Well it has been 8 days since I moved the spraybar along the back wall.
I have had to increase the co2 quite a lot which I think is due to the substantially increased surface movement.
I have lost two fish during my tweaking of the co2, probably due to stress, I need to tweak it a bit more but will wait a few days.
The algae is showing no sign of disappearing any time soon.
As a lot of the plants appear quite "messy" now, I am even thinking about removing all plants and re-planting with new ones, but that would be throwing good money after bad unless I can solve these problems. I keep removing leaves but I am reducing my plant structure bit by bit and soon I fear there will not be much left.
My wife, says she cannot see anything wrong with the tank, but she does sit quite a bit further away, and she is looking without her glasses on! 😉 I could do that but all I would see is a big blurry square shaped blob. 😉
I am now concerned that I may "tweak" the co2 too much and finish off the fish as well. They are not showing signs of distress just yet, but they are higher in the water this morning.
I will just keep trying till I beat this nonsense!