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The Lovely World of Bucephalandra!

www.buceplant.com has several varieties listed with photo's.
Maybe can ID from the photo's there?
I bought some "Arrogant blue" and "brownie "something or other last year from them and love em.
These are the plants that got me interested in aquarium plants. Love the look of them. And they are great for growing emersed in a terrarium...IMG_20200307_191654_250.jpg
buces 1 july.jpg
Asking for some ID help...

Hi, several packets of unidentified Buces arrived at my LFS (its called C328 in case you follow Ryo Watanabe's youtube channel). Even the boss lady didn't know what they were. Given the price was equivalent to 5.40 pounds sterling a pot, I just gave it a shot.

They appeared to be farmed Buces so likely the common varieties. Left I'm guessing is Kedagang Red. Is the one on the right Theia? Its huge - Theias that have previously been sold in our stores are much smaller (I even have one in my tank and its a fraction of the size of this - or maybe its not even a Buce....). (The black clipboard on the right is A4 sized, for reference).
The piece on the left is definitely ‘Kedagang Red’, I bought the same variety under the name ‘Godzilla’. The one on the right I’m not sure of, but it’s definitely a Bucephalandra species. Perhaps it would be easier to ID with submerged leaves.