Tom,...I am going asking this at the risk of sounding really dumb but i would like to ask it anyways,..beacuse i just don't understand it.😳 Everytime (well,...twice to be exact) i tried to grow the mini java fern in a low tech set up,...they developed holes & slowly died away. Never putting out new shoots,..I am talking about bullet ridden like holes on the leaves.I was finally just left with an empty rhizome which I threw away. I only had one piddly T8 tube mounted on my last tank. You had a halide for god's sake,...and how do they look so lush?!!!! Is there something i'm missing? Was it the increased water hardness caused by that stone that you pulled out, providing the carbonates for these plants ( mini java ferns,..that i see i think) that could have made them flourish so well?
Amazing shots mate. This one reminds me of one of the deep sea fish that live in almost zero light.
You should try vinegar eels, my rainbows can take these soon after hatching and rainbowfish are tiny fry.
Fauna: Currently - cherry shrimp, Daphnia magna and any number of weird slimy things Planned - more slimey things, and a group of either licorice gouramis or badis. Possibly Hara jerdoni and some sort of micro rasbora, depending on how the food chain holds up.
(by the way I did not read so much since school 😀 my eyes are hurting.
how deep is the substrate at the back of the tank
and would it be possible to loam instead of John innes
i can get Arthur j bowers aquatic compost which
as loam in it i use it now but i only put a half inch
layer down and cap it with sand do you think it would
be ok to use that and add some potting grit to it