Tom, got to say one of the most amazing journals I've read on any forum.
I've been slowly reading from the start over the last couple of weeks.
Kudos to you sir!
Cheers Ben (Kerby?). Sorry, looks like I missed your post until now.
In other news, I've been getting rather jealous of Alastair's enormous wood, and have decided to fight fire with fire!
Which began with tricking my girlfriend into helping me carry a slippery, worm- and spider-ridden, soil covered 30kg lump of dead beech (I think) through the woods in the pouring rain. For an hour. In the dark. And then spend a further 20 minutes figuring out how to fit it in the boot of the car.
In the cold light of day, I wasn't even sure how much I liked it -
However, the good lady informed me that after the previous evening's exertions with my wood (er...), not using it could well have disastrous consequences for our relationship.
So this afternoon I spent a good couple of hours with a hosepipe, pokey thing and wire brush removing all the soft and rotting wood (oh for a sand blaster!), and have uncovered something which I'm pleased to say can only really be described as stonking, and includes several arches and caves of various sizes -
It'll be a while before I get a chance to use it, but I've got some pretty ace plans...