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Protip: If you're not Plantbrain, stop posting like you are

Of course I am a fan of Tom Barr. And Amano. And Farmer. And Ghori. And Rex before he disappeared. And Aaron. And Cavan. And niko. And... and... and...

And yes apparently my point was lost. I can re-explain if you'd like: we should answer math and science questions and not dismiss them because EI works.
This thread just seems like a childish attempt to call someone out (ceg2028)
and its not very pro to offer a tip in this manner!
Again, I am not calling anyone in particular out, dude. I am calling out a part of what's happening in forums EVERYWHERE and chose my two current favorites to talk about it. It's systematic, not an individual. And I am absolutely calling out that systematic dismissal of part of the hobby.
Again, I am not calling anyone in particular out, dude. I am calling out a part of what's happening in forums EVERYWHERE and chose my two current favorites to talk about it. It's systematic, not an individual. And I am absolutely calling out that systematic dismissal of part of the hobby.

i'd say it's a direct result of this thread Dry ferts - please help me with the maths | Page 2 | UK Aquatic Plant Society and does smack of having a pop.

Gain respect through the advice you offer, etc people will choose, no need to go head to head or toe to toe.
That's a symptom of it, yes. There's many threads I did not post in on many forums that I read.

"smack of having a pop" is called a call out where I come from. And yes that is what I am doing. How can I make this clearer?

I apologize if this is offensive to you. This degradation into some monoculture of advice from the wide range we used to have, before everyone repeated themselves repeating another guy, is kind of offensive to me, too. I like gardening and seeing new ideas.
That's a symptom of it, yes. There's many threads I did not post in on many forums that I read.

"smack of having a pop" is called a call out where I come from. And yes that is what I am doing. How can I make this clearer?

I apologize if this is offensive to you. This degradation into some monoculture of advice from the wide range we used to have, before everyone repeated themselves repeating another guy, is kind of offensive to me, too. I like gardening and seeing new ideas.

:facepalm: but you just said you weren't calling anyone out...this is confusing.

If you want to contribute your advice, there's nothing stopping you, but I'd have to say you do mention Tom Barr an awful lot!
I don't see the point of trying to 'call out' someone on an open forum, this can be done via pm or other means. We all have choices in life, and whether we/you decide to take said advice on the matter us up to you. We know Tom and Clive offer some great advice on this forum, as do others. Trying to bait someone into arguing on a thread, because that is how this thread begins isn't on, and this is what we don't do on UKAPs, were much more grown up than that.

We can disagree with what and how people state things, there is just sometimes a bit more of a grown up way to do things. Please keep this thread on a 'level' or it will be locked.
Okay. One more try.

1) I am calling out a systematic thing where folks trying new things or questioning things that are apparently uncool now (math, molar weights, chemical equations, scales, etc, etc) do not have questions answered and are instead pointed to EI in some version with little regard to measurement. I think guys who ask these types of questions are joining aquaria to answer those questions. It's a good thing.

2) I do not wish to say some person is the issue, because it's not a person. Every forum seems to have a couple of Tom Barr fans because he's really smart.

3) I am a fan of Tom Barr's. I moderate on his forum and have for years. I like Tom. I think he's really smart. I also think he's a jerk and abrasive sometimes (I am too, one of the things I like about Tom).

4) I am being abrasive here to the folks I feel are stifling number 1) above. I am dismissing their loyalty to EI like they dismiss mathematics and molar weights and chemical equations and scales and tell those guys to do it differently. Because I am one of those guys.

But I get you don't get it. I am not trolling you. I am a gardener sharing an opinion about something I think is hurting this hobby for the reasons I keep restating in this thread. I am sorry you do not see it. Seriously. But this attitude against treating our tanks as measurable and interesting systems for everyone and every beginner is BAD for the hobby.
If anyone gets what I'm talking about I'd like to talk about how we bring the fundamentals of what's happening with chemistry, math, and understanding what a part per million is, and how these things all interact with one another, and, I don't know, curiosity, back to our tanks. Let's do that an explore some cool new stuff and post in forums that don't get derailed with some copy paste EI stuff that says we don't need the fundamentals.

If folks don't find that interesting you don't have to post and I don't have to respond 🙂 If folks feel offended by this thread feel free to post and I will respond.
Then surely you yourself being a moderator on a forum such as toms should know that calling people out and opening threads as you did isnt setting good standards??
Everyone on ukaps welcomes opinions and advice from anyone who has lots of useful and insightful information which im sure you yourself seem to have but this is a nice friendly forum and we dont see posts started like this often.... if at all.

I appreciate your frustration in your points your making and you may have a fair point but to start your postings off with such a post as this started out to be was just a little out of line.

If you like to talk about fundamentals of ppm how it all works , our tanks etc which I too myself like then start threads on these and im sure lots of us including myself would contribute to or even learn from it. Seemed a funny way to go about that if that was your aim
That's fair and my approach offended folks. But I post stuff similar to this (if the first post is what you are offended by) to other planted forums and forgot my place: I am new here and folks will assume I am malicious when really I want to make us think and have folks make me think and grabbing attention is more an ice breaker than offensive to me. I actually would not have moderated this thread just as it appears ukaps hasn't really moderated it either.

So for that I apologize.
Feel free to lock this actually, and I rescind my promise to respond to posts. This isn't worth it and it's clear my posts are just ignored and misread and I must communicate badly. I'm not rage quitting. I am apologizing for invading your community.

Later. See you on APC and at the next AGA.
I completely understand what your saying wet, if slightly abruptly 😉

It does quite often seem to be the mentality when somebody asks a question - throw the standard copy/paste response at them without giving them the time of day.
I see it on every forum not just aquatics/planted tanks.

People will never change 🙂


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So there's enthusiasts that try and help people with the info they have learned.....
is that such a bad thing? Really? :crazy:

I browse a lot of forums and dont see people offering c&p responses "without giving them the time of day"
What I see is people trying to assist and help people to improve their hobby and therefore overall enjoyment of their tank by helping them succeed.