I dont think I will be able to convince you (which is totally ok), but my point of view is that these algae "seeds" are everywhere. Instead of fighting for no seeds, make it inhospitable to growth. There wont be an outbreak if the triggering factors are not there. Whatever it may entail it seems that the seeds will be there, but wether or not they will take root is up to you. If you water them a lot and they find fertile ground then yes they will take over. I dont think we disagree on this. But then the PP dip is not really needed is it?..But, anything we do to reduce the likelihood of algae outbreaks has got to be worth considering in my book.
Finding out what constitutes fertile ground for the spores is what we all want to know. As i said I dont have any answers but people with really good plant health will at least not have it on their plants, but sometimes on hardscape. Thats a start I suppose 😅
I think disinfection treatments also carries risks. You could damage the plant or kill it, what if the plant is rare, and you wouldn't be able to replace it? What about mosses and liverworts, do they tolerate the dip like a plant does? These are mostly retorical questions, you dont have to answer 🙂That's why a ten minute dip in potassium permanganate solution, for example, is a no-brainer.
I read somewhere, I dont remember if it was on the aquamax website or somewhere else, that the edge of the leaf is where the plant will suffer first, and leak nutrients. Fertile ground eh?..it typically grows on the edges of leaves where it no doubt has access to a continuous nutrient supply. If the leaves of such plants, e.g. Anubias are not available, then, perhaps BBA is far less likely to grow? Just a thought.
I also suspect the question about why it likes flow so much might have a simple answer. Because flow brings access to rapid replenishment of nutrients. So it might not be that flow is "bad" and brings BBA, but that flow is inherently more fertile ground, as long as the organism growing there doesn't suffer mechanical damage from it.
I just want to finish the post with that I discuss this in good spirit and I hope I havent seemed confrontational 😊 I always get a bit nervous from discussions
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