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What other hobby's do you have?

Not as young as I used to be (58) but still try to get out on this as much as possible

Titanium?.. Nice welding craftmenship. Undestrucible frames once in a lifetime buy.. Steel is anyway the most comfortable frames ever made.
Nice bike!..

I still have a Classic Van Tuyl Titanio actualy one of the very first titanium Cyclo Cross from the 1980's Frame No H516
Once owned by a professional cyclist a custom build and used as training bike. The frame was perfectly my size and is still as good as new.. I turned it into a city bike and riding it every day. 🙂
I would have loved to have the very first the H001 that would be a real collectors item.
Mountain biking for me. Mainly trail centres but like a bit of cross country stuff when I find a good route. Dust the road bike off every now and again but doesn't hit the same adrenalin button

Weather permitting also like a bit of paddleboarding (river, lakes or sea)
I have many interests but I don't have so much time for each of them...Unfortunately! However, except fishes and aquariums I love gardening. I don't have a big yard but it is enough to grow some veggies and basic flowers. I also really like photography but I am quite amateur about it.
Ha ha there are lots of things that I can no longer do like balancing on one leg.. the latest one is vigorously shaking my head!
I have worn my hair quite long for most of my life and always shaken off excess water after washing it, but now, if I try that I get so dizzy I fall over! (It has happened twice)
If I drink more that two pints of cider it takes two days to recover, my resting pulse has gone up ten beats and I have to take a tablet every day for high cholesterol.... the joys of reaching 60.
I can remember on so many occasions when I sneered at older folk who were slowing down in life... now it is my turn to be teased !
Y'all are worrying me. Now that I am studying for a degree my time and resources are a little different. Pyrography and botanical garden visits occupy my spare time 🙂