Red tiger lotus, instead of the ludwigia, would look insanely good in your scape.
Good job on that added Wood, works great! 😉
That bolbitis on the right could do some
Some marsilea crenata or even hirsuta planted around the rocks in the sand could add detail and make it more natural.
Just some suggestions, to make this nice tank even nicer, would love to work with an big tank like this one day. Need to convince wifey first and then find an easy WC solution like you did! 🙂
Good job on that added Wood, works great! 😉
That bolbitis on the right could do some
Some marsilea crenata or even hirsuta planted around the rocks in the sand could add detail and make it more natural.
Just some suggestions, to make this nice tank even nicer, would love to work with an big tank like this one day. Need to convince wifey first and then find an easy WC solution like you did! 🙂