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Whos going to aquatics live?

I'm booked in for the Sunday slot. You can't miss me, I'll be the chap hobbling about with an NHS crutch attached to my right arm.
Don't be shy, please feel free to come up to me 😀
So I'm going on Saturday, all the way from Devon and:

First off, is there a bar? Not a spray bar - a beer selling bar? With food?

Secondly - is it cheaper to buy decent plants here rather than online? £7 a pop for Tropica stems online... so how much at AL?

Thirdly - packaging - if I do buy plants or lillypipes what are my chances of getting them back to Devon (on a train) intact? - and please factor in the first expression (the beer selling bar).

Many thanks my planted tank friends.

I can only answer one of your questions, well, sort of. I'll have beer, I always have beer ;0)

The vans loaded, bed time for me now, 5am start. See you all over the weekend!!!!
Manrock said:
Thirdly - packaging - if I do buy plants or lillypipes what are my chances of getting them back to Devon (on a train) intact? - and please factor in the first expression (the beer selling bar).

Many thanks my planted tank friends.


Can't help with the glassware but plants are easy just blow the bags up like fish bags and you'll have no probs, I did this with a load of plants I bought in holland at the start of the year. All bought on the Saturday and not planted till Tuesday with no I'll effects.
Not long to go now guys I'm excited! Early night for me tonight I think to get my train at 7am.
First off, is there a bar? Not a spray bar - a beer selling bar? With food?

I don't think they have a bar as I don't think they are licensed to sell alcohol. Last year there was a little cafe selling cakes and sandwiches and tea and coffee but it was very expensive. I remember there is a tesco express across the road though!
Great start to the morning.. Ended up at the wrong train station lol, luckily I got up early and had enough time to black cab it to the correct one!
See ya in a bit Mike!

Just about to set off to that there London, where all the street are paved with gold. I have even heard rumours that they have vehicles called cars.
sod the beer, i'll bring a crate of Redbull (or some cheaper alternative, like Morrisons own brand)