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Tranquility - My low tech 186L journey

Thanks Wookii I will check them out 😊

Small update:

I have placed an order for the below fish collection at the start of November:

30x Celestial Pearl Danios
30x Chilli Rasboras

I’m away for a week at the end of October so figured I may as well wait a bit longer then I will be here for the fish.

I’m my own worse enemy and procrastinate which combined with limited options locally (I have to drive for 5 hours just to get Amano / Otocinclus over the counter!)

I have a small amount of brown algae appearing so have dialled back the light to 4 hours at 20% and haven’t fertilised for two days. Don’t know if I have dialled it back by to much - I’m cautious of this light!

I can’t wait for my clean up crew to arrive hopefully Tuesday for the shrimp and Wednesday for the snails.

But am contemplating going back to Livingston to get some Otos but unsure if the tank will be mature enough to feed them? Especially with a 1 week holiday coming up. I have algae wafers and a friendly neighbour if that helps.

Like I say I over think everything I’m a little bit concerned that my clean up crew is under staffed? I may just go back to Livingston and get those Otos if it’s a wise idea I don’t want to be cruel / careless with this project but indecision gets the better of me.

I have ordered a proper gravel vac as my syphon didn’t have the pulling power. I’m going to get some Corydoras so hopefully that will also keep the gravel “rotated”

Cleaned the outlet and inlet pipes and tubing. I love this hobby - It does stress me out though 🤣

The last tank I hardly thought anything about it - This one I’m over thinking at every step 😊 Guess it’s just important to me that it works out OK and I do not want to warm any living creature under my wings.


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dialled back the light to 4 hours

Seriously mate, don’t do that, all you’ll be doing there is restricting the plants ability to grow properly and giving algae the upper hand.

Brown diatoms are perfectly normal at startup and once you add your clean up crew, it’ll disappear in no time.

Dial the lights down to 20% by all means, but keep the lighting period to 8 hours minimum.
Seriously mate, don’t do that, all you’ll be doing there is restricting the plants ability to grow properly and giving algae the upper hand.

Brown diatoms are perfectly normal at startup and once you add your clean up crew, it’ll disappear in no time.

Dial the lights down to 20% by all means, but keep the lighting period to 8 hours minimum.
Thank you Wookii as always I really appreciate the help! - Sorry for the bit of a wobble!

I have put the lights back up to 8 hours with intensity at 20%. Sorry for being dramatic - Been a long week 😃

Will be cool to get the clean up crew sorted - Found one Ramshorn that must have come in with the plants 😊


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