Here it is a month later. Moss has really grown in a lot, and rotala stems have just been trimmed back - was a veritable forest before. Now expecting the stems to burgeon forth in proper thick clumps. Have replaced the filter covers with metal shrimp guards - much easier to slip on and off and clean.

Puffers are great, though definitely a challenge with moss: they're such messy eaters the tank gets pretty cruddy quickly. This tank seems to need a couple of ml of easycarbo a day to keep the algae at bay - think almost certainly due to bits of food getting everywhere and no shrimp to clean up.
Almost tempted to get a hydor to up the flow a bit if they didn't look so awful. But overall this tank now needs practically no effort and looks cheery - my big tank is the one I'm trying to get up to proper aquascaping standards...

Puffers are great, though definitely a challenge with moss: they're such messy eaters the tank gets pretty cruddy quickly. This tank seems to need a couple of ml of easycarbo a day to keep the algae at bay - think almost certainly due to bits of food getting everywhere and no shrimp to clean up.
Almost tempted to get a hydor to up the flow a bit if they didn't look so awful. But overall this tank now needs practically no effort and looks cheery - my big tank is the one I'm trying to get up to proper aquascaping standards...