I make use of syphons, have 2 of them 1 left 1 right side corner.. I started with everyting at one side, but took 'm apart and placed them left and right, this gives a better circulation, each corner has it's drain.
Left side
right side in tank view
Right side outside tank view. You see it end up in a PVC pipe at the back left and right, this is one pipe.
Bellow the tank there is a T going to the sumps resceptacle with the heaters where it flows over to the trickle/bio part
At that little piece of hose between syphon and pipe i made an acrylic clamp with a wing nut to fine tune the flow speed from the syphon.
Ready made valves from the LFS are not tunable enough, with using a clamp it can be tightened by a fraction of a mm.. Because this is only a 110 litre tank and small sump containing 12 liter water volume it is very touchy and needs to be tweaked rather precise..
Or calculated rather precise regarding flow capacity of pump and drain.. Which is a not every day mathematical formula
That's a bit the disadvantage (well not realy) from small tanks with small sumps. The whole concept is a force of mother nature, with large volumes to displace it aint so touchy, with smaller volumes everything becomes smaller and goes easier out of sync. So there for i came up with a pump speed controler and those clamps. Without it, it's a massive slurp and burb party driving you nuts..
Also that pvc pipe behind the tank, the 2 open ends where the hoses go in, need to be plugged with a sponge and in the sump it needs to be submersed so all ends are pluged outside the tank with sponge inside the sump with water.. If not a jetstream of running water in a hollow pipe sounds like a concert of 20 dwarfs constantly peeing all over the place. Plugging it makes it silent.
And indeed glewing a lets say 5 liter nano sump together aint such a big deal.. I have a glass shop virtualy as neighbour can pickup the material on the fly.. But i not sure if a sump can be made that small and still run smoothly.. As said, the smaller it is the more touchy it becomes, i even not sure if i can find the right pump for it, it not only needs to be tiny, but it needs to be able to run 24/7 without breaking down twice a month.. So i'm a bit bound to that, yet not able to make a DIY mini pump. Need to do some testing first, before i build something doomed to fail.