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saintly's "Prairie Lands"

Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

aaronnorth said:
the substrate looks very nice, i thought it wasnt ADA the first time i looked. 🙄

it's not mate, it's the oli knott stuff. or was that a typo? 8)
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

saintly said:
aaronnorth said:
the substrate looks very nice, i thought it wasnt ADA the first time i looked. 🙄

it's not mate, it's the oli knott stuff. or was that a typo? 8)

i cant spot a mistake in my post? lol 😳

i said i thought it wasn't ADA the first time i looked
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

aaronnorth said:
i cant spot a mistake in my post? lol 😳

aaron you know how to confuse me :lol: OK, i'll just say...yes LOL

ahhh, so you spotted it wasn't ADA substrate?....I'm with ya now. I'll go back to sleep now :lol:

it's good stuff mate!
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

saintly said:
aaronnorth said:
i cant spot a mistake in my post? lol 😳

aaron you know how to confuse me :lol: OK, i'll just say...yes LOL

ahhh, so you spotted it wasn't ADA substrate?....I'm with ya now. I'll go back to sleep now :lol:

it's good stuff mate!

yes, lol
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

saintly said:
pressurised co2 @ a million bubbles per second

LOL! you co2 must go very quickly, do you have any livestock in there at the moment? or do you have the co2 on high for the early stages of your tank? do you have a drop checker, if so what colour is it reading? I just want to know because my HC growth is slow, although I suspect me red eye's are eating it and I want some monster growth but my leaves shrunk much smaller than when there were in the pots, still looking nice and green, is this normal have you experianced this?
I just want a HC carpet! hehe

Love the pic!

Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

glenn said:
so what your virdict of the new olliver knott substrate?

so far?....brilliant stuff. it works in exactly the same way as ADA AS. i think i said this before, but my KH last night was 2....it's 8 from the tap! my PH is 6.0. now those that use a co2 calculater should pick themselves up off the floor now :lol: i don't believe in em'. I've got a drop checker for curiosity and it reads yellow.but i knew it would

i put 1 shrimp in yesterday to test the water. he was fine so in went 7 more. there all OK today going around munching stuff 😀 . it just goes to show you cant always believe what your gauges and readings are telling you.

this is the fastest HC growth I've had with semi non ada products. (and i've had the lot believe me) i've got depleted AS in the bottom, BUT in my ma scape with the same as and JBL aquabasis plus i haven't got the same growth....it's good but not like this. i think ADA have a competitor now.

it's still early days, and it's not a sole nature soil scape but I'm well impressed. I'm doing a sole nature soil scape soon so i can give a better verdict!

Vito said:
LOL! you co2 must go very quickly, do you have any livestock in there at the moment? or do you have the co2 on high for the early stages of your tank? do you have a drop checker, if so what colour is it reading? I just want to know because my HC growth is slow,

hopefully some of the above may help?....just keep adding co2 slowly. drop checkers dont work IMO BUT do it in increments. i'm always surprised at what co2 you can inject with out fish even become phased.

Vito said:
LOL! you co2 must go very quickly,

i'm lucky enough to be supplied free. other wise i'd get a solenoid fitted.

Vito said:
I want some monster growth but my leaves shrunk much smaller than when there were in the pots, still looking nice and green, is this normal have you experianced this?

i'm not sure about that one. mine tend to stay the same.

her's a couple of images from this morning. you can see the HC is on a mision...


the liliaeopsis was my concern but it's sprouting up new shoots....

Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

Themuleous said:
I'll be interested to see the lilaeopsis as I've seen it in my local MA but never ventured towards it.

i too was scared but i did try it before hand to see if i could grow it. i'm glad i've got it now. it's sending out runners a quite a rate now. some are over 2 inches long. some must be spreading under the substrate too as there popping up in random places about an inch from the main plant.

Themuleous said:
BTW what lighting you got?

i'm running 2 x 54w t5 for 6 hours per day.

Themuleous said:
This I'm also interested in to see if I can get any tips from this tank for my 120cm 😉

i'm sure theres more experience her but soon i'll do a little write up on how i split the liliaeopsis and planted it. the aquafleur stuff was real thick and well grown stuff. and i had to figure out a real easy way of splitting it...which i think i managed.remember though mine was novae species.....not the tropica stuff

it might be wrong but it's worked a treat for me. that should be on the site within a week. 😀
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

not a lot to report really. the tenellus is now transforming into it's immersed form. the flow stalks?....there growing like mad getting longer all the time. usually I'd cut the skyward ones off but I'm curious to see how far they'll go.

these, in the image, are about 10 inches long,


you can also now start distinguish the difference between tenellus and liliaeopsis 😀 i didnt burn this background neither, this is (for a change) a direct RAW conversion. i have the light towards the front darkening the back naturely 😀
Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

Tonser said:
Hi Mark - looking good there 😀

Are the 'flow stalks' from the E Tenellus I've never seen them before ?

Looks like the liliaeopsis is shaping up in to a nice carpet 😀


cheers mate. the stalks are originally for flowers in it's emerged state. usually when i've planted tenellus, they just dont do anything and die. but these are going absolutely mental :lol:

the liliaeopsis is doing real
stuworrall said:
looking very good saintly. wish I could get my HC growing that quickly from the off!

Could you let us know what frequency you water changes have been since you started?
good thanks.

i do 2 x 50% a week for the first 6 weeks, dosing EI and real high co2. from the image you can see the shrimp have buried the hc (left of picture) they pick up the substarte and it rolls down the steep incline :evil:

the HC is filling in nicely. 9 days old

my little lad loves getting his chair and standing on it.

goodness, i'm posting more images on here than my own site :lol:

Re: saintly's 120cm iwagumi

Tanks looking good Mark, nice write up on the dividing the plant too, I am thinking of using it in my scape so that will come handy, do you think it can be trimmed like grass and not have an ill effect on the plant?? to keep it short?? thanks