Just been flicking through this again...almost forgotten what a great journal it is 🙂
Thank you Tim!! 🙂 This tank is still running strong.. Actualy the longer it takes the stronger it runs. And i'm trying to pimp it with emersed growth in planters. But i haven't updated on it for a while.. I'll give it a shot..
It isn't easy to take proper pictures with house hold materials from a tank that doesn't use artificial light in its best periode. I gets so many light distorsion from the skylight above and the white walls surounding it, it has so many reflection in the glass i would need to build me a custom studio setup around it to do something about it.. Without it its near impossible to take desent pictures.

Top right is still a very young Alocasia Zebrina.. I'm still waiting to recieve some more glass planters i ordered. For another Alocasia poly next to it..
The water lily is realy building some body this year.. But it's summer time, i yet have no idea how far she will draw back during the winter periode under artificial lights..

imho the most intruiging Alocasia out there.

The Poly also a stunner is still waiting for its planter. The Begonia maculata at its right is south american origine. Not for this tank because it is mainly asian exept the anubias.. So begonia is for a later project still in the penn..

Added a piece of DW to the back panel top rim close to the surface. It as some liver and other mosses and a young Bog Fern rhizome (Thelypteris palustris) still in transitiion. It will take some time to grow and show. And i'm trying to get Utricularia to grow there already for years, but i keep failing on this plant. 🙁.. Darn..

And some emersed Anubias barteri petite in the moss of the tree top.. I discovered the younger the plantlets are the beter they take transition to emersed. Acctualy obvious, the small leaves are very close to the moist moss and stay in the bubble.

So already running for a few years, but still need a few more..

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