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Welcome :) Tell us about yourself

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Ah so there is a place for intros, just took me a while to find.

First post here although I signed up some time ago. I was put on to this place from a few people at other forums as a good place to source trimmings/plants from. No doubt I'll be taking a few later as I'm just about to redo here and go from a 2' tank (well two actually) to a 4' one and going a bit higher tech. I'm just waiting for the snow to clear before we go collect it now and then I have alot of work ahead of me. Not looking forward to that bit too much as I have a busted rib at present. I'm off to take some pain relief. 😉
Might as well introduce myself as I've been here a couple of weeks.

Hi I'm Andy, pleased to meet you all, and thanks for the advice I've got so far!

I got into the planted tank over a year ago. I got a tank of my sister for free and wanted tropicals so I began looking into it. I then began to see more and more planted tanks and stumbled upon the Tropical Fish Forum, which I recognise lots of names from. I saw the journals and was blown away by the varied scapes. I knew then I wanted a tank with plants as opposed to purple gravel and a sunken galleon!

I also wanted to do a better job of growing plants than my Dad who kept tropicals for years in the 80's. Plants in those days were shoved in the pea gravel and left. The lights were on a couple of hours max and the dead plants removed a month later.

So along with learning how to look after tropical fish, I had to learn how to grow plants under water.

After a bright start and a fish disaster or 2, I got a new job and kept the tanks going in a light maintenance mode...so I do have a few algae issues (photos on journal will testify to that fact!).

I'd like a big tank with a big school of tetras, but limits in floor loading might mean I wait a while for that! So its a 45L and 75L for now.
TLH said:
Ah so there is a place for intros, just took me a while to find.

First post here although I signed up some time ago. I was put on to this place from a few people at other forums as a good place to source trimmings/plants from. No doubt I'll be taking a few later as I'm just about to redo here and go from a 2' tank (well two actually) to a 4' one and going a bit higher tech. I'm just waiting for the snow to clear before we go collect it now and then I have alot of work ahead of me. Not looking forward to that bit too much as I have a busted rib at present. I'm off to take some pain relief. 😉

Hi and welcome aboard 😀 Good luck with the new setup, and keep us posted in the Journals section. And you're right about this forum being a great place to source trimmings, there's alot of very nice, very generous people on here, just keep an eye on the for sale section. 😉
Hey, Ace here 😛, Just thought Id say Hi, And loving the amazing planted tanks on this forum!. I really hope to have one of my own in the near future ! :twisted:

Just joined 😳 . Used to keep a Marine system (5x2x2), just comming back to Tropicals.

Have a 20 Gallon tank at the moment - not much I know, but its been a while since I have had FW fish.

Thinking of setting up a nice planted tank (Co2 seems a bit daunting TBH).

Anyhow, will read lots and no doubt ask lots as time goes by.


Dear friends,
I have been here for some time now and I realized, it will be nice of me to present myself 😀 :
My name is Antoni and I'm a planted tank enthusiast. I am from Bulgaria.

I have been in the hobby since 1995 with some gaps in between. In 2007 I have received an 100l aquarium with some plants and neon tetras from my girlfriend for Christmas and this was the turning point. My frenzy started again. Now I have my interests settled on aquascaping and during my search for knowledge and inspiration, I have become a member of this wonderful forum.

I would like to thanks to all the fellows that answer my questions!

Kindest regards

Hi All.

My name is Pete. I'm married to Penni & we have two children - Elliott 8 & Tabitha 6. I'm 45 and work in Port Talbot steel works.
I started keeping fish when I split from my ex wife in '94 as a way to relax and relieve stress :lol: Besides the normal community , I have had Malawi's ,Tanganyikans , and Discus but have always wanted a planted tank after buying the Nature World Aquarium series in '96. I don't have a tank currently as , when we moved in '02 , my O.H decided she didn't like the rio 400 I had as it was black and too big ( as they do :evil: :!: ) so it was sold on the previso that I could get something more suited . . . DOH :shock: 😳 😳 But every dog has his day . . . and I sense the tide is turning so looking forward to fulfilling my wish for a planted tank 😀 😀 .
Thanks to all of you in advance for any & all help and advice given in fulfilling this dream. 😉

Welcome aboard guys, I am sure the people here will do their best to help with any questions 🙂
hi there

my name is Nico , i'm french (sure it doesn't help,lol) but i live in japan 'cause i hate france...(its a lie but i think it could help somehow).
i discovered this forum tracking George F ,lol(if ever you wonder how i got here)

anyways as we share the same passion for planted tanks i would be glad participate to this forum.

btw we didnt really lost Waterloo (lol)

fell free to call me froggy even though i like Nico better


Salut Nico!

Tu n'as pas raison d'avoir honte de ta nationalité, nous sommes tous Européens en fin! 😉

Donc, Bienvenu a UKaps et j'espère que nous puissions t'aider faire un aquarium formidable 🙂

Hi Nico!

You've no need to be ashamed of your nationality, we're all Europeans after all! 😉

So welcome to UKaps and I hope that we can help you build a fabulous aquarium 🙂
Egmel said:
You've no need to be ashamed of your nationality, we're all Europeans after all! 😉)
I don't think he is ashamed, just the history between the two contries hehe
I have lots of family in the south of france and also in Bordeaux and have visited them often, France is a nice country but the French people are not the friendliest to outsiders. hehe

Bienvenue Nico and hope you enjoy your stay here (you arrived here the same way I did lol)
LondonDragon said:
Egmel said:
You've no need to be ashamed of your nationality, we're all Europeans after all! 😉)
I don't think he is ashamed, just the history between the two contries hehe
I have lots of family in the south of france and also in Bordeaux and have visited them often, France is a nice country but the French people are not the friendliest to outsiders. hehe

Bienvenue Nico and hope you enjoy your stay here (you arrived here the same way I did lol)
Perhaps 'ashamed' was the wrong term, embarrassed to be on a UK forum while being from France. I just couldn't remember the word for embarrassed off hand! 😳 I have now looked it up - gêné 🙂

I've always found the French very welcoming, maybe I've been lucky.

Im Owen and im from Portsmouth. I've recently got into proper planted tank fishkeeping after being a (somewhat ashamed) co-owner of a plastic coldwater tank whilst at university.
My bro works for a aquatics shop and has started me off with his old marine tank, a Lido 120. I've had it set-up a month now and seems to be going well...i think. I took some pictures when i was setting it up so might make a journal at some point.

I think this forum is great 😀 , i've learnt more than I can ever have imagined by reading other peoples experiences (and mistakes) and i look forward to learning more. I've finally set a direction with my tank thanks to this forum. I want to go for a South America theme and i've started with; otos, corys and black neons (and amano shrimp, obviously not SA, just for the algae 😉 ). My goal is for some wild pterophyllum scalare, if I can find any!

Anyway, nice to finally post on here and look forward to talkin more

OwenF said:
Im Owen and im from Portsmouth. My bro works for a aquatics shop and has started me off with his old marine tank, a Lido 120.

Hi Owen,

I used to scape a Lido, which is now retired temporarily. I found the cube like shape a bit of a challenge.

Hi Dave,

Yes, i agree. The vertical aspect of the tank poses a challenge to fill out. If it wasn't for the fact I got it for next to nothing, and had I found all these wonderful forums earlier I would have tried to get something long and not so tall. I've got my sights set on a Roma 200/300L for the future.

Despite that, the tall tank leaves options for the (hopefully wild) angels I want to get. Found this picture:
which seems to have similar dimensions and I want to try an replicate, almost a biotope...more of SA theme i think.

Would be interesting if you have any pics of your lido when it was scaped.

This was my first attempt at a planted tank, and my first ever tank.




This one is predominantely Riccia and M. umbrosum.


This was my final scape before retiring the tank. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, I wasn`t able to finish it.



I hope to be moving house some time, so it may make a comeback.

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