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Protip: If you're not Plantbrain, stop posting like you are

Why do I need a chemistry degree to understand EI? Isn't the idea of EI just to overdose the tank so that your plants don't lack any nutrients? Do I really need to understand each single one and how it affects every single ml of water in the tank? Nope, this is a hobby and I just want beautiful plants the easiest way possible, and so do most other people, so if you follow the simple advice there is nothing wrong with that.

If you have the time and curious then for all means expand your knowledge and dig into it, but for the average user that is just overkill (myself included). Do other methods work? Yes off course, does that means we should be following them? Yes and No, people have their options, like a famous person says take the blue or the red pill? Your choice!!

Happy planting 🙂

Well said paulo 😀
Is this the weirdest thread in the history of UKAPS then? 🙂

Something to do with the thread title & the possible implications has caused a lot of hits & possibly a lot of disappointment!
How many of us would be prepared to say what we hoped the thread title would be suggesting?
How many of us would be prepared to say what we hoped the thread title would be suggesting?

Well 'Protip' made me hopeful of some 'titbit' of knowledge, but the 'If you're not Plantbrain stop posting like you are' sounded a bit scary, like someone might be in trouble?

Reading through the five pages didn't really enlighten me, and it wasn't the most useful 'Protip' I've been given.
I'm not sure I have got anything better to do with my time, and although I've made almost 3,000 posts on UKAPS, I've basically said the same thing about 3,000 times.
It's good stuff though:thumbup:
Lol you realise you've just copied and pasted😛 oops so have I
Damn good, why is it as soon as I get five mins to myself I grab my phone and open up UKAPS? I'm always doing it, is that doctor about🙂

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Why do I need a chemistry degree to understand EI? Isn't the idea of EI just to overdose the tank so that your plants don't lack any nutrients? Do I really need to understand each single one and how it affects every single ml of water in the tank? Nope, this is a hobby and I just want beautiful plants the easiest way possible, and so do most other people, so if you follow the simple advice there is nothing wrong with that.

That's not what Wet was saying. He was questioning why when a person actually wants to know more about uptake, monitoring nutrients, in depth chemistry that the response they effectively get (although I exaggerate a little) is 'Use EI, you don't need to know what you're asking'.

I can see the point but then I think many of us are long past giving out advice for the millionth time on certain parts of the hobby and tend to just ignore threads where the subject matter is repetitive. I did anyway several years ago.
That's not what Wet was saying. He was questioning why when a person actually wants to know more about uptake, monitoring nutrients, in depth chemistry that the response they effectively get (although I exaggerate a little) is 'Use EI, you don't need to know what you're asking'.
All you need to do is say use EI, there is a large tutorial about EI on the forum already, so people just need to read it, read it over again, digest it, read it once more and then if still in doubt ask constructive questions about it. Its about the right balance between lights, ferts, flow and more importantly CO2, and to be honest getting the ferts right is the easiest of them all!

I know where wet is coming from, but he has to think like some members that have been here since day one answering the same questions over and over again, its not that they are not being helpful, its people don't bother reading what is already there or use the search function, its always easy just to ask another question. So when you answer the same thing for the millionth time you tend to be a little vague if the forum is already inundated with those answers!

If people want more detail then all they have to do is follow up with another question, some people know the basics and try to help, we should encourage other people trying to help even though their knowledge is limited, isn't that what the community is all about??
When I was more of a beginner I got very stressed over all the maths, chemistry and ppm. I read so many threads about them that I strongly believed it was something I needed to know and understand fully otherwise I might poison my fish. The calculators didn't help and just confused me more. I really wish I had posted about the maths then and someone had told me that I didn't need to worry it.

The way I see a forum and life in general, there are 2 basic principles:

1. EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion.

2. Just because someone give you advice, doesn't mean you had to accept it.

Principle number 1 brings balance to a forum. One person says "you don't need to worry about this". Someone else says "yes you do, this is how you calculate your ppm"

Principle number 2 brings choice. Op thinks "fantastic! I don't need to worry!" Or they think "fantastic! So that's how I calculate ppm!"

SuperColey1 said: ↑ That's not what Wet was saying. He was questioning why when a person actually wants to know more about uptake, monitoring nutrients, in depth chemistry that the response they effectively get (although I exaggerate a little) is 'Use EI, you don't need to know what you're asking'.

LondonDragon: All you need to do is say use EI, there is a large tutorial about EI on the forum already, so people just need to read it, read it over again, digest it, read it once more and then if still in doubt ask constructive questions about it. Its about the right balance between lights, ferts, flow and more importantly CO2, and to be honest getting the ferts right is the easiest of them all!

This is a great example from what Wet is saying (no offense LondonDragon). But if someone asks about Redfield Ratio for example en that is the answer than I didn't had my question answered. Do I get a beter tank? Probably because EI works. But perhaps it doesn't sound helpful to some. Maybe it should be explained a little more, like: don't use Redfield Ratio, it is outdated because blablabla... EI works much better because blablabla, read the tutorial.

I feel were you're coming from Paolo, when I see questions which would be the first hit at google when you ask them, I simple scroll on. When they are more tank specific, it gets more interesting. I really admire the people (like Tom, having probably 20.000 posts about CO2 on different forums) having the patience to answer those easy questions. Wet was tired of it, but perhaps it could have been explained better!
Why isn't there a UKAPS wiki?

Surely this would save some people answering the same questions again and again.
Editing rights could be limited to certain (and willing) experienced members.
Would be a fantastic resource for everyone, all in one place.

Why isn't there a UKAPS wiki?

Surely this would save some people answering the same questions again and again.
Editing rights could be limited to certain (and willing) experienced members.
Would be a fantastic resource for everyone, all in one place.


Because those that ask without searching will still ask without searching 🙂 It's hard to bear for some but there are many these days who's lifes are 'so busy with other important stuff' that they do not have time to search, just the time to post and then shoot off to 'more important things'.

The other proportion of us are a rare breed these days that if we want to know something we search and search. However you could also say that is because we are too impatient to wait for replies. Maybe the same thing in s different way to the 'too busy to search' peeps?

At least there aren't as many 'sand vs gravel' posts on this forum 🙂
Why isn't there a UKAPS wiki?

Surely this would save some people answering the same questions again and again.
Editing rights could be limited to certain (and willing) experienced members.
Would be a fantastic resource for everyone, all in one place.

Yes it probably would answer a lot of questions and at the same time stop a lot of people asking them too witch would dramatically cut the amount of new topics and posts there for making UKAPS a less active place.

UKAPS already is the best place for resource already ... IMO 🙂

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Doing searches on forums does not always yield results, especially when you need to search for a term, such as "why are my fish transvestites?" for example.
This is where we rely on patient, more knowledgable people to help us mortals out.
And we do appreciate it.