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  1. V

    Plants melting , need help !!!

    Greetings, I recently set up my 60p with dark start for three week and planted it, it’s been 4 weeks now. I am facing melting issues with some of my plants in the tank. Plants melted in the first week and I thought it was due to Inital ammonia from ADA Amazonia v2, plants recovered after the...
  2. three-fingers

    (Probaby not) Glossostigma from seed - impulse eBay buy.

    Hi all, Today I received a surprise in the mail - a wee glass bottle full of seeds. I'd forgotten impulse buying this for £1.14 on eBay about a month ago, probably after a few beers, as I'd normally avoid this type of listing. They were sold as "Glossostigma" seeds, here's the listing...
  3. CSouthgate

    Glossostigma Dry Start

    Hey all, I planted some glossostigma about 10 days ago for a dry start everything going great 12 hour photo period, opening the cover a couple of times a day and misting new runners looking great. Now last night I noticed some very fine white/clear stringy stuff starting to cover patches and...
  4. GreenGrow

    Glossostigma growing up despite over 1.5 watts per liter?!

    Ive recently set up a scape which includes glossostigma as the predominant carpeting plant. It isnt over shadowed by other plants so logic would say that its getting enough light but it continues to mainly grow vertically? The specs of the tank are 30l-45 l x 25 h x 25w cm Dosing Ei and...