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Welcome :) Tell us about yourself

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I can't believe how addicted I have become with this element of the hobby.

For years I saw plants as something to chuck in a tank and help reduce nitrates for my fish.

I don't have the imagination that some obviously have when it comes to aquascaping, however, I do seem to be able to grow all the plants I want to (the technical side of my brain no doubt).

I'll keep on trying and hopefully will get somewhere presentable soon.

I'm an RAF Avionics Technician by trade and currently live in Moray, N Scotland although I can't wait to move somewhere that I don't end up having to pay extra to get things delivered (anybody'd think I live abroad with some of the postal charges). Due out of the forces next year.
Hi all,
I live in Biggin Hill, Kent. I have been keeping fish (or is that fish keeping) for the last 10 years on and off. My two kids love watching the fish and how the plants grow under water. I have a 160L tank with an Arcadia Luminair above. I have been so amazed, as so many of us have, by the Amano setups and am trying my level best to come close.
I work for FedEx in Surrey which keeps me busy most of the time. Hopefully I will be able to contribute to this forum in some way or another.
Thats Me.
Hi all, I'm new here. Have kept fish for years, before I went on a 3 year break. Having just got back into the swing of it, thought I'd start off small and if things work out move onto bigger projects. So, I have -

27 Litre (6 Gallon - or there about) Aqua-40 Cube, bow front.
Interpet PF Mini Internal Filter
Tetratec 50w heater
No idea on lighting, anyone know if the lamps in these tanks can be replaced?

CaribSea Black Moon Sand
3 x Vallisneria Spiralis
1 x Microsorum Pteropus 'Windelov'
5 x 'Moss Balls'


To be totally honest, it didn't turn out how I saw it in my head. Now I don't know what to do - nothing seems 'right' I feel the Java on the wood is overpowering everything and that the moss balls just look...out of place. Anyone got suggestions on what I could do? I've no problem disposing of plants/buying new plants or hard scape. This is all pretty new to me as I only ever kept large Cichlids before this, and plants don't tend to last 2 minutes with them. Thanks 🙂

Hi all,

My name is Stu (Manchester) and i'm a new comer to the world of aquariums and i enjoy every minute of it. Recently i added fish to my first aquascape which has crowned things off nicely. A very pleasing time after 2 months waiting.
I take great interest in house plants and have been flirting with the idea of growing plants underwater, hence my new interest in aquascaping. My first attempt is simple, 3 rocks and carpet of cuba 6 emperor tetras. I will try and get some pics up soon.

Electrician by trade for ten years but currently looking for a new direction in jobs. I may take up my hobbies and interests as full time work and take some studies.

I look forward to reading variuos topics. And have seen soem excellent scapes.
Hi everyone!

I don't think I've introduced myself properly, partly because I haven't been that active here.

I've been keeping aquatics for 8 years. I'm living with my fiance and his family, who also love animals and fish. You could actually say we met through fish 😛
Anyhoo, I'm dying to have a peaceful tank set up while awaiting approval to be married (don't you love the waiting game 🙁). I was setting one up, a small 6g rectangle, but as the story always goes, money needs to be spent on more important things than plants. I think it's important though, hehe 🙄

I've kept freshwater, saltwater FO, brackish water, planted tanks, shrimp only tanks. I really miss my shrimp, but hopefully I'll be able to put a bit aside to get some and have a tank going. I'm looking at three tanks now, but no life in them!

Well, I'll stop rambling. This is a wonderful community that seems to be filled with knowledgable hobbiest. I hope I can share and learn alike!

Oh, and my name's Leah 🙂
Greef said:
Hi all,

My name is Stu (Manchester) and i'm a new comer to the world of aquariums and i enjoy every minute of it. Recently i added fish to my first aquascape which has crowned things off nicely. A very pleasing time after 2 months waiting.
I take great interest in house plants and have been flirting with the idea of growing plants underwater, hence my new interest in aquascaping. My first attempt is simple, 3 rocks and carpet of cuba 6 emperor tetras. I will try and get some pics up soon.

Hi Stu

Interested to see how you got into planted tanks, as I'm surprised how few people approach it from an interest in plants, rather than in fish. I'm the same as you - fanatical about houseplants and gardening, so want to grow plants underwater too. But I'm still at the reading-about-it-stage, and struggling to get my partner to agree to keeping fish. I keep telling her we already have lots of slugs, snails, greenfly and birds in among our garden plants, so what's wrong with a few fishies? I'm almost tempted to get an animsl-free tank for the hell of it - but I've got space for pretty big tank, and you've got to have fish, haven't you?

I'll get there...

Oh, and Welcome 🙂
Um, hello *waves*
I'm new and figured I'm supposed to introduce myself?
My tank is an obsession. Bogwood/mopani/roots/any random piece of wood I find, are also an obsession. I love wood. I'm not too great at aquascaping but I think I'm getting better. Been keeping live plants in my tank since May '08. Its low tech, low light, slow plant growth. Currently using just Flourish and Flourish Excel (growth is even slower without these!). I read Practical Fishkeeping. I'm a member of The Planted Tank forum (its American, but I love it). I'm constantly looking at other peoples' tanks for inspiration. My Java Fern grows like a weed and I love it. I also have Stricta, Wendtii and Nevillii Crypts, Vallis (stunted by my Excel, looking for an alternative.....) Java moss (its taking over, its everywhere!), Hygro difformis, anubias nana, dwarf Sag.....

I think thats it
Oh, I'm female - it doesn't ask me for that on my profile. I'm told this is a male-orientated hobby. I think there should be more women - we're as creative as men right? (that's rhetorical - don't answer)
Anyway, cool, gonna get started posting proper things now - woop! Its good to find a UK-based forum
Hi all,
I've been a member of this forum for a while but haven't posted. I guess I just thought of myself as too much of a novice so I was kinda watching and learning.

I've only been fishkeeping for a few years, started by setting up a tank in secret for my daughter and found I had an interest. 12 months ago I decided to go for something bigger and more challenging so I bought a 150ltr cube which I have been experimenting on in an attempt to create a half decent planted tank. I'm a member of the PFK forum and have been relying on the plant experts there for advice.
All the fish I've kept have been v.small with my current favs being Pygmy Corys and Sparkling Gouramis. I also have an interest in annual killifish and I am planning a second planted tank suited to breeding.

I'm a computer programmer by trade. I have a partner and 2 kids, both kids are interested in animals and the partner sees aquariums as pretty lamps 🙂

Anyway hello all, some pics of my tank are here http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/steveninaster/MyTank# all comments critical or otherwise are welcome.

Hi all.

My name is Paul I'm 31 and Voice Network Engineer, I live with my girlfriend Karlie, my main hobbies are Tae Kwon Do, Weight lifting, and walking my 16 month old Akita 'Archie'

I've been lurking on here for a couple of weeks, reading up on how to setup a planted tank and looking at the impressive tanks you guys have.

I've been into the hobby properly since Christmas and have a 110L tank that I'd like to setup as a Nature style planted tank. From what I can gather the lighting on my tank is sub par at the moment. It has 2x18w bulbs, I'm guessing they are T8s, so I'm looking to upgrade with a T5 Luminare if I can find one for a decent price. Currently the water depth of my tank is 35cm, and my tanks PH is 7.8. Unfortunaltey I've not got any pics as my fish have whitespot and the tank is looking murky due to the carbon filter been removed from my filter and the whitespot treatment in the water.

Currently my tank has a couple of Alternanthera reineckii `Purple` (lilacina), a couple Echinodorus a Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica', some Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' a piece of planted bogwood to large pieces of bogwood and a few pieces of slate. and a couple other plants I can't remember the name of as I'm at work.

I was directed to this site by a chap at The Green Machine, I'd rang up to ask a couple of questions about their tanks and after a 5-10 minute chat he recommended I have a look at ukaps.

As I said I'm looking at developing a Nature style platned tank. I've a rough idea what I'd like. The right hand side of the tank will be raised about 15cm with the largest piece of bogwood, a couple of crypts planted around it, my Alternanthera reineckii & Echinodorus making the background up, also I'd like some grass-like bedding plants on this area, the raised are will be about 1/4 of the tank wide then slope down, still covered in short grass to the rest of the tank that will be a gravel substrate with no plants and just another piece of bogwood close to the left hand side of the tank as a focal point. along the top I'd like to hang a piece of Redmoor Rootwood with some smooth leaved plant tied to it to look like a tree root growing into the water.

Thanks for reading.

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