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The Stove & Its Flowering Anubias.

Thanks Jordy 🙂 I hope so.. Till now i didn't see it come together and only going down hill. This tank baffled me a bit and turned totaly upside down. The usual fast grwoers went totaly dorment and covered with diatoms and the slow growers and mosses grew the best covered in hair. Like Utricularia Graminifolia is doing realy great in this tank and growing longer leaves then i've seen before also the Lomariopsis lineata grows stunningly fast while all anubias went brown from diatoms, java's melting, both pogestemons went hybernating, crypts doing nothing but growing hair algea except the albida brown and wendtii grew like letuce. At one point i went water changing every day 30% and syphoning the filamentous diatoms of the hardware and substrate. and it was like 3 hours and all was back again.. Frustrating.. 😡 Never had this before in this amounts.. Now finaly after 4 weeks daily water changes and syphoning in a week time it suddenly starts to clear up. Looks like i bfinaly broke the chain and spiraling up again instead of down. And see the fast growers finaly recover and come to life.. 🙂
Little sneekpeek update on what's going on above the waterline i yet did not show.. I extended the driftwood with a branched structure like it's sticking out as a small tree.
At first i wasn't sure if i would keep it like that, but after planting it a bit, i'm sure it'll do.

DSCF6231 (Kopie).JPG

There are several kinds of mosses, a bog pimpernell and a small tropical Bulbophyllum taiwanense Orchid tied to the wood on some spahagnum and other mosses.
DSCF6232 (Kopie).JPG

DSCF6229 (Kopie).JPG

If all goes according to plan, there wont be much wood to see anywore in a few months.. The moss is slowly creeping up and soaking the wood from the bottem up with it.
The orchid i already nursing for the seccond season now and couldn't get it to flower yet.. So i decided to place it above the tank, more light, more most air and steady temperatur.. I'll hope i can show you it's flowers this summer..

There still is a branche semi emersed at the water surface in the filter outlets splashzone, yet only covered with moss.. I still thinking about an epiphyte to put on there, maybe some fern or an anubias nana petite. Don't know yet.
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Hi Roy, thanks.. 🙂 And thanks to you mate, you know who picked that piece!? And if it wasn't for you finding this i never would have got it in the first place. :woot::thumbup:
Hi Roy, thanks.. 🙂 And thanks to you mate, you know who picked that piece!? And if it wasn't for you finding this i never would have got it in the first place. :woot::thumbup:

I Marcel, I forgot I sent you the DW :lol: The DW does take a time to become damp and stay that way:nailbiting: Its taken one of my pieces in A Wabi-Kusa several months before the moss would grow well on it, Looks great when it happens 🙂
It first soaked for a few weeks, then binded it to bend some branches in shape let it dry, then soaked it again.. Now it's 1/3 is submersed all covered in moss and the moss and moist is slowly creeping upwards. But it takes time indeed and help with the spray bottle... 🙂 There is still some room i think for a little Hydrocotyle to climb into.. 🙂
Thanks you Martin and Berlioz.. 🙂

Berlioz?? Don't you for a chance have an aquascape titled "Symphony Fantastique" ? 😉
Little update on the cabinet.. 🙂 It is finaly done, took me some time watching it an brainsorming what to make so it fits and stays in the same overall style.
Since i used 1" gass pipe and scaffolding fittings construction as base material to hold the weight of the tank and chrome nikle in the light fixture.. I came up with the title "The Stove". Anyway i found some old vintage style oven/freezer door hinges and the whole idea came together..


Sorry for not having a complete overview how it's build. Because it went a bit on the fly with adding this and that and watching in for a while to find ideas and materials how to procede. The initial plan was to keep it open so all technics wouyld stay in view. But that i didn't like as much as i thought, looked kinda to messy. So initialy it wasn't made to be a cabinet and still managed to make it one.

So the cabinet part is done, not unsatisfied with the results. Only thing is, when i have mates over for visit and i say grab a beer.. They yell back you have non, they are looking under the tank.. :lol:

The whole corner is far from finished, i'm still watching it and brainsorming to find inspiration and ideas to plant up the back wall behind the tank under the light fixture.. I thinking of something in the line of a hydroponic plantholder with ferns and such to hang to the wall, integrated with the tank as additional biofilter. There also still will come emersed growth at the top back in the tank like i have in my 3 of life scape. Not yet found a suitable piece of driftwood to pull it off. That;s something you have to stumble up on, only made by mother nature. But since this stove is a slow burner, it will ba a long term project and i have tons of time. Since this tank stand under a roof window and is naturaly lit all summer long, i only need some lights during the winter season. So the natural light comming from above will do good to put plants above the tank as well.


So far the cabinet, back to the tank itself later.. 🙂 It's doing alright, but very slow..
Thanks Tim.. 🙂 My too, that was the plan.. Only took me over a half a year to find the stuff.. It's not something you find in a regular cabinet makers chest. Actualy it was a truck store i found the idea and ended up with oven door hinges. :lol: (Well that way you certainly see something of the world.) Then when i found them they where high gloss chrome.. Had to sand them down a bit in a cross patern to suite with the rest of the chrome nickle finish stuff. This project is a slow burner in all aspects. With waiting till i find what i can use. 🙂
Thanks guys.. 🙂

Don't you think the shelf above the tank is bloking some light. Or that was the plan?

The shelff is not realy blocking light, because the roof window above the tank is about 150x150 cm.. I also do not see the shelf cast a shadow.. On very clear blue sky sunny days the tank gets bombarded with light from above and looking unexpectedly bright. But i can not regulate this, cloudy and rany days i have less bright light, the pic above is taken on a somewhat cloudy day. And then it looks very dark but to plants tell me other wise they are steadily growing and i'm finaly getting clear of the beard algae. I was forced to turn those spot lights off and take the light as it comes, it is like an indoor pond.

The plan was to put this tank in that corner but i didn't know what to expect from that ceiling window. http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/roof-ceiling-window.38937/#post-444881 This thread has some pics taken at sunny days. It was november with very dark days definitively in need of light when i builded the tank.. So i made that shelf aboved it to fix some lights to.

I still do not have a plan for the shelf, but it is not attached to the wall.. That Robots poster hangs to an old Philips XRayPhoto Lightbox.. It looks like the box stands on the shelf, but the box hangs to the wall and the shelf is screwed to the box. Can take it all off the wall in one part, box. shelf and lights and hang it back again.. Robot was already hanging there for years and made use of it like that for now.

I think i maybe need lights above the tank in winter season, but yet do not know the tank is still on it maiden voyage towards it.. I will see this winter if i need the plants need those lights, maybe to keep up the 10/12 hour periode.. As for now i just go with what i get still around 16 hours.. Dunno, still experimental and just let it roll throught the winter like that. I might change things next year when i know more..