Thanks Konrad, and thanks again for the plants. They don’t seem to have been effected at all by their extra long trip 😳Really nice set up. Well done mate.
Thanks Conor, yeah the sturisoma will be great, maybe too big if anything but I’ve wanted some for so long I just had to get them. To be honest, I just love fish, there are so many I’d like to keep but don’t have the space or correct tank. It’s already looking a bit hectic and eclectic in here 🙄 I would say I need another tank, but I know that one wouldn’t be enough and it would never end.......The tank is looking great! Wish I had room for some sturisoms, will definitely be a show stopper when they're fully grown.
Do you have any other species that you definitely want to stock for this one? So many options with a tank of this size.
Just read the section about the auto water changes! That is so epic! Do you do commissions?
Love the Pygmy chain loaches, such an interesting little fish. How many do you have? I can post you some snails. T
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Ha I feel your pain, I love the nature style aquariums but it's still more about the fish rather than the plants for me. There's so many rare and interesting species I want to keep but one aquarium at the moment means I have to be patient!Thanks Konrad, and thanks again for the plants. They don’t seem to have been effected at all by their extra long trip 😳
Thanks Conor, yeah the sturisoma will be great, maybe too big if anything but I’ve wanted some for so long I just had to get them. To be honest, I just love fish, there are so many I’d like to keep but don’t have the space or correct tank. It’s already looking a bit hectic and eclectic in here 🙄 I would say I need another tank, but I know that one wouldn’t be enough and it would never end.......
I just have to be mindful of fish choices with the open top, I’d love some pencilfish in this tank but know I can’t as they will jump to their death. I think I have pretty much reached the cap for fish now, I was going to add some lemon tetra but think I’ll leave it as it is as the congo tetras have a bit of growing to do and it is already a bit busy for a traditional aquascape.
I do also have some sumo loach which I added too 😀 These are really fascinating little fish, especially at feeding time when they race around like they won’t ever get fed again.....
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I would agree, Fissidens is terrible for hair algae! I got rid of it in my new scape, going to try and stick with a neatly trimmed, designer stubble of Java, over the fissidens full beard!
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Yeah it’s definitely lack of maintenance, it has got quite bad 😱Hi Ady,
Filamentous algae are caused by ammonia, so Lazy maintenance, not enough biomedia in your filter, not enough plants are causing it.
Nothing to worry about 🙂
You can trim that fissidens to avoid propagation, btw fissidens is an filamentous algae magnet!
I love the new fish addition, those tetra Congo rocks.
I would agree, Fissidens is terrible for hair algae! I got rid of it in my new scape, going to try and stick with a neatly trimmed, designer stubble of Java, over the fissidens full beard!
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I love the sand and have never had an issue in the past however I think a combination of the wood used and adding bristlenose to this scape have exaggerated the substrate issue. I think the wood bark is disintegrating and adding to the issue.....that and my lack of a solid maintenance scheduleIt still looks great, Buces look very healthy! I found cosmetic sand a bit of a PITA so ditched it for my current scape. T
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Not so much of a beaut, these are the best angles currentlyHey Ady, any update on this beaut mate?
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Thanks CooKieS, I’ll give it a go if I can’t shift it with better husbandry.Against filamentous algae I use easylife algexit.
Works flawless and in about 2-3 weeks it will kill All the green hair algae which is a nightmare in fissidens moss
Mmm, suspected that with the chihiros, I’ll have to order more.Still looking good tho' Ady.
I had filamentous/hair algae growing on my moss, it was a bit of a nightmare to control. As soon as I got rid of my Rams it disappeared. The reason, all the little cherry shrimp came out of hiding and ate it, they're constantly picking over it now not a trace of algae left.
As far as the Chihiros and Twinstar go, once you have to start cleaning the reactors their days are usually numbered
yep, I’ve toothbrushed it out of the fissidens to a degree which works ok as the fissidens is fixed to the wood but other mosses just get pulled away.I just rescaped partly because of hair algae in fissidens! Its a bloody nightmare.
I suggest a severe trim of the mosses - they will regrow from just a scraping left on wood
That should remove most of the algae
Maybe a Seachem Excel algaecide dosing scheme
Then add an army of shrimp (not sure they’ll manage much under all the interested fish eyes) or Clithon corona snails (or assortment of Nerites, Mystery and Clithon)
As the white sand always shows the mess (and then you try to look somewhere else) maybe switch to a darker sand (grey, mixed black/natural etc)
Make water changes easy - what method do you use at present?
Unfortunately sometimes the wood breakdown is just too much - can you feel a soft outer layer? (that’s easily scraped by thumbnail - and plecos!)
I have some pieces of twiggy wood I love, but the snails love it even more - not too unsightly with aquarium soil but tank definitely needs the large weekly water changes then