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(Probaby not) Glossostigma from seed - impulse eBay buy.

Thanks for the information Darrel, I think it probably would be best to accept I've been done, and restart this whole project with my eyes a little wider.

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Looks a bit like basil . My "java fern" spores i bought from ebay are growing nicely, shame i didn't know that" java fern" is a chinese name for grass because thats what's sprouted
Still growing! Although it seems to be deficient in iron and/or nitrogen, and the top part of the plant has grown past the T5 luminaire so doesn't receive much light. Also the two big fancy goldfish in the tank have eaten most of the roots :lol:. I've placed more stones in the tank to help protect the roots and may get some some osmocote to eliminate any deficiency.

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I got some marketed as Java moss. I didn't notice the 'seeds' at the end of the title. Haven't planted them yet.

I don't mind if my seeds turn out to be grass and are aquatic. As for Java fern, I personally can't imagine anyone buying seeds especially when I have over a hundred plantlets in my tank now.
Just thought I'd post an update - this plant is still growing well, it has flowered and now has what looks like seed pods:

IMG_20170809_004425 (Large).jpg IMG_20170907_225605 (Large).jpg

Still no idea what species it actually is though, it tries to grow submersed too but I have it in a goldfish tank so any new shoots are quickly eaten. The main stems are too thick to be eaten by the goldfish, it's constantly putting out new roots as well although all but he thickest get eaten. Every week or two I remove a chunk of it to stop it blocking out too much light (it's under 2x24w T5s), as seen below:
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This is funny.. A while back i ordered a batch of Drosera peltata seeds at Ebay from Singapore.. Forgot to photograph the seeds, but they looked like little shiny black 0.5mm perfect round golf balls.

This is what hatched. :lol: Looks surprisingly simular to your Anubias.. 🙄

Anyway, i contacted and confronted the seller with this picture and he excused himself with claiming he accidently sended me the wrong seeds and offered me a refund or a resend.

Gave hime the benefit of the doubt and accepted a resend after sending him this for comparisson.

Drosera peltata DEM4530 seed.jpg

Still waiting in anticipation what i get this time.
Awesome, well spotted, cheers Darrel!

Definitely a Hygrophila spp.! Could be H.corymbosa of some variety, time to sift through hundreds of Google image search results lol!

If the Chinese eBay seller had just sold these has "Hygrophila sp. seeds", I would have bought them anyway :lol:.

Some of the seed pods seem to have matured as I found some sprouts stuck behind a breeding net, these mystery seeds have been fun to watch develop!
Awesome, well spotted, cheers Darrel!

Definitely a Hygrophila spp.! Could be H.corymbosa of some variety, time to sift through hundreds of Google image search results lol!

If the Chinese eBay seller had just sold these has "Hygrophila sp. seeds", I would have bought them anyway :lol:.

Some of the seed pods seem to have matured as I found some sprouts stuck behind a breeding net, these mystery seeds have been fun to watch develop!

Well just thinking out of the (glass)box, why would somebody be interested in cultivating and collecting Hygrophila sp. besides aquarium hobbyists. Obviously the collectors and sellers don't have much affiliation with aquarium hobby don't realy care for details and only see the exploit.. Anyway, since the majority of flowering plants in the aquarium hobby are herbaceous plants. First thing that comes to mind with Herbs is Medicinal and or culinary use.

Now we finaly know it's a Hygrophila sp. 🙂 we can narrow the search with looking into which Hygrophila is cultivated/collected for other means as well.

The first one i found is Marsh Barbel..
Hygrophila auriculata / syn. spinosa / syn. longifolia

The smart @$$ that got to the idea to put them seeds in pots and sell it as aquarium plant, likely even don't know or care it as Hygrophila. For them it could be known as Kokilaaksha, Talimakhana, gokulakanta, Ikshura or Ikshugandha and it grows in wet places and it sells.. 🙂

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