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ViV Mini M, 36x22x28, ´A cliff from Verdon’

Hi all,

I don't <"normally comment"> on these sorts of threads, but that is some fantastic rock.

cheers Darrel
Thanks mate, appreciate it, I know I had to do something with these new stones since i saw them hit the market this year.

I speed cycled the tank by rinsing old filter media from my iwagumi after filling it with water;

Some flooded pics, doing 7-8 days darkstart with cycled media:

It always amuses me to see how clear the water can be with a 25€ filter and without Purigen or any other useless additives.

25€ filter and without Purigen or any other useless additives.
I agree. For a planted tank, reasonably stocked with some sensible maintenance applied to it, additives and special filter materials are grossly unnecessary - a good sponge for mechanical filtration is all you need - keeps flow up as well. What filter @CooKieS are you using?. Love the rocks btw!

Edit: filter is Sunsun hw-602b … got it.
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The cheaper the better @MichaelJ !
Here’s the plantation plan, I want something with green only this time so:

-riccardia in the cracks of the rocks
-hemianthus micranthemoides as an background bush
-patches of HC Cuba in the foreground for details
-some Eleocharis pusilla in transition between HC and HM

And voila, that’s it!
