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Still have algae...too much light still?

Is your water from a well ? Read somewhere of someone having horrendous algae issues and he was using well water. Quick sterilise of water and neutralise (and even UV) before use and not algae issue any more.

Hi Ian,
No, our water is from affinity and in our area I think 100% comes from aquafers.(spelling?) which I would think is the reason for our water being very hard and with high alkalinity. I have got a TMC UV unit but have not used it since I started with live plants because of the reduction in flow that it would cause and the interference that it would cause to the chelated trace mixture.
Right the ph seems to have settled now although I will have to turn it off soon as the odd one or two fish are at the surface now.
I have adjusted the pumps, and after rescuing my micranthemum after it decided to uproot and spread itself around😉
My readings are as follows and it does not seem quite right.
Before co2.........................................................7.4
1 hour after co2 on and 1 hr before lights on....7.1
Lights on............................................................7.0
Lights on plus 1hr..............................................6.9
Lights on plus 2hrs............................................6.8
Lights on plus 3hrs............................................6.8
Lights on plus 4hrs and co2 off.........................6.8

So do I need to turn the co2 on earlier? Also I have just noticed today but have heard it on regular basis...a regular burping sound but today I took notice.
What is happening is on a regular basis the last hole on the spraybar is pushing out excess larger bubbles which I assume is co2. Why it is doing this and how to solve the problem I have no idea.

My wife has also agreed that, if it would be of benefit,. I can get an external filter with 2000 lph (but only a cheapo APS one).
She has also agreed to an overtank system at 2 x 39w T5 if it would be of benefit (but only a cheapo APS one.
So would these two changes be of benefit, or of little use?
Thanks Clive. I'm asking as my water will bet the same as Berties. So just to check my understating, in this case, we are looking for a 0.5 PH drop before lights?
Hi John,
Yeah, that's a good target, but it isn't written in stone. A o.6 or 0.7 might be necessary if your lighting is really high.

Hi John,

I didn't have time to read through all the thread, but one thing to consider about CO2 is that its concentration in the water relates very closely with aeration. Try to look at my measurings here. As you can see from the graph #3, if you have not enough aeration (surface ripple), then your CO2 can slowly increase throughout the whole photoperiod. So for stable (constant) CO2 level during whole photoperiod it's essential to ensure good aeration (wheather via surface rippling or wet/dry filter). Otherwise your will not be able to keep constant CO2 level (which could be part of your problem with algae). I don't say it's your case, but you can take it into account when looking for the problem solution.

What is happening is on a regular basis the last hole on the spraybar is pushing out excess larger bubbles which I assume is co2. Why it is doing this and how to solve the problem I have no idea.

Hi Bertie, I had this EXACT same problem last week, the last hole was squirting out large co2 bubbles every minute or so making a annoying squeaking noise. I was also having problems getting my co2 rite, was injecting more but not getting any more ph drop and odd drop checker colours ..... It was just all over the shop and confusing.
Thought it could be the up inline blocked, gave it a good clean, no difference.
What I ended up doing is when the gas is on, using the needle valve, turn the gas complete off, then turn it back up slowly over a few mins say.
This stopped the squirting completely, and now I'm getting much smaller co2 bubbles in the tank, and need lot slower bubble count to get the same result as when the bubble counter was going crazy.
It seems like adding to much pressure to the up inle makes it drive bigger bubble through it and it need to to 'reset' by pushing gas through it and upping the pressure SLOWLY. Been fine ever since.
Hope is helps you too. Cheers mate
Hi Bertie, we started our tanks about the same time, we've both had similar issues with regs, inconsistent bubble counts, dodgy non return valves and some algae0🙂
Just for comparison, mine is 260 litres and bow fronted, I have twin 39w t5 fixed lighting with reflectors removed, I've been through the same as you with loss of plants, keep spending money on New stuff and keep wondering what to do next.
Now I've not cured mine completely but I think I'm not far off, what I've done is I have 2 1500 lph JBL filters now, full length spray bar and cO2 is now split between these, I also have a single circ pump, the same newave as you have.
My drop checkers are yellow at lights on, my fish seem fine but flow isn't right yet in the corners. My main difference between your 180 seems to be my lighting is less and although fixed, it's 51 cm from the top of the substrate, I found my biggest improvement was when both filters were added and then cO2 to both, it's not right but 90% better, like you, my remaining algae is small but bugs me just as much as I've been trying for most of the year to sort things and I'm so close I can't quit now, c'mon mate, we can look for a good filter second hand if needs be and crack this eh🙂

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Well I think, having thunk about it 😉,that the release of co2 build up from the last hole in the spray bar, may be due to the end stop being two inches further on from the last hole therefore causing a build up of co2 at the end?
I will have to shorten that end.
I am starting the co2 15 mins earlier today to see if the water can have a stable ph by lights on.
I still cannot make my mind up whether a new filter and lighting system would help or indeed hinder.
I will continue with ph readings today.
When I extended my spray bar I drilled a 2mm hole right at the end of the extended bar to stop CO2/gas build up.
When I extended my spray bar I drilled a 2mm hole right at the end of the extended bar to stop CO2/gas build up.

Hi Ian,
That is what I have done (almost) I had a spare long diy spraybar and I drilled it so the hole is right next to the end cap so will see how that goes today.
I suspect that as it is a different spraybar I may have to fiddle a bit to get the flow right, although it is looking pretty good.
If I do get another filter I will have to do it all over again as the attachments, hoses etc are bigger on the other one but have not made my mind up about that yet.
Did turning co2 down and up like in my post last night make any difference Bertie?
Did turning co2 down and up like in my post last night make any difference Bertie?

Hi Terry,
Sorry no I didn't.
What I did do after thinking about the problem, asI had another long tube, I made another long spraybar. When I drilled the holes, I made the last one just at the end of the pipe so there was not a 2" length for co2 to accumulate. Fitted it this morning and fingers crossed at the moment it is not doing it.😉 Thanks for the suggestion though. If it occurs again I will try it.
Well the circ pumps are still working well today. The ph readings for today are as follows:
9.30 am co2 on....................................7.6
Noon...Lights On..................................7.0
5pm and co2 Off..................................6.9 All fish do not appear distressed in any way.

Is this going to be ok with the drop in ph over the last 2hrs? if not how will I be able to adjust?
I will keep doing ph readings for the next day or so.
I think if we go by what Clive said earlier in the thread about 0.6-7 PH drop for lights on then this looks good.

Do you dose liquid carbon? It might speed up getting rid of the algae.
Do you dose liquid carbon? It might speed up getting rid of the algae.
Yes I dose 4ml daily. I was at one time dosing about 7ml but seemed to have little effect on the algae.
Well I get my APS 2000EF today some time and will fit it over the next few days although I have my doubts whether it will make a difference. I have two of my circ pumps just about 100% full on that will be 2 x 1600 lph and the middle one on about 3/4. I have not done ph today but will start again when I fit the new filter.
I have changed quite a few plants over the last day or so as there was not much left on some to prune the affected leaves and still have a plant left to look at.
I still have algae coming on new growth and my red tiger lily has holes appearing on two of the youngest leaves and to be honest these started before increasing the pumps. I am posting a few pics of the affected plant leaves. I have some on my Java fern as well but like everything else the camera battery has run out! I am not sure what algae this is although I have doubled the P04 dose.

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I have just finished fitting the 2000EF Filter.
The increased flow is quite noticeable and I am running the co2 directly into the inflow pipe as it would be a bit of a job connecting to the UP Inline Atomizer as the hose on this filter is 25/18. I will start my ph readings tomorrow.