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Whos going to aquatics live?

Piece-of-fish said:
For those who put both days, its about time to open aquatic addict rehab center :lol:
I wont tell then how many days I will be there :geek:

Lol they can put on one for people with MTS aswell, will be good to catch up Ed.
Piece-of-fish said:
For those who put both days, its about time to open aquatic addict rehab center :lol:
I wont tell then how many days I will be there :geek:
ill be there for about a week, the way things are going :lol: I've got me a few reliable helpers, if anyone else is free to help setup on Friday I'd really appreciate it.
I'll be there both days and I'm particularly looking forward to meeting all you fishy/planty folk...especially Jeremy Gay...
I will be there the 3 days 😉 (Sunday afternoon only) see you all there 🙂
Bartash said:
It would be nice to know who is going to aquatics live and on what days

Post up your names and the days you are going and i will keep editing the first post with the updated list 🙂

I am thinking of going but not sure yet. Can anyone tell me from previous experience whether you can buy small discus fish there around the 6 centimeter size? I am after 4 x Red Alanquers, 2 x Snakeskin Red, 2 x Snakeskin Blue, 1 x Cobalt and 1 x Solid Turqouise.


You can't buy livestock at the show only plants and equipment

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2
srm1973 said:
You can't buy livestock at the show only plants and equipment

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2

Are you certain about that ? There were comments (cant remember where, maybe on the Event website, that depending on local authority permission, livestock might be allowed this year.
I'm certain, Check the website http://www.aquatics-live.com/

Look at the bottom of the page and you'll see the following quote -

*Sales of corals, plants, invertebrates, dry goods and equipment will be allowed at the show but sales of fish and reptiles are not permitted by law.

srm1973 said:
I'm certain, Check the website http://www.aquatics-live.com/

Look at the bottom of the page and you'll see the following quote -

*Sales of corals, plants, invertebrates, dry goods and equipment will be allowed at the show but sales of fish and reptiles are not permitted by law.


B£$%&*x :evil: Maybe they do it on the QT 🙄
I will be there on the Saturday. Getting a 6am train to arrive in London at 8.30am. Looking forward to meeting people from Ukaps. See you on Saturday.
If you book through the website, do they send tickets in the post? Or do they send an email which you show at the door?