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Protip: If you're not Plantbrain, stop posting like you are

Thats kinda the point - its no use to anybody!
Dont get me wrong I greatly appreciate all the advice/critique/cheap plants that I've had from various members on here! And the fact we can discuss things like this without it devolving into a slanging match 🙂


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Thats kinda the point - its no use to anybody!
Dont get me wrong I greatly appreciate all the advice/critique/cheap plants that I've had from various members on here! And the fact we can discuss things like this without it devolving into a slanging match 🙂


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What if said user has not seen the 'Original post'?

Do you just ignore them?
Its not when an enthusiast helps out, its when you get the response "do X and it'll work" - why will it work? What is the reasoning behind the response?

Knowledge is power 🙂 lol

I'm not nearly articulate enough to make my point without sounding a total douche lol


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Is this the fastest thread ever on UKAPs? 🙂
With this kind of contents? :banghead:

Truly speaking this thread is distracting "new posts" because i can't see any updates without visiting. Should i see a doctor? Is there any doctor out there? :oldman:
Wow! I think I understand what was being said but it is not clear.

I 'think' the point that was trying to be made is twofold.

1. EI is just used as a blanket repsonse to ferts when some people 'may' want to understand the exacting requirements for a given species/tank.

2. Most people simply regurgitate info they have read without having any true understanding of the topic itself.

For option 1 I think EI is used as a blanket response for good reason as it is a very straightforward (ish) method of adding ferts to a tank. I cannot believe there are many that want it in any more depth than this and if they do I think there are only a handful of people who actually understand the chemistry involved.

For option 2 I again think there are only a handful of peope who TRULY understand the chemistry involved. Regurgitaing of any information on a forum is a very very common practice and again I think this is something you will find hard to get away from as full understanding of a given topic is limited to a very special few.

If I have got this wrong then I apoliogise. 🙂
Hi all,
This is an interesting thread,
.......who can discuss such questions with reasonable rigour, but at the end of the day they are only three people with infinitely better things to do with their time (maybe!)
I'm not sure I have got anything better to do with my time, and although I've made almost 3,000 posts on UKAPS, I've basically said the same thing about 3,000 times.
But folks who are asking about details? Folks who ask specific questions about how to do molar mass calculations or verification or, well, basically doing their homework? Why don't they get those questions answered?
I think we do try and answer these sorts of questions <http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/epsom-salts.22215/#post-227644>, <Introduction Of (CaNO3)2 into Dosing Regime. | UK Aquatic Plant Society> & <For Dan ... Spezial N - Nitrogen Fertilizer | UK Aquatic Plant Society>.

I think we all owe a debt to Tom, he has done an enormous amount for the hobby, and de-bunked a lot of myths, but in the end it is really all down to finding a method that works for you. For me my life long interest has been plants, (and I trained as a botanist), but after that it is all about low tech., KISS solutions and long term set-ups and I'm not really very much interested in gadgets, CO2, EI, carpets, aquascaping or photography etc., but I understand that others will have very different interests and intentions.

I always like to know "why"? but in a lot of cases you really aren't going to be able to find a definitive answer.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,
This is an interesting thread, I'm not sure I have got anything better to do with my time, and although I've made almost 3,000 posts on UKAPS, I've basically said the same thing about 3,000 times. I think we do try and answer these sorts of questions.

I think we all owe a debt to Tom, he has done an enormous amount for the hobby, and de-bunked a lot of myths.

cheers Darrel

Don't tell Wet :shh:
Wow! I think I understand what was being said but it is not clear.

I 'think' the point that was trying to be made is twofold.

1. EI is just used as a blanket repsonse to ferts when some people 'may' want to understand the exacting requirements for a given species/tank.

2. Most people simply regurgitate info they have read without having any true understanding of the topic itself.

For option 1 I think EI is used as a blanket response for good reason as it is a very straightforward (ish) method of adding ferts to a tank. I cannot believe there are many that want it in any more depth than this and if they do I think there are only a handful of people who actually understand the chemistry involved.

For option 2 I again think there are only a handful of peope who TRULY understand the chemistry involved. Regurgitaing of any information on a forum is a very very common practice and again I think this is something you will find hard to get away from as full understanding of a given topic is limited to a very special few.

If I have got this wrong then I apoliogise. 🙂

Sounds about right to me, what do you think wet?...
...wet...wet...WET...are you still there?...wet...
...I think he's gone...:bored:
I'll take the way Tom,Darrel,Clive, other's here put thing's any day ,for that is how I need to hear it.(That's just me)
I pissed away valuable time reading the rambling's of some(not all),on APC,TPT,who often times confused me not so much from info, or lack thereof, but on attack's on Mr. Barr,and other memebr's and their method or that method.
When I asked why these folk's attacked someone who was not available to respond,,my post was removed.
I got nowhere, and stumbled (literally) on to this forum and learned gob's more that I expected with respect to what is important to plant's and what is not.
I have little interest in personality conflict's which appear's to me,,,to be the only content in this thread thus far.
I simply came seeking simplest way to get good plant growth with minimum algae,and If I want to get all scientific,,I am comfortable that there are those here that can oblige minus,,, the personality conflict's and rambling's associated with them.
Most valuable advice I received was..choose a method and a person,and follow that method/advice to achieve desired result's.
I appreciate other view's and keep them in mind, but trying to utilize bit's and pieces of differing view's and work them in to what I was trying to accomplish, only brought more confusion.
I very much like the folk's here who helped me decipher what was important,and what was not so important for the method I chose where before,,, I was unsuccessful in growing much of anything other than algae.
Hi all,
This is an interesting thread, I'm not sure I have got anything better to do with my time, and although I've made almost 3,000 posts on UKAPS, I've basically said the same thing about 3,000 times. I think we do try and answer these sorts of questions <http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/epsom-salts.22215/#post-227644>, <Introduction Of (CaNO3)2 into Dosing Regime. | UK Aquatic Plant Society> & <For Dan ... Spezial N - Nitrogen Fertilizer | UK Aquatic Plant Society>.

I think we all owe a debt to Tom, he has done an enormous amount for the hobby, and de-bunked a lot of myths, but in the end it is really all down to finding a method that works for you. For me my life long interest has been plants, (and I trained as a botanist), but after that it is all about low tech., KISS solutions and long term set-ups and I'm not really very much interested in gadgets, CO2, EI, carpets, aquascaping or photography etc., but I understand that others will have very different interests and intentions.

I always like to know "why"? but in a lot of cases you really aren't going to be able to find a definitive answer.

cheers Darrel

Well said Darrell. Personally I don't feel at all comfortable posting on subjects I don't have first hand experience with, but also appreciate that when I do post I'm only offering what often amounts to nothing more than an opinion, it's then up to those who bother to read my ramblings whether they take notice or not.

Often, if I don't have experience or I think it's already been covered in a way that's far better than I could ever regurgitate I'll try to find the link and post that instead, and unsurprisingly it usually ends up being originally written by Tom B, Darrell or the inimitable Clive (who is Clive...is he even black...or for that matter a gangster rapper...or is he even a he...who knows🙄).

But by the same measure it's sometimes healthy to challenge established paradigms, lore, dogma, whatever - which I think is what wet was trying to do...in his own way.

I myself prefer to challenge using the Socratic Method. For those of you not familiar with this wonderful philosopher's philosophy it involves asking the right questions to stimulate critical thinking and hence illuminate ideas. I think this is a good way to elicit an appropriately positive response and therefore hopefully come to a helpful and productive conclusion. And who knows...perhaps reinforce the value of established practice, or if I'm incredibly lucky cause something of a paradigm shift that is actually helpful to others...🙂

Where this forum seems to differ from others of similar ilk - some of which are over the pond - is that there is a pervasive culture of gentle comradeship - we're all in this together - and we all do the best to help one another out. Plus we're very lucky to have many patient, helpful and knowledgeable enthusiast from which to draw required information and who are prepared to enter in to open-minded discussion which sometimes pushes the boundaries of this hobby. Team work guys...perhaps that's why UKAPS is one of the most active forums out there...😀
Some of the latest post seems to have turned this thread around to a ukaps love in 🙂 which is damn right this forum is without a doubt the best I have ever found and ever been part off,

I am terrible at writing posts, giving opinions and advice basically although im english I am terrible with english if that makes sense and thats why posts by the likes of clive, darrel, tom and many many other members are in my eyes perfect, they are to the point, back up what the say, have infinitely more knowledge and experience, I dont think ive come across a post by anyone on here thats not been helpful

For example someone posted this mprning about reusing filter media and I felt confident enough to try and help so I advised boiling the media for peace of mind or a bleach solution soak, darrel replyed to the same thread saying he doesnt like bleach, now to me thats good you get 2 differing opinions so ultimately you can make a choice, this is what its all about,

Will I advise on algae well yes and no, if ive read advice that will help I will happily parrot it, again this is what its about

I do kind of get why people can take things the wrong way but I think above all else people need to remember were here to get help and advice if you dont like the advice thats given then simply ignore it, thats the wonderful thing about the world we live in ultimately its our choice,

For me if ive got problem x and told y will help/ solve my problem im not going to argue it, im going to change whats needed as for me thats what I want when I post a simple to the point answer, I guess im saying id rarther be told im an idiot and doing it wrong than have smoke blown up my a@@e and waste time, money and effort,

I for one love ukaps, love the abundance of help and advise and if im completely honest I think I love clive 🙂
Why do I need a chemistry degree to understand EI? Isn't the idea of EI just to overdose the tank so that your plants don't lack any nutrients? Do I really need to understand each single one and how it affects every single ml of water in the tank? Nope, this is a hobby and I just want beautiful plants the easiest way possible, and so do most other people, so if you follow the simple advice there is nothing wrong with that.

If you have the time and curious then for all means expand your knowledge and dig into it, but for the average user that is just overkill (myself included). Do other methods work? Yes off course, does that means we should be following them? Yes and No, people have their options, like a famous person says take the blue or the red pill? Your choice!!

Happy planting 🙂