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saintly's "Prairie Lands"

Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

LondonDragon said:
do you think it can be trimmed like grass and not have an ill effect on the plant?? to keep it short??

good question paulo. one i still need to explore my self. my guess is, the cut leaf would die, but I'll experiment. it's a slow grower so pruning may not be needed.
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

untouched, not photos hoped not anything! straight from camera RAW conversion.

thansk for looking

The west wing!

Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

Your camera does borders? :lol:

It's looking pretty grown in already!

We demand a full frontal 😛
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

Thomas McMillan said:
Your camera does borders? :lol:

a minor detail Thomas. drag and drop onto a PSD file. the image is untouched....for a change.

Thomas McMillan said:
We demand a full frontal 😛

not on your nelly! :lol:

samc said:
nice! you can see the rocks really well on that photo too

it's amazing stone samc, truly. and 20p a kilo, it makes me smile every time i look at it 😀

there's 18 amano shrimp in there, and 5 lemon tetras, just for feeding purposes and to get filters running to full strength....i think it's done like that right?.....

anyway, for everyone's purpose, I'll be adding images to my site, so just check that on occasions for further updates 😉
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

saintly said:
it's amazing stone samc, truly. and 20p a kilo, it makes me smile every time i look at it 😀

i also think i have found the right stone!! a new shop has opened near me i noticed in the paper that sell rocks for garden, water features ect, so i looked on there website and they have a great looking stone not as cheap as yours but at £1.30 per kg its still cheap to me 😀
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

SteveUK said:
looks lush! Great stuff 🙂

thansk steve. it's no where near close to being grown in, it's going to be sometime i reckon, but every bit of lilaeopsis is sending out runners now 😀 tenellus has settled in now, so i gota be on my toes with that one.
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

could you by any chance put thing in your tips and tricks bit of your website of how you treat e tenellus from emersed from and trimming ect 😀 you dont have to but this would really help me and i think alot of other people are unaware of how to treat it also
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

I know Mark has many tips planned, its just a matter of fitting everything in to 24 hours 🙂 Great idea though, I'm sure more suggestions, comments and requests can only be beneficial to all 🙂
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

samc said:
could you by any chance put thing in your tips and tricks bit of your website of how you treat e tenellus from emersed from and trimming ect 😀 you dont have to but this would really help me and i think alot of other people are unaware of how to treat it also

I'll certainly add info on it samc. i'll do little (basic)write up's on plants that I've used.(not may 😳 ) they maybe wrong, but should help some people to some degree. 😀
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

samc said:
it will help thanks. i have a rough idea but u seem to have it sorted 😉

just keep an eye out.

actually,We'd also be willing to accept contributions in the form of articles to be used on the site. If you have tips and tricks or experience you'd like to share, feel free to email us your ideas 😀
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

so, what do people think to emperor tetras?.....


i've added 4 just to see what they look like. i get to choose and try before i buy now.
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

They look pretty good. The hint of red/purple seems to suit the slight colouration of the rock 🙂 I have read that Emperors can be quite fragile though, might be worth double checking 🙂
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

SteveUK said:
I have read that Emperors can be quite fragile though

these little critters have settled in a treat. chasing each other. quite funny actually. i'm as green as the grass in my garden when it comes to fish. i didnt want to take the "cardinal" route. i'll just keep swapping until i find something i like.

thanks for the reply steve! 😀