measurement question for the experts! My tap water has a pH of 7.5+. When I added Tropica Aquarium Soil, it seemed to buffer the water to around 7.0 when degassed. When aiming for the 1pH drop for Co2, do...
  93. Fluxtor

    Plant list for new tank setup

  94. Conort2

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    https://www.aquaticplantcentral.com/threads/questions-about-blackwater-crypts.33818/ Here’s a list of species, it’s not so black and white as many species have variants that grow in both blackwater and more mineral rich areas. Nurii is one of those species, I was under the same impression as...
  95. Vasteq

    The Lovely World of Bucephalandra!

    some of my latest news:
  96. G H Nelson

    Plant list for new tank setup

  97. Andy Pierce

    Rotala Macrandra and wallichi in hardwater

    Adding HCl does add CO2 but only to meaningful levels for about an hour after you add the acid. I tried doing this twice a day for a while but didn't notice anything you could call dramatic improvement in plant growth/health.
  98. Stu Worrall

    AQUAH 2024

    Ill be there from 12 ish. Got to go to Essex early then back up to Cov :)
  99. Sarpijk

    Taiwan Bee not so nano

    The ficus deserves a topic on its own! Would love to see it in its full glory and learn about the ways you maintain it.