Yeah I had thought that myself, I was looking at the fissidens and thinking it looked larger than I was used to. I think I’m my previous NAtural Jurassic scape I must have had fissidens Fox rather than Fontanus as it was noticeably smaller. Trimming it more frequently will help though I think as it will keep the shape of the wood better and not look so bulky. The callicostella moss looks interesting though.Nice Ady.
Can't stop thinking that your scape would look better with an smaller and more compact moss than this fissidens on those mini x-moss, riccardia or even some Callicostella prabaktiana?
Thanks Jayefc1, it’s getting there, the algae may be a bit stubborn to eradicate but it looks passable from a distance now so I’ll just keep plugging away with maintaining it.Back on track and glad to see it mate it's a beautiful piece of art work you have there and I agree with the lil balancing issue
Yeah the ludwigia is large but like you say anything too fine may not work. I may mix it up though and add a smaller red plant in amongst it.....suggestions are welcome 🙂Relaxing video, and some nice textures, I really like the relatively large leaves of the Ludwigia waving in the breeze; works well in your large tank.
Yeah looks perfect for growing over rocks in particular.Hi all, New one for me, it looks very promising.
cheers Darrel
Few images just for interest......
Buces filling in......

Sumo loach and dwarf chain loach.....

Then and now.....

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