Thanks Jordy 🙂 I hope so.. Till now i didn't see it come together and only going down hill. This tank baffled me a bit and turned totaly upside down. The usual fast grwoers went totaly dorment and covered with diatoms and the slow growers and mosses grew the best covered in hair. Like Utricularia Graminifolia is doing realy great in this tank and growing longer leaves then i've seen before also the Lomariopsis lineata grows stunningly fast while all anubias went brown from diatoms, java's melting, both pogestemons went hybernating, crypts doing nothing but growing hair algea except the albida brown and wendtii grew like letuce. At one point i went water changing every day 30% and syphoning the filamentous diatoms of the hardware and substrate. and it was like 3 hours and all was back again.. Frustrating.. 😡 Never had this before in this amounts.. Now finaly after 4 weeks daily water changes and syphoning in a week time it suddenly starts to clear up. Looks like i bfinaly broke the chain and spiraling up again instead of down. And see the fast growers finaly recover and come to life.. 🙂