Here's some quick pics post mini-rescape
Front and back, now look quite different, so more interesting. Algae already on the retreat, and hopefully that moss will grow to be a monster in the middle, with the rotala thickening out a lot. Want to go for the full on jungle look. Once the rotala is properly embedded, I'll trim to make it a nice curve and all that jazz...
Nice little cory (melanistus), who'll be keeping my substrate nice and dusted.
And a close up of the bottom right, just seeded roughly with some grass. Might change this for some eleucharis once I get the CO2 sorted. But this stuff has been living happily with minimal attention, so why not stick with what's working ok...

And finally, one of the bigger inhabitants.

This is sort of my experiment tank (as this journal shows). So am now basically testing whether it's possible to have a half-decent planted tank with puffers. CO2 is all over the place, so will be slowly cranking that up over the next few days. Fingers crossed - no way I'm gassing those puffers...