This is where i a'm so far..
🙂 Tank is up and running, now let there be growth.. Have some melt kicking in on the crypts and blyxa.. But that probably will turn by itself, i hope..
Plantlist, so far.. I do not think i'll be adding something soon (Except a few small Java Philipina on the base of the wood stump under the needle mini, not yet arrived))..
For th erest i'll sit back and see how it develops. Rather take some out later than add..
From left to right:
Pogostemon Tenellus
Blyxa J.
Hygrofilia Pinnatifida
Hair grass ( very few little wisps betweem the driftwood rootstructure at the forground)
Anubias nana bonsai and nana petite. (Inconclusive if the are identical, should be according to some but depending on the supplier i see clear differnces in leaf shape)
2 unknown anubias sp. (forgot)
Anubias Golden
Utricularia G.
Anubias Ducky (On top emerse)
Java Needle (sp. Taiwan)
Java Needle Mini
Java Regular (On top emerse)
Hygrofilia Lancea (On top Emerse)
Myrophyllum Aquaticum (Hidden in the Hygrofilia L.)
Java Orange XL
Cryptocoryne Indonesii
Gratiola viscidula
Cryptocoryne Wendtii
Cryptocoryne Albida Brown
Cryptocoryne Parva
Eichornia Azurea
Cryptocoryne Willissii
And Salvinia Natans
fissidens F.
Fontanillis a.
I'm not happy with the overflow performance, probably miscalculated its capicity.. It slurps louder than i do, so that has to change..

Still working on the light setup and only installed something temporarely.. also this is going to be something completely different, something i've never tried before. But something i think will work pretty well for a low tech setup like this. I'l come back to that later when it's up and running.