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saintly's "Prairie Lands"

Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

samc said:
was it really you that chose thm rummies

kinda. he says he likes the fish with the poorly faces 😛 kids eh?.....

I'm actually liking the blue emperors now they've coloured up, but they are a little skittish. so rummies it still is
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

I hope your son can handle with lily pipes better then me, because I´ve broken already the scond one :lol: 🙄
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

I broke 2 myself and that it for me.
They need cleaned etc to look nice too.

Tom Barr
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi


you can see the leaves covered in bubbles 😀

Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

TDI-line said:
How many Rummies have you got now?
Lovely pic Mark. 8)

How many Rummies have you got now?

still just the 3. i'm getting half a dozen more at the weekend 😀

actually i've got a name for this scape.....

"Prairie Lands"
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

saintly said:
TDI-line said:
How many Rummies have you got now?
Lovely pic Mark. 8)

How many Rummies have you got now?

still just the 3. i'm getting half a dozen more at the weekend 😀

actually i've got a name for this scape.....

"Prairie Lands"

Nice. Sounds really well thought out.

Maybe i should go for some fancy names for my scapes....nah. :lol: :lol:
i'd been racking my brains for ages and on the way home i passed a field full of new plants, it looked similar to lilaeopsis but on a huge scale, that made me think of grassy plains. then prairie lands popped in my head.

just seemed right for the scape 😀
I thought you may call it 'Stegosaurus', Mark, looking at the profile of the rocks... :lol:

Mark - are your LFS staff ok with you changing fish etc? My LFS frown upon it a little, claiming it compromises their welfare.

It does raise some interesting issues regarding using fish as more 'cosmetic' items and I have been 'guilty' of it in the past.

Steven Chong created an interesting thread on this subject on APC a few years ago - fish as 'pals or paintstrokes'.
I've never been guilty of picking fish for cosmetic purposes for a 'scape. Anyone who saw my tank right now could tell i'm still a fishkeeper at heart before an aquascaper 🙄

But i really dont see the problem with trading fish when a 'scape is over... maybe a little bad on the fish, having to leave a well maintained planted tank 😀
George Farmer said:
Mark - are your LFS staff ok with you changing fish etc? My LFS frown upon it a little, claiming it compromises their welfare.

It does raise some interesting issues regarding using fish as more 'cosmetic' items and I have been 'guilty' of it in the past.

Steven Chong created an interesting thread on this subject on APC a few years ago - fish as 'pals or paintstrokes'.

i do sometimes think about the welfare of fish, but i'd only take them back to a store where i know they'd be looked after, after re introduction to display tanks.my MA store is pretty good, and respects the fish's welfare. i know of others that are not so good.

i still only have a handful of fish in this set up, and actually i'm still unsure as to which fish to choose. :? the emperors look amazing now, but don't shoal too well. rummis shoal brilliantly, but dart about all the while.

the tank currently is on grow fast mode, lilaeopsis is the fastest growing plant now and i've more or less resined to the fact that it's going to take over the foreground. i've also got green on my stones which I'm hating, i've got half a dozen nerites coming Monday, so hopefully they'll help out....not sure whether to post an image or not of my green stone 😳
Nice one, Mark.

My experience with 'green rocks' are that a scrub with a toothbrush does the trick, and any ingrained algae adds to the natural look.

Nerites can be effective but they are known to lay eggs that are incredibly tough to remove. They appear as bright white spots that can look more unsightly than green algae. In some cases they aren't an issue though, so I guess it's a risk worth taking.
I still think Rummies are the fish for this scape. 😉 My Nerites have never laid eggs, and even if they do I'm sure it won't post that much of a problem.
ok, as well as the good i guess I'll show you the bad too :?

2 things bugging me!

1 is....green stones. :shock: i think i've over done everything in every department too soon.

the other.... scum on the surface.

actually, i'm over the worst of the scum after regular W/C but you can still see it in the images. i only ever get it at this house.....

and hopefully time, and a forever strengthening filter should remedy the stones, along with algae eaters. i.e snails

here's a couple of pics, nothing too extravagant , just to show the progress. considering the problems, the plants are flourishing! 😀

