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saintly's "Prairie Lands"

i've trimmed it thats why. it was getting bushy so i just snipped it down to size, it just gets tighter over time. not sure if thats the right way, but it works for me. i could of had it covered by now, but it would look "loose" 😉
last snap for a while?...yeah, right..... :lol:

here's sideways, looking down the tank. i've come in for a tight crop to show some of the 16 rummies 😛 ........ not quite TDI-LINE standards but i will get there in the end.

the tank looks huge, but what your seeing is the reflection off the glass. i did take a shot with my 15mm lens (full frame sensor 😉 ) and that made it look massive! :shock:

samc said:
awsome shot mark and lovely rummies too

thanks sam.

aaronnorth said:
nice shot, the tank seems to go on forever. I

i do enjoy looking down the side. everytime i turn around from my comp it's there. dont forget though aaron, in a way, it's like photographing a tank that is 120cm in depth (and 45 cm wide :lol: )
Due to extreme laziness, I am going to ask you what the grassy plant is, rather than do some reading. :? Is it L. brasiliensis?

Dave Spencer said:
Due to extreme laziness,

i dont blame you Dave, 346, now 7 post's is extreme reading.

it's novae zealandie, and is turning out to be quite a nice plant.

i spoke with george earlier about the odd woe or 2 with this tank. also on other forums, i've had similar feedback with regards the "hedge line" from HC to liliaeopsis. i just didn't realise what would happen, but then that's why we try things. TBH, i'm bored with this already and want to start over. there's the issue with the HC too.

i've got decisions! take out hc AND LET LILAEOPSIS do its thing? or give it a few more weeks and start again..... the second sounds like more fun 😛
saintly said:
Dave Spencer said:
Due to extreme laziness,

i dont blame you Dave, 346, now 7 post's is extreme reading.

it's novae zealandie, and is turning out to be quite a nice plant.

i spoke with george earlier about the odd woe or 2 with this tank. also on other forums, i've had similar feedback with regards the "hedge line" from HC to liliaeopsis. i just didn't realise what would happen, but then that's why we try things. TBH, i'm bored with this already and want to start over. there's the issue with the HC too.

i've got decisions! take out hc AND LET LILAEOPSIS do its thing? or give it a few more weeks and start again..... the second sounds like more fun 😛

i would go for the 1st option. AT least then you can see what a full carpet looks like plus it may look better than the HC which is good if you are entering any competitions.
OK, it seems theres an answer. The HC has to go. it's getting choked by liliaeopsis now. so the sensible thing to do is get rid. then i can level the substarte at the front 😛

the black backing has gone temporarily, so i can play with image ideas.....this is only tungsten lighting shining on wall, not the 2 x strobes i'm going to hire (hopefully)i need to iron out the lines on the wall


today i've also trimmed the tenellus for the first time. i always like this as it fills the room with a lemony smell 😀

anyway, before....




there's a lot to be said for black backgrounds too! hides everything. but then it is short term.
But you haven't yet removed the HC have you? It looks like it's still there in the 'after shot'. Do you mean you will remove it in the future, but not now?

Looking good anyway!

vauxhallmark said:
. Do you mean you will remove it in the future, but not now?

this coming week it will be gone. the first pic is cropped showing just liliaopsis and it looks ok. so removing the HC wont be so much of a big deal (visually)

vauxhallmark said:
Looking good anyway!

glad you like 😀
Tank is looking great, just wondering one thing, I notice you have the tank right infront of the radiator, won't this affect tank temperatures when you have the heating on??
That looks really nice mate 😀
thanks guys. comments from guys like luis and such, make's me feel like i'm doing something right.

BUT.....this scape is now over! ripped down! caput!

I'll go into detail on my site, but i've faced some major issues with water quality which i just couldn't get over. after a few discussions with Clive and my mate jamesm, the root problem couldn't be reached, but slowly as i went through the break down process all became clear...almost!

so long live prairie lands in our memories.

here's 5 bags of goodness ready for the next scape....


thats actually my hardscape practice room at mums,