Re: "Prairie Lands"... scape finished
Thanks mark, I think it's bloody lovely mate
In terms of a competition entry, I know what you mean about the right hand gourami, and I think if you want the best chance in the comps then I'd pull the gouramis out and shoot it again with more harlequinns. If I was to do that, and being purely subjective here, I'd remove the green crypt on the left as it stands out a bit much, and makes the whole left hand side of the scape brighter, which the lighter rock is already doing. If you put a vertical line between the main rocks, there is a bit of difference in weight ( in terms of lunimosity ) between the left and right hand sides which, having read the comments in the IAPLC book, is the sort of thing they might pick up on.
Sorry to put a negative in there, but its what I suspect the judges might say if that is your concern with the final pic. Having mucked up my final pic for the IAPLC entry last year by leaving it until deadline day and rushing it, I always think the pic could have been better, and therfore the scape could have ranked higher.
Its an excellent scape, your best yet in my opinion, and the photos / vid show it off to the hilt.