This is standard policy for any patented product
This has already been stated, however that doesn't make it a good policy.
I believe it stifles both individual hobbyists learning and the development of science related to the hobby and lowers trust in their product. You are allowed to have a different opinion, I'm personally more interested in discussing the science of how the Twinstar works (or doesn't) than the reasons why the manufacturer won't tell us, I'll leave that speculation to others
I'd guess that UV sterilizers would also fall into this category
Not at all, UV sterilisers aren't magic
to people who know how they work. Totally different from Twinstar as they claim to do totally different things, in different ways.
At the right flowrate UV units kill greenwater, along with
both beneficial and pathogenic bacteria
only in the UV chamber, you don't irradiate the whole tank with a short burst of UVC to somehow kill the baddies while leaving the goodies unharmed.
The Twinstar floods the whole water column for short space of time with something that is claimed to kill algae and pathogenic bacteria depending on the "controller" unit the electrolysis disc is attached. Twinstar make no claims it doesn't harm beneficial bacteria on the tanks surfaces, animals bodies and anything else the O3 comes into contact with, so with my understanding of physics and biology I can only presume that it does harm these beneficial bacteria and potentially the sensitive parts of fish/shrimp.
I think this harm is very minimal, possibly negligible, but only because the "positive" anti-algae effects are minimal too. Have you seen the picture in this thread of the disc covered in algae?
I'd rather have a nearly negligible amount of extra algae in my tank than subject my animals to this unknown quantity, then there's the cost of the unit + replacement parts and the space it takes up in the tank...and time cleaning it when it gets covered in algae.
Both parts of this statement are equally subjective 😉
Not sure what point you are trying to make here - there is only subjective evidence available on this devices abilities in aquariums at the moment, I think that fact says a lot after so many years of the product being available. Burden of proof is on Twinstar or it's users to provide objective evidence that it works as advertised, not the other way around. Regardless, I just post my opinions and try to explain them thoroughly. I would never try to imply my opinions are free from subjectivity...lets leave the philosophy for another thread now though.
Again subjective, & completely lacking in any supporting evidence ... if Twinstar were a litigious sort of company, they's have lots of grist for the mill 😀
Again...not sure what point you are making? Did I imply anywhere that Twinstar were a litigious company? I don't think they are, they may be, but I don't care either way. I think they are a company with great marketing and a crap product, I have have no further opinion on their business practices at this time.
Unlikely event?
Robert H does a good summary here of
Novak's litigious behaviour here
OK, I'm still not sure how this is relevant to anything quoted in my post. I did read that thread, but I still don't know why. Maybe your trying to imply I should be scared of Twinstar because of my opinion of their product?
There were APD list folk that I rather liked that ended up in bankruptcy & losing their homes during this bizarre lawsuit
I am sorry for your loss.