I think rotting bottom and floating away is an aquarium thing, not something that occurs naturally or else the stem beds would not have established. Stems are flowering plants that set seeds propagated by air and water and don’t make sense the need to break away to form new plants. This underwater video of a river in Brazil has large beds of Myrio, Bacopa, and Ludwigia that in the aquarium often develop bare rotten bottoms, but apparently not so in their natural habitat. What’s causing bare and rotten bottom in the aquarium is an unnatural thing.I imagine its like any plant in the garden: it grows untill it falls over/breaks/rots and from the root/remaining bits of stem, new tops form. The tops of the rotted stems float away and land somewhere else, forming new plantbeds occasionally.
A journey through the Rio Sucuri
Woke up this morning seeing this beautiful vid. Probably most of you know the channel, but I just wanted to share.