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Whos going to aquatics live?

Only met bartash today but think I saw eezer the geezer and few others!



I was the guy with that black hat with the star on it 🙂
I have to say what an awesome day i had, everyone was friendly and it was great to feel a part of UKAPS instead of just a forum member. Thank you to everyone who took the time to speak to me and introduce themselves although im abit jealous i would have looked good in a black UKAPS shirt lol

Good luck to all of you taking part in the aquascape competition, its gonna be a hard call because all were progressing fantastic.

Both myself and my son thank you

He also loved meeting Chris Lukhaup

My son Posing with Chris Lukhaup by PlantedTankUK, on Flickr

I'm going tomorrow with my daughter...
Anyone that went today, can tell me what I should look out for?



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fleabilly said:
I'm going tomorrow with my daughter...
Anyone that went today, can tell me what I should look out for?



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Look out for the Ukaps stand and the freshwater shrimp stand.....that's where it's all going on. Dan is doing a planted tank demo on the Ukaps stand Sunday so that will be worthwhile seeing, also check out the scapes created by Ukaps members, they are great and all offer something different.....will be hard to judge.

The aquajardin stand also has some nice scapes in white jewel tanks, and the maidenhead stand is pretty big. generally there is something for everyone although you always want more 🙂
Im sure in the seminar list there will be something of interest for most aquascapers and fish keepers and I found James Marshalls talks interesting.

Was good to meet some of the members face to face and have a bit chat....would be nice if there were more opportunities to meet up but I guess there isn't really anything else and it takes a lot of organising to round the troops and organise display tanks etc.
anyhow, I'll look forward to next year.
It was awesome!!

I have been kinda stagnating on aquascaping.. This weekend was awesome!!

Lots of new ideas, absolutely refreshed..

Watch out for new scapes dudes.. 🙂

Also, a couple of tips from Mark, enough to improve my photos in no time..

Way better than last year, way better.

another quick pic...


and well done Mr Worrall on the win...the top 3 was very well deserved IMO.
Have you gone all posh Ian......no more ianho?

Dont know the results, but well done Stu, a great scape, and well done to all that entered, high class throughout :clap:
What a great weekend once again, competition was great this year a great improvement in standards from the last one, was great to see everyone again and meet some new faces, curry night was great too 😉

Top three tanks were

1st. Stu


2nd. Tony


3rd. Antoni


Congrats to all that participated and set the bar higher once again 🙂
Westyggx said:
Only met bartash today but think I saw eezer the geezer and few others!

Hey Mike, you should have said hi, would have been good to meet you :thumbup:


stu may have won again but he is still only 2 foot tall :lol:

Been a great weekend, the quality of the scape comp was awesome with very well deserved top 3. Congrats guys.
Great to meet everyone and a huge thanks to all the guys that spent a lot of time and effort putting the ukaps area together... it was the stand out area of the show :thumbup:
Next year im on the soft stuff only 😳
Stu does look remarkably small on that pic!

How's the eye Iain? Did you tell everyone how dave and I protected you from combat 18?
Hi, it was a great day, I took a lot of pleasure to be there. Thanks to all of you for this moment, and thanks to Dan, for all his work. :thumbup:
The only negative point of my week end is that co2 is to cheap in England, and if it is good for plant it's not the same for my leaver when I drink it... 😀