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saintly's "Prairie Lands"

Mark Evans

13 Jun 2008
newark notts.
onwards and upwards!


i've started this journal just to tell my self that i am going forward with my aqauscaping. MA have a scape, my mother has 2 but i don't have anything. :cry:

The plan is to create an iwagumi.I'm finding out more and more that I'm quite a fan of the style and want to try and create something that i can feel proud of, now my first challenge is to decide which stone to use. I've been pro-active in trying to find some stones native to this country, so i might go down that road.or I'm still a fan of seryiou stone, and I'm beginning to understand a bit more how to use the stuff, so I still may opt for that.that's if i can be 100% sure on the layout, it may be a trip to AE to actually choose the stone!

i'm pretty sure on knowing what plants i want tio use too. it's a simple choice really consisting of HC, riccia, eleocharis acicularis e tenellus and blyxa.

so i'm not sure when this will be updated, but, when it is....you can rest assured.... i'll let you know 😉
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

I like what you've done with it mate! Very original! :lol:

Get yourself along to CED and drool over all the different stones! The brochure appetite wetting enough for me! :lol:
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

Ed Seeley said:
I like what you've done with it mate! Very original! :lol:

should i move it to the left or right?....mmmm....left i think! :lol:

thanks for the links Ed, i reckon i'm in for some stunning stones! fingers crossed
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

It's perfect. I can't find fault with it.
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

saintly said:
Ed Seeley said:
I like what you've done with it mate! Very original! :lol:

should i move it to the left or right?....mmmm....left i think! :lol:

I think to the right a bit lol, Would save somebody putting their head threw it, if they trip when comeing down the stairs 😱 😱
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

billy boy said:
Would save somebody putting their head threw it, if they trip when comeing down the stairs 😱 😱

i had all this a while ago. sorry, are you health and safety?
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

What can I say. It has that clean crisp look that I love. I think you are overdoing the light however. Maybe cut back to 0.1WPG and may get away with it but you will need to keep CO2 high!!! In the region of 400ppm or so should cut it 😀

Very bold and original. Forget ADA and go for the Turner prize 😉

Maybe even safe from the rock police on this one 😉

Looking forward to the new scape matey. This one was my favourite so far but then you used my favourite plants in it so I am biased.

anticipation is killing me.

Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

hellohefalump said:
How do you find the temparature with the radiator next to it? I've always been put off placing tanks next to radiators.

no problems what so ever. in fact it takes the pressure off the in-line heater if anything. the radiator it self is on low anyway 😀
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

The black canvas. For me, the most exciting stage....

All the best mate. You've probably about 200 members subscribed to this thread, so no pressure! 😀

I'm tearing down my 60cm and doing a ADA-clone Iwagumi. I wish I had an empty 120cm to play with!
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

George Farmer said:
The black canvas. For me, the most exciting stage....

me too!

George Farmer said:
You've probably about 200 members subscribed to this thread, so no pressure! 😀

:lol: The MA scape was immense pressure due to its public nature....you now know if i don't post any images of this one?....you know its crap! :lol:

George Farmer said:
I'm tearing down my 60cm and doing a ADA-clone Iwagumi. I wish I had an empty 120cm to play with!

I look forward to see how you approach an iwagumi. 😀