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ViV Mini M, 36x22x28, ´A cliff from Verdon’


19 Jan 2016
Hi there!

New project :
-Viv Mini M optiwhite tank, 36x22x28cm
-Sunsun hw 602b filter
-ista universal skimmer
-onf flat nano
-pressurized co2 (planted box reg, Dooa diffuser)

Hardscape :

Geo stones
White sand
Tropica powder soil

To be continued!

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Hi all,

I don't <"normally comment"> on these sorts of threads, but that is some fantastic rock.

cheers Darrel
Thanks mate, appreciate it, I know I had to do something with these new stones since i saw them hit the market this year.

I speed cycled the tank by rinsing old filter media from my iwagumi after filling it with water;

Some flooded pics, doing 7-8 days darkstart with cycled media:

It always amuses me to see how clear the water can be with a 25€ filter and without Purigen or any other useless additives.

25€ filter and without Purigen or any other useless additives.
I agree. For a planted tank, reasonably stocked with some sensible maintenance applied to it, additives and special filter materials are grossly unnecessary - a good sponge for mechanical filtration is all you need - keeps flow up as well. What filter @CooKieS are you using?. Love the rocks btw!

Edit: filter is Sunsun hw-602b … got it.
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The cheaper the better @MichaelJ !
Here’s the plantation plan, I want something with green only this time so:

-riccardia in the cracks of the rocks
-hemianthus micranthemoides as an background bush
-patches of HC Cuba in the foreground for details
-some Eleocharis pusilla in transition between HC and HM

And voila, that’s it!

So I started painting this canvas with leftover plants from my iwagumi and other tanks, and I added my mixed neocaridina colony!

I still need to add some riccardia and hc Cuba patches but it’s starting to please me.

Daily dosing Ada brighty K, and brighty mineral, 1ml of each.


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Lovely scape mate 👌🏻
Thanks guys, appreciate your words!

So I had to move the tank and I plan to use the already cycled sunsun filter on my new 45p, the dennerle scaper’s flow took it’s place.

Plants are settling in slowly, no melt as the filter was cycled already and the Tropica soil doesn’t leach a ton of nutrients like the Ada do (best all around soil this Tropica IMHO).


The shrimps are messing with soil and sand so I’ll have to add crushed geo stones on some part to avoid it being too messy, otherwise the good old magnet trick works like a charm during maintenance.

Cheers have a nice weekend