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Tranquility - My low tech 186L journey

Will check the parameters towards Friday next week - Tank will have been running then for 4.5 weeks abort dark start for 3 weeks so I am hoping I’m approaching the stage of adding some fish.
Personally I wouldn't be tempted to add any fish for a good couple of weeks yet, the dark start is good for cycling the 'Nitrogen cycle' but it wasn't until you put those plants in 1.5 weeks ago that the Biorhythm would have kicked off, plus I can see that a lot, if not most of your plants have not fully transitioned yet (I can see new growth) so they will not be assimilating fully and also adding to the soup as the existing leaves die off.
Once your readings are good Clithon Snails are a good first critter they will help with Algae, Biofilm and dying plant matter without multiplying or leaving eggs everywhere like the Nerites. Snails or not, I'd still wait a couple of weeks from this point before adding Fish or Shrimp, and then introduce them slowly into a lovely thriving aquarium, I'll wager you will have a better success rate.
Tank looks great BTW and I look forward to seeing it in a month or so's time, and it's also obviously yours to do with want you with, I'm only giving you my slanted view on life.
Hello Bazz,

Thank you very much for taking the time to contribute to my little project 😊

I welcome any and all advice and as you say it takes longer than we think / longer than we want for a tank to be fish ready. I have parked the idea of fish for a few weeks longer as I can concentrate on creating a world that I can grow plants then the plan for fish can be looked into.

It’s so much fun and a welcome distraction this little world we create - I’m happy to take my time and give it the best shot possible!

Best Wishes,

Murray 😊
Hello Folks,

Not much to report will do a small maintenance trim tonight.

Have uploaded a video to YouTube - I don’t think MD Fish Tanks has anything to worry about…

Just thought it would be a change from a photo of some sand rocks and plants! Going away for a few days in around 3 weeks so may just wait til then to buy fish / clean up crew.

Just still trying to work out a plan for when / what little ones to put in the tank 😊

I always wanted to get Celestial Pearl Danios but I hear they can hunt shrinplets / berries shrimp which I don’t like the idea of. I like shrimp but know nature is nature just trying to create a little haven where everything is happy.


Hello Folks,

Here are todays weekly test results:

Tank water:

GH: 7
KH: 5
pH: 7.2
Ammonia: 0,05 (more yellow than green)
Nitrates: 0.5
Nitrites: 0.1

Im not sure how accurate they are (I’m trying to follow the rule of if it looks fine it is fine) rather than be ruled by some test “results”

My Amazon frogbit is colouring up and multiplying nicely. Only had a small amount of Anubias melt.

Tempted to go to the fish shop just to see what they have to get out the house. It’s only been 4 weeks (3 weeks dark start 1 week planted) so judging by consensus it’s still to early to add livestock.

Need to start planning a tank for my workplace 😊


Small update:

Two of the Anubias have melt issues (one was rotting away to nothing including the rhizome - Other is 50/50. Also lost a Schismatoglottis prietoi which is a shame as I really liked the plant.

I haven’t seen any algae - It’s been approaching just over 4.5 weeks including a 3 week dark start.

Went to 5 different local fish shops but none had any Amano shrimp or Cleython shrimp. We are going away for a few days in October so temping to get an initial small quantity clean up crew only then on return get the other fish in batches.

Livestock wise I’m thinking:

Celestial Pearl Danios
Chill Rasboras
Bloody Mary Shrimp
Amano Shrimp

I know CPD’s and rasboras are smaller size and the tank is 180L I hope that’s not a problem I really like the look of them.

There is a friendly local fish shop that I am happy with and one that I really like that is a 2 hour drive. Other than that every other shop I have tried I’m not sure I can be bothered going back to 😊


We are going away for a few days in October so temping to get an initial small quantity clean up crew only then on return get the other fish in batches.
Wise decision!
I know CPD’s and rasboras are smaller size and the tank is 180L I hope that’s not a problem I really like the look of them.
I can't see that being a problem at all, it gives you the opportunity to have more of each of which I'm sure will gratify you and the fish and enable them to be in a more natural environment. I would give it a bit longer before introducing the Chilis until the plants have matured a bit and your floaters have multiplied to give them respite from the current. I think the CPDs are slightly more robust and hang out lower down so would introduce them first. It's funny for me because I would never have dreamt of keeping the two species together with one preferring soft water and the other moderately hard, but with but GH 7 and KH 5 I think you should be able to get away with it.
I'll tell you what though, I really like this tank!
opportunity to have more of each
Plus 1. Big shoals of little fish gives great scale visually as well as being good for them. I think of lot of people arent bold enough to stick to that and want to try keeping lot of different species. Understandable, but I like your plan. Nice tank btw!