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Whos going to aquatics live?

easerthegeezer said:
Westyggx said:
Only met bartash today but think I saw eezer the geezer and few others!

Hey Mike, you should have said hi, would have been good to meet you :thumbup:


stu may have won again but he is still only 2 foot tall :lol:

Been a great weekend, the quality of the scape comp was awesome with very well deserved top 3. Congrats guys.
Great to meet everyone and a huge thanks to all the guys that spent a lot of time and effort putting the ukaps area together... it was the stand out area of the show :thumbup:
Next year im on the soft stuff only 😳

I know mate didnt want to disturb your concentration lol i was around the ukaps stand alot you all probably thought who was that stalker!
Cracking weekend full of great aquascaping, good friends and nice food and beer! The level of the scapes stepped up again this year and we all commented how great it was that not one scape was the same as any other.

Me and Graeme nearly didnt get home on the Sunday night as our 19:16 train got cancelled, the 20:16 was 20 mins late which meant we got the last train home from watford only because it was late in. the next train home was at 5:30am the next day!!!

Ian Holdich said:
another quick pic...


and well done Mr Worrall on the win...the top 3 was very well deserved IMO.
Thanks Ian, was great to setup next to you and Jane, sorry Iain 🙂 . Think we had a good laugh on the end, especially when you got interviewed by the indian film crew!

easerthegeezer said:
Westyggx said:
Only met bartash today but think I saw eezer the geezer and few others!

Hey Mike, you should have said hi, would have been good to meet you :thumbup:


stu may have won again but he is still only 2 foot tall :lol:

Been a great weekend, the quality of the scape comp was awesome with very well deserved top 3. Congrats guys.
Great to meet everyone and a huge thanks to all the guys that spent a lot of time and effort putting the ukaps area together... it was the stand out area of the show :thumbup:
Next year im on the soft stuff only 😳
Damn, you got a pic of me without my stilts on!! And Westggx you should have come and said Hi! Would have been a good break as we were working for 5 hours solid and I even forgot to go to the loo!

Hope the eye is better now Iain :thumbup:

Thanks to Dan and the crew for organising another ukaps spectacular at aquatics live!
Mark Evans said:
Here's a little teaser from a freshwater shrimp tank...

I tried to ask Chris "Metal God" Lukhaup some stuff about shrimp.

I was asking him about water conditions for crystal shrimp and was remarking how london tapwater comes out 40ppm nitrates and he said that was perfect and its rainwater level. He then remarked how his english wasnt great and didnt quite understand what i was asking. (i think he might have confused it with kH)

at least i pilfered some shrimp food and a lanyard! muahaha!
(Just thought I'd post these comments in the main AL thread 😉 )

Great to meet up with everyone at Aquatics Live 2012 this weekend, the show was pretty good overall, but I think the planted tanks of the ukaps, freshwatershrimp, and Aquajardin stands stood out above the rest !

This was the ukaps stand. Huge thanks and congrats must go to Dan Crawford for all the effort he put into putting this together, and making it happen. Not only does Dan do all the organisation for the show, starting months in advance collecting sponsors for the stand and the aquascaping competition, but he also designs all of the flyers, t-shirts, iPad stand and the poster himself, and transported a pair of 80cm tanks to the show too. Quite some effort !

Thanks also to Ed (Piece-of-Fish) from FreshWaterShrimp for the huge LED TV on which we displayed scape build up videos, finished scape pics, and shrimp pics and vids too.



These were the two awesome scapes on Ed's FreshWaterShrimp stand - simply stunning, and a great showcase for the NA tanks, stands and lights too.



Here are the 10 great scapes from the AquaScaping competition, these were all scaped on Saturday, and then judged on Sunday morning by Heiko Bleher, Dan Crawford, James Starr Marshall, Mark Evans, Chris Lukhap and Lars Green from Tropica.











Reigning champion Stu Worrall retained his title with a stunning scape, with Tony Swinney in 2nd ( 😳 ) and Antoni Dimitrov in 3rd. Out of a possible 500 points, there was only 6 points between the top 3 so it was a pretty close thing !

Thanks go to Tropica for the plants, Tetra for the tanks, and Unipac for the hardscape materials, not to mentoin the judges for their time too.

Heres looking forward to next years show 🙂
