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Aquascape Feedback/Advice


New Member
27 Apr 2024
Hi Guys,

I’ve put together the attached scape. The rock is dark elderly and I was going for a concave style layout. I need some smaller stones to add details and to hold down wood towards the back. I will be using Ada La Plata sand for foreground and a path through the middle and still need to cap sides with powder soil. Anything you’d do differently or you don’t think works? Any advice would be greatly received10573C1F-F41C-461B-8302-33CC2C378D30.jpeg
That looks great mate , only thing I can see which will cause you issues is that wood on left too close to the glass , for cleaning purposes

You going to do dark start?
Not sure yet. I still need to buy the filter and other bits. Transferring livestock from current tank on the most part so I have the opportunity to dark start it if I want to. I thought that with the wood, might try and squeeze it away when I’m gluing down. Have some gargled branches and detail stones to add but like I mentioned above I wanted some smaller elderly stone pieces to help block the soil with some filter floss
Not 100% set yet. It’s 60cm x50cmx35 so wanted to go with smaller leaves species. Not masses amount of soil to plant in given the sand path and foreground. I’ll go for some hair grass in small clumps around rocks with more carlo on and behind rocks at sides/Matilda in and amongst also/ Anubis petite and buce needle leaf/wavy green/biblis, Christmas moss glued on wood/in cracks,Myriophyllum guyana/rotala h’ra at back.

Any suggestions? That’s just a rough idea need to plan it out once I’m happy with layout. Think I need another bag of Amazonia to get a bit more height and the depth towards front. I’ll add that once I’ve got more dark elderly though as I need to barrier it all properly
Should look great.
I'm sure that Dave at Aquarium Gardens told me that Christmas Moss really needs CO2.
Should look great.
I'm sure that Dave at Aquarium Gardens told me that Christmas Moss really needs CO2.
The tank will be co2 injected. Going for the Eheim 350t pro 4+ filter. Have the dual regulator and co2 bottle but missing a part and inline diffuser. Twister 600s v3 light
I've been trying to eradicate Christmas Moss from my CO2 injected tank for about two years now and I never put any in there, it obviously came in with other plants. I remove all I can find but a couple of months later I'll find a batch growing out of a clump of Buce.
Looks really good, still leaves room for plants to have an impact without the hardscape being too overbearing.