I kept seeing this post and meant to sit and type up my intro but always had to go off and do something else. Anyway here is a little info about me;
My name is Kel, I'm 24 I used to work in accounts when I lived in Liverpool(my hometown) but gave that up when I moved down south, I'm waiting until my daughter goes to school and then I will either go back into accountancy and do an OU course in web design & computer maintenance(or equivalent) or I might just go back to college and study full time rather then having to cram it in after work / before coming on the net

I'd probably take up psychology again if I went full time as that's a nice easy / interesting subject. I'm married to nick who's 30 and a writer, we got married on halloween 2004 and had a very non traditional wedding
😛 We have a daughter called Kyoko who will be 3 in June most people comment on her unusual name so I'll quickly explain, we love japan and all things japanese so gave her a traditional japanese name, it also has a lovely meaning 'reflection'(as in to reflect upon something not as in a mirror reflection).
I'm a plantaholic
😛 I also love video games, music, films, clothes(making & buying), old TV shows from the 60's/70's/80's & hair falls.
I've been around fish virtually all my life, my dad always had a tropical tank and I quite often had goldfish in bowls
🙄 Then after a few years of having neither I decided I wanted a tank and some goldfish, so my dad got me a 2ft tank and 4 fancys, that was around the age of 12, they lasted around a year I think. I kept a menagerie of rodents, birds & dogs until I was about 15 when I got rid of all but the dogs and my old budgie.
Then in 2006 my husband bought me a black moor in a bowl as a present off our daughter for my birthday,poor little guy was in the bowl overnight with brown paper over him as soon as I unwrapped him I changed his water and we went out and I got him a 17L plastic tank & filter the same day(I didn't know much about fish then but I knew he needed a bigger space and a filter). Then after a few weeks I got him a 70L tank and a friend, still knew virtually nothing about fish. Then in January 2007 I bought a secondhand rio 240 off ebay intending to put my goldies in it but it came with 4 tropicals, a geophagus, a 3 spot gourami and 2 gold corys. Well my husband talked me into keeping them all and getting a bichir. The geo bullied the bichir so had to go, got another bichir, 3 more gouramis and a couple of bn plecs. I removed the gold corys the day I got the tank because they were terrified of the geo so they got their own 50L tank, I also started posting on TFF.
Fast forward to march 07 when I decided I wanted to add some real plants after seeing alot of planted tanks and being really inspired. I managed to grow the plants with minimal effort, I had one of those greenline grow bag things and that seemed to do the trick, didn't really aquascape I just put them where they looked nice.
Today I have 4 planted tanks(and 1 non planted) and will be setting up another 2 in late august / early september and probably another small tank towards the end of the year(sooner if I have the cash). I wouldn't say they were real scapes, they still just look like the plants have been chucked in but I'm trying and learning every week that goes by