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Remanso . . .

How is it going no losses anymore?

No mate, since I moved the Amano's out into the sump I had no more losses. I've since replaced the stock with 10x Marginatus and 50x Brigittae and they seem to be thriving since being added.

I also added 8x Dario Dario, but literally haven't seen a single one of them since being added, too many hiding places I think! 😂

Also got some new food the other day from TA Aquaculture as I needed to order some fresh brine shrimp eggs, so tried some of their soft pellet feed:


I tried some last night, and the whole tank went crazy - I've never seen anything like it. The fish went mad for it, but even the shrimp descended on-masse to the substrate to grab some I've never seen so many out at the same time, some shrimp even swam up to the top of the tank to grab bits floating on the surface.
Hi all,
Also got some new food the other day from TA Aquaculture as I needed to order some fresh brine shrimp eggs, so tried some of their soft pellet feed: ... and the whole tank went crazy - I've never seen anything like it. The fish went mad for it, but even the shrimp descended on-masse to the substrate to grab some.......
Next time <"I buy some "dry" food"> I'm going to try that one.

cheers Darrel
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My fish love the stuff too. The freeze dried black worms still create the craziest response but they’re probably too large for your fish.

Yeah, I bought a pack of the freeze dried blackworm 'Bio Cubes' - they loved one of those too when I pressed it onto the glass. The Gourami's savaged it, and all the other fish sat down stream picking off all the other fits as they fell off.

I completely missed further down on that page that they do some freeze dried brine shrimp cubes too, so I'll have to get some of those next time to try.
This setup is the most stunning, beautiful and well-thought-out build I've ever seen... 😎

Amazing!!! 💪
No mate, since I moved the Amano's out into the sump I had no more losses. I've since replaced the stock with 10x Marginatus and 50x Brigittae and they seem to be thriving since being added.

Aah bummer that you can't have amanos anymore they are such funny shrimp and a bit better to study since they are a bit bigger in size then regular neos. At least you fish stay alive and marginatus are my favorite nano fish, they have such explosive personality. Mine love the emersed section of the tank there is a part with a half inch water above it they use it as a sleeping place or just a place to get away from all the activity.

That food looks good to me also going to look if I can find it here in the NL.
How’s this going @Wookii ?

Yeah, guess I’m a bit overdue at an update lol . . . I’m crap at keeping journals, it’s why I never had a diary as a kid! 🤦🏻‍♂️

So the gas ran out on the tank a while back, and I never even noticed - I reckon it was about three weeks or so before I realised as there was literally nothing left in the bottle.

So I didn’t bother replacing it - and the tanks been low tech for the last 5 months or so. Doesn’t see to have been a significant detriment, as this is the tank as it currently stands, in need of yet another trim both above and below the water:


On the fish side, sadly my Threadfin Rainbows gradually dwindled in numbers - I never saw any signs of ill health, and certainly never saw a corpse (the now hundreds of shrimps in there prevent that!).

All the other fish groups have been fine, so I suspect the Threadfins just didn’t fair well in the very soft water.

I have since added a shoal of Red Neon Blue Rainbows (Pseudomugil luminatus) and some Purple Emporer (Kerri) Tetra (Inpaichthys kerri). Both are doing really well and colouring up beautifully.
Why have you been hiding that?! Looks great mate, even better that you’re achieving that low tech.

Lol Thanks mate - part of what puts me off is I can't seem to get a decent photo with my phone, it never looks like it doesn't in reality - even in that photo above, it's kinda blurred, and the colours are off - it winds me up! :banghead::banghead:

But yeah, I've been quite surprised how fast stuff keeps growing without the gas. Surprisingly some of the plants actually grew better without the CO2 - the lilies and some crypts have really taken off since it ran out. May be something to do with a higher average pH perhaps?

There's no stopping the guppy grass though - I've tried to eradicate it from the tank three times already, and it just keeps coming back as you can see in the photo - it's not supposed to be there! Even though its a nice looking plant, that appear to be able to grow in any conditions you throw at it, it's going on my "annoying" hit list along with duckweed and Utricularia gibba as its impossible to control and live with!

I also forgot to add above I also added a shoal of Julii Cory's - they are cute as a button (and not too large after all @Conort2 😂)!
Julii Cory's
Monster fish compared to what you’re used to!

There’s some gold lasers with your name on them if you want them? Maybe some duplicareus too. Unfortunately I think I’m going to be downsizing in the coming months .
Wow thats some explosive growth. Doesn't all those emersed growth take away too much light?
Did you introduce the duckweed on purpose, I have it in my bedroom tank and its annoying as hell, accidentally introduced it in my big tank using the same tweezers that where not cleaned. It was like shooting myself in the foot spend the next hours making sure that everything was taken out.
What is your ferts dosage as I may ask?
Wow thats some explosive growth. Doesn't all those emersed growth take away too much light?

Yeah it does take some, especially when its that overgrown, but this tank has taught me how very low the light can go, and plants are still perfectly fine. Most of the plants are low light types - ferns, crypts, anubias, buce etc, and they seem to do fine at light levels far lower that most of us would expect.

Did you introduce the duckweed on purpose

Lol Nooooo, it's my nemesis! I had in my previous tanks, so I went to huge lengths washing and cleaning all the plants I transferred into this tank to avoid it coming back. I went six months duckweed free - it was glorious! Then I moved a couple of crypts from another tank that had some duckweed in, and although I rinsed them, I wasn't as methodical about it. Two months later, duckweed! It's plagued me ever since. Several times, I removed every visible trace of it, but with all the emersed growth it's impossible to get rid of every single bit, so it just comes back over time. It's due another cull as you can see.

What is your ferts dosage as I may ask?

Micros and macros are dosed daily a couple of hours apart. Weekly I dose about 10ppm NO3 and, 1.5ppm PO4 from KNO3 and KH2PO4 respectively, which then also results in about 7pppm K. On the micros I dose about 0.3ppm Iron, from 0.2ppm APFUK mix (so that 0.2ppm as a proxy for all the other micros), and 0.1mm Fe Gluconate.

MgSO4 and CaCl2 get dosed with the daily water change to around 4dGH, which adds around 6ppm Mg, and 18ppm Ca per 50 litre change. TDS sits pretty stable at about 96ppm.
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